Starting new rounds of online classes - beginner intuition development class and intermediate/advanced intuition development class in March and April.
These eight-week classes meet once weekly and assist in utilizing/growing your gifts of Clairvoyance (seeing) Clairsentience (Feeling), Claircognizance (knowing) Clairaudience (hearing), Clairgustance (smelling/tasting).
Each class includes instruction, meditation and message work!
WORKSHOPS Symbology of the Tarot Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. $68 Includes admission and a Rider Waite Tarot Deck, butMUST register by Feb. 12th, 2025, to receive a deck.
This is not your "normal" Tarot workshop. We will look at the Rider-Waite Tarot Cards and learn the meaning of the Symbols. Build your vocabulary with Spirit to bring Forward more information for your client. This is a hands-on class. Be prepared to work intuitively with your new found knowledge.
Message Services Two Views Seance with Lori Carter and Sydney
A traditional message service reminiscent of the start of modern Spiritualism. By candlelight, enjoy a night full of phenomena and Spirit communication with SCSCMA mediums and teachers Lori Carter and Sydney.
Friday, March 21 and Friday, Oct. 17 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. $37 preregister $42 at the door if available Limited to 20 participants
Slater House, 1188 Chauncey St., GPS City: Cassadaga/Lake Helen
Wednesday Night Message Service
Message Bearer on April 30, July 29, Oct. 29, 2025 Lori Carter
The healing portion of the service starts at 7 p.m. Spirit Greetings start 7:20 p.m.
$5 Donation Colby Memorial Temple, 1250 Marion St., GPS City: Cassadaga/Lake Helen
The Earth Ascending, which is above, is Copyrighted by Lori Carter, and no one has permission to use the image.
Lori Carter brings a unique perspective with her abilities as a writer, speaker, medium and healer.
She is available for readings -- individual, group and phone. Readings include touch ins from Spirit and Psychic Information. Lori is also a conduit of healing. She is attuned Reiki II and an Arcing Light Teacher.
Topics for Speaking engagements include Natural Laws, Spiritualism, Phenomena and Meditation entwined with daily life. Contact: [email protected]