Answer this question: Who am I? Better yet, what is my belief?
Really think about it. We are all born into a religion, or a belief system. As we become older, we get to choose what it is we believe in. Take a look at different religions and cultures and decide what works for you. Decide who you are now. Maybe you create your own religion of sorts. Perhaps, a meditation practice is something that will assist you in making the decision. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people say, ‘I can’t meditate.’ Look at that statement. They’ve already decided they cannot do it. Yes, you can meditate. How many times a day do you do a meditative activity? It’s anything repetitive for a period of time such as dishes, vacuuming, folding clothes, sweeping, moping, planting foliage, taking a walk, painting, writing, working out at the gym and the list goes on. Take note of thoughts that occur while doing those types of activities. I have always said to lie down in your bed to meditate so that you are able to be comfortable. However, some people may be more comfortable sitting up. Meditation music is helpful. You may start out meditating for five minutes one day and then work yourself up to at least 20 minutes daily. Going to classes to learn more about your new way of life allows you to be with like-minded people. The classes do not have to be about growing your psychic gifts, which ultimately assists in spiritually growing and evolving. Maybe it’s a Bible study class or Satsang, still another place to receive knowledge. And as you grow to become who you are supposed to become, be prepared for your circle of people to change, either they will realign to who you have become, or they may leave your circle. The good news is you will meet others who will assist you to your next level. Most importantly keep to who you are. You put a lot of thought into discovering who you are; don’t allow others to dictate who you should be or try to drag you back to who you are no longer. It’s OK to re-evaluate who you are every now and again. You get to change as many times as you would like. Knowing who you are at any given point in life will assist in moving forward. Blessings of Peace and Love
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Went to the beach the other morning. It was perfect. The clouds were still moving inland, the sun buried and high tide was subsiding. There was quite the wind that helped stir the waves. I need more of that.
Next week is the last week of two classes I’ve been teaching weekly for eight weeks. Plus, doing my readings, social media and whatever else pops up. It’s hard to believe I took a week vacation toward the end of April. It’s the full moon energy, which may enhance a sense of urgency toward your goals and ambitions. Plus, the summer solstice energy, which reminds us to look inside to grow and evolve. Be patient. All of this occurred yesterday and we’re still in the energies. Anyone else feeling it or is it just me? Speaking of clouds, I was sitting on my front porch the other night and noticed Lori, my name, etched into the bottom of a cloud. I got the pic. A second sooner would’ve been the best, but it was still visible – clear as a bell. I was amazed. I love cloud gazing. One never knows what will appear. Just sitting in the energy, letting everything go and relaxing. Where’s that place for you? And if that didn’t lighten the energy, I also noticed the sunlight from the sunset sporadically providing a light show near the top of Brigham Hall, all because of the resent tree trimming. Totally awesome! Do you see how just a little something turned the energy around? Look for those types of opportunities. Life is heavy, hopefully not every day, but it is. Give yourself a break. Get out of your head and look for the lighter side. I truly feel at least three days at the beach is in my near future. I really need it. Dare I take time for myself. After the last week vacation I took, I came home to a critter with her seven to nine babies in my closet and a fiasco with water delivery. What holds you back? It’s worth the risk. I help people. To help people, we have to help ourselves. One, one week vacation in three years just is not enough. Let’s make a deal – let’s all take at least three days away quarterly. Make the plan and stick to it. You in? I’m in! Blessings of Peace and Love Take smaller bites. Don’t forget to breathe. Slow down. Get in the car and drive. It’s my go-to. I know I should turn the music on and just let everything go and I do sometimes. It’s my place to think things though.
Where’s your space or place? Go there to decide what really matters to you. For me, it’s about doing the right thing – morally and ethically. Sure, there are gray lines. More than anything, I just want to evolve into a better person than I was yesterday. It’s hard to do when you feel like you’re the only one or a handful of others doing it. Does this sound familiar to you? Here’s an interesting thought: Maybe we’re not supposed to care about the morals, ethics and integrity of any situation going on around us. Maybe, we just accept what it is and rise above it – live in a world where it just doesn’t matter, rise above any situation. How is that spiritual growth? Perhaps, the people ‘in charge’ have tunnel vision. Or maybe they do know on some level? I’m very perceptive. I see and know some things even two years before they happen. I now have two friends who have said, ‘She said. . . I know it’s gonna happen.’ No one can see everything but when you truly believe in the oneness and open up into it, you have an advantage. Being aware is a true gift. You have to slow down and tap into the oneness. Be aware. I sat down to write this blog in which I wondered what it would be because I’ve written them once weekly for nearly six years. I’ve written so many and live in another world often that I forget what the topics have been from week to week. A few minutes into writing the blog, my appointment arrived, and she said she writes a blog. There’s that Law of Attraction. I was put off because I’ve been a reporter and wondered why she would not disclose this when making the appointment. I actually said that I would not do the reading because I am not a spokesperson for the Camp. After I explained, there is process to include the public relations committee, I realized she meant no harm and that she did have morals, ethics and integrity. Again, the Law of Attraction. This just proves to me in the end that if your intentions are morally and ethically part of your life, then you will attract that into your life. Don’t let the actions of a few change you. Stay focused. Stay the route. Be you. Those who are to come into your life will be there for your highest and best. Put that intention out there. Closing thought: Following along might reap the benefits, but in the long term what are you giving up? Do you even care? Blessings of Peace and Love Unbelievable! I recently went to a doctor’s appointment. I was sick. It’s what people do when they are sick enough. I checked in and sat away from others. Ten minutes went by, and the desk worker invited me to put on a mask. I thought it to be odd since I was quietly sitting there minding my own business.
