This Bingo Card is not your normal card. Items on this card were thought of by family members. I chatted about the items and thought to add a few of my own. But decided against it.
Grandma finally having enough and deciding to go take a nap – CHECK Abuela shared her political views even though her candidate won the election – CHECK Abuela and Grandma made the mashed potatoes although we had different theories on how to cut them before boiling. Thankfully, I did not hear about any perceived inadequacies of my daughter – BINGO Where’s Daddy? In the bathroom taking a poop – CHECK Where’s Royce? In the corner taking a poop – CHECK Like father, like son. That’s the way the Bingo Card was intended. Oh, and trust me, all of those things did happen and more. What went down in addition to that? My daughter came down with a 102 degree fever the day before Thanksgiving. The food, ordered a couple of weeks ago, was delivered. Later, she decided if she could rest enough, she might be able to make it. Backstory: My son-in-law and I decided to take on Thanksgiving together because my daughter didn’t want to have it again. We talked her into it three weeks out. I showed up early on Thanksgiving and got busy for the day. House picked up – CHECK Children alive – CHECK Grandson, who is 3 years old, colored himself with a red marker – CHECK Shower for my grandson – CHECK All before 10 a.m. LOL Daddy and Grandma were now trying to figure out how to heat up the turkey. I said to him that I didn’t see any directions and didn’t know the weight. We looked at one another like what’s next? Momma came out and asked for a chair in the middle of the kitchen. He asked her if he should weigh it. I got the tinfoil ready. The turkey was in the oven. Back to bed for momma. Backstory: The only turkey I have ever made was many years ago for a Thanksgiving gathering in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. You know the turkey’s from Publix – in a bag with a little gadget that pops out to tell you when it’s done warming up. LOL Back Backstory: My former husband was chef and always worked on the holidays. I did as well when I was in the industry. When I wasn't, I cooked ham, my favorite. A turkey was not to be, ever. I like how I didn't use the word never. While putting my granddaughter down for a nap, my grandson fell and hit his head. Daddy saw red magic marker on the leather couch – TENSE. Something had to happen, even if just for a moment. Thankfully, the marker came out – DOUBLE BINGO The rest of the menu: Sliced Ham – my daughter bought it for me before she got sick (red heart emoji) – CHECK Dressing, sweet potatoes, broccoli casserole, buns, macaroni and cheese and cranberry sauce – CHECK The prize? Family at the table – TRIPLE BINGO Peace Till next time!
When I saw the postman on Wednesday, I said check it out. I showed him my taped package, which was darn near perfection when looking at my seven previous attempts – all adequate, but just not pretty.
Good luck opening that Christmas package – Hahaha. Backstory: My older sister, Sue, was the go-to when it came to wrapping presents. I wished for her presence a couple of times. I swear she could’ve made a million or more out of that profession. There’s still time. I was reminiscing with others recently when we decided that we really missed sitting around the supper table with family, although maybe at times painful if one got too smart – my dad had reach like no other. My bad. Humanity may need a bit more of that. Seriously though, looking back, those times were some of the best times in most of our lives. We knew undoubtedly that someone had our backs at all times – family was big, and I hope it still is, miles upon miles separate us. Family gatherings were huge back in the day, not just once a year reunions – holidays and summer picnics at my auntie’s and uncle’s. The house had two stories. And a tree for climbing in the front. Big fun! Humanity needs more of that, too. Finally, there comes a day when friends become more of a family member. Friends who would not allow anyone to talk badly about you behind your back, setting the record straight or perhaps they aren’t or weren’t true friends after all. Is it possible to have true friends? Contemplate that for a moment. I surely hope so. I do have a handful of good friends who are family. They are a phone call away. I am thankful and grateful to have them. I would love to see them daily. Thankfully, my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren are nearby. I do have siblings and cousins. Perhaps, a family reunion someday. True friends I feel can be hard to come by. There’s so much involved – expectations, ulterior motives, trust (huge one), ego, and the list goes on. With all of that going on in our minds even in a second, some may just think it’s better to keep to themselves. True friends will give you the space needed for personal growth and assist on your healing journey. And that would be reciprocated. Open your heart center to allow and nurture a friendship. It's okay to step out of your comfort zone once in a while whether it be physically or emotionally (in one’s mind). A breath of fresh air is needed. It rejuvenates! Get in the car and drive to your closest in distance friend who is family. Blessings of Peace and Love I love the dream world.