I walked up and asked: ‘Is this legal?’ Remember, I’m a reporter - some things stay with you. She shrugged her shoulders. I took it and, on the way back a woman with her mother, who looked to be in her late 60s, early 70s, scowled at me. They stood and switched positions. I thought it odd since I was nowhere near them. I knew if I put the mask on, it would cause me to cough. I tried to keep my nose out but still hacked. I faced away from the two ladies who were a row in front of me and off to the side. Incidentally, they did not have masks on. ‘Listen lady, you’re faking it. You’re just doing that.’ She also threatened me. Finally, between my hacks, I said something back to her, which caused her to immediately sit down. I won’t repeat it here – a little political for sure. Once back in the small room, I let the healthcare worker know that I felt threatened by someone in the waiting area. I found it pretty phenomenal that my blood pressure was perfect. I’m sure if I wasn’t completely sick, I would have been a bit nicer. The situation came about because of fear – fear of what? Getting sick? Dying? Hate to remind everyone, but we, each and every one of us, are leaving this existence someday. Get straight with yourself. Evolve into something more. Later, after thinking about it, it came to me once again how this world, nation, states, cities and communities are divided. We must come together for a peaceful existence to truly come about. Is this a pipe dream? Maybe. It’s an election year – the economy is disastrous. I’m so thankful I’m not raising my children at this time. I can’t even imagine how some people are making it – acquiring debt for some. Of course, for those who have, it’s just another day. A client recently shared that she nearly got into a knockdown, drag down fight with someone over a parking spot. She said she was giving the other person the spot and thought she was being nice. People are on edge. Remember that when you’re out and about. Do your best not to retaliate in the same way someone offended you. Peace cannot come from that. It’s hard at times. Try to think before going off the charts. Blessings of Peace and Love I walked into the bookstore the other day and ran into a woman and her friend. The woman showed me a picture of a vehicle partially submerged in water.
My jaw dropped, and I said, "You are not going to believe this" – my famous last words. "I had a dream the other morning and I was driving my vehicle on an orange-colored gravel road. A 90-degree turn came up quickly. I knew I was not going to make it. I went airborne over water and landed on a sandbar." The woman’s friend’s jaw dropped. I continued; "I wondered how I was going to get my vehicle back onto dry land. I saw this huge rolling wave. I thought to ‘ride it in,’" the woman and I said in unison. The woman’s friend’s jaw dropped again. I asked, "What happened to you?" The woman said a gentleman hit the side of her vehicle, she went airborne and landed in the water. She said two men jumped in the water to see if she was OK. Thankfully, she was, but she could not get her front doors open. One of the men opened the back door and she was able to exit. At that moment, I recalled in my dream that there were people on land when I was coming in. I also made it. The woman asked what day I had the dream. I chuckled. "Did you just ask a working medium the day? What is time?" We all laughed at that. I could not recall but thought of asking a friend later. The incident took place on a Sunday. The woman and I hugged before I left the bookstore. I checked with my friend, whom I told the dream to, and she said it was either Saturday or Sunday. Pretty wild I must say. Made me wonder if somehow, I was with her but in a different realm. Reminds me now of the time I saw a plane crash in a dream. Backstory: The plane was depicted as if in a cartoon, sputtered and took a nosedive. I went to assist. People were coming from the crash. The next morning the first post I saw on Facebook was that of a military plane crash and everyone survived. I told one of my best woo-woo friends. She loved it and then added: "Here’s one better for you. What if you helped them while in your dreamworld." Wow, right? Here’s your sign: Start working with your dreams more. Keep a dream journal with the date. To assist in remembering your dreams when you awaken, say a little prayer to do so before falling asleep. Happy Dreaming!!! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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