Yes, we have everyday dreams about life experiences going on, but we also have psychic dreams, astral travel experiences and visitations. Not too long ago I was showing a friend of mine the tiny bruises on my upper arms. She said it looked like someone was grabbing me there. Upon further inspection, I thought they could be fingerprints. That night in my ‘dream world’ I took note that I was lying down on my back and readying to go down a chute. And then all of the sudden someone grabbed me to set my position correctly. Off I went. Pretty Amazing! That night was not my first rodeo. Another time, just before I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was shooting upward like a rocket. It was interesting because a friend who resided in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp was with me. He chickened out the higher we got. I kept going. Next thing I knew I was in outer space. The darkness was peppered with white light stars. I thought it was an awesome place to be. Then there were hundreds of various colored softball sized orbs about me. I felt the wind as they whipped by. Eventually, the orbs came together in a giant face and the man started speaking to me. Awesomely Amazing! I almost didn’t remember it when I woke up. Thankfully, I did. Looking back, I wondered if that person could’ve been my, our, creator, foretelling my immediate future. In those instances, I was lucid (awake) in my dreams. I believe that visitations from loved ones in our dreams are also real. Most will visit soon after they have passed. Some won’t though because they don’t want to make the person still on this side of life sadder. You can meet your deceased loved ones again. Before going to sleep, say a little prayer for your higher self and a loved one’s higher self to meet in your dreams and then ask to have assistance remembering your dream when you awaken. Work with one person until you finally connect. Do you see recurring people in your dreams? They could be your guides. I remember one time in my dream, I was walking along a concrete path. After a few minutes, I noticed four women and a man sitting on a bench. I wondered who they were. Again, when I woke up, I almost didn’t recall the dream. As soon as I said aloud, ‘those were my guides,’ they appeared in the etheric visually to my sight. To this day, when I share the story, they appear. Love it! I cannot stand it when people say they don’t dream. Yes, yes, we dream every single night. The dreams are in your subconscious. Say a prayer before going to sleep asking to have assistance to remember your dreams when you awaken. Keep a dream journal with the date. As soon as you awaken, jot down a couple of words about your dreams. More information will come to you during the day. As you practice with the journal, you will become adept to your dream world. Sweet Dreams! Is real. Like anything else duality lies within.
So, what is magic? I think of David Copperfield or other magicians whose hands are quicker than the eye. What about the gifts of seeing, feeling, knowing, hearing, smelling and tasting? They could be considered magic by some. My buddy, Merriam-Webster states: ‘an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source.’ Intriguing. Along the lines of gifts, psychometry comes to mind. It includes holding or connecting-in with an object and receiving information about its past. The information is received through ‘the gifts.’ Think about this – every single item holds energy and has a history, a vibration. How many of you have lost something, called for it back and it eventually reappeared? Oh, that could definitely be magic. Right? Backstory: At an event with other mediums, I turned away for a moment, looked backed and could not find my sunglasses. I slightly freaked and another medium laughed because he knew exactly what I was thinking. Someone has my energy. You think it’s a stretch? No, no it is not. Consider everything is energy. About three years ago one of my newest T-shirts went missing. I had it on my trip to my hometown and was sure I had packed it for my return trip. I checked with everyone. No one had seen it anywhere. To top that, just last month my favorite gray T-shirt went missing. Trust me, I wore it a lot and for many years. It was my beloved workout shirt. It’s gone. Remember, I have a small place. Things just do not get away from me. When something of yours goes missing, call for it to come back and then call for your energy from that item to be returned to you, so that no one can use your energy against you or for any other reason. I just heard you, the reader, say: ‘but you wash your clothes – your energy is washed away.’ I do wash my clothes and I’ve always been choosy as to whose laundry commingled with mine. You cannot wash energy away! I love this one. More than likely, since you were a youngster, you had a birthday cake with candles, made a wish and blew out the candles to make your wish come true. Some would call that candle magic. There’s so much more than meets the physical eyes. There truly is. Once you become open to the possibilities, the exploration of what this life is truly about will amaze. Blessings of Peace and Love Next week’s topic: Dreams Intercourse, making love, getting laid, commingling energies, etc. Now that we’re past the taboo thought processes of speaking aloud about sex, let’s get down to it. Smile
I’ve been thinking about this topic for some time and trying to equate it as something more than just pleasure, animal magnetism, endorphins. . . Something spiritual, enlightening are the words that come to mind. Before allowing yourself to receive another being within yourself, think about the energies you are allowing into your being. Have you ever really thought about it? Backstory: In one spiritual class, a teacher shared with several students that in various cultures and religions having sexual intercourse only occurred to procreate. Otherwise, it was considered a lower-level vibration. A lower-level vibration? Well, yes, and no? If one is having sex just for the sport of it, maybe, maybe not. It depends. Sexually abused children grow into teenagers and may feel that feeling they got when younger, is love. And it may continue into adulthood. Commingling energies is not something to be taken lightly. It’s a big deal, at least in my mind. I’m not going to have sexual relations with someone without thinking about it long and hard. I really don’t want someone else’s lesser than vibrations mixing with mine. Some people are energy vampires – something to be mindful of. For me, if it’s going to happen, there has to be something spiritual there. I would like to think that there could be someone out there who is my vibrational match. Is it possible? I wondered what men thought about the topic. Listen, I’ve been a reporter for about 25 years and no question is too hard to ask. I asked one gentleman if men were looking for a spiritual experience. He said no and continued that most men want to basically have the satisfaction of making their partner orgasm. He added: It’s about ego. Nunnery anyone? This brings me to the next point – are we supposed to be monogamous? So, if we are not to be loyal to one person, and just go about having sexual relations with whomever, how is that spiritual? I’m not saying all men are working from ego. One person just shared that he wanted a connection. How long was the connection to be? Most women operate from the heart and feeling. Is this the classic Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus? It’s best to communicate as to what each responsible party is looking for in the encounter or relationship. Not as scandalous as I thought it might be. The mind. . . Blessings of Peace and Love |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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