I did a reading recently with a fella who spends several months at a time with an African tribe. After the reading, we chatted. I learned he helps those in the African tribe to build water lines to reach gardens and to build another church. One day he was resting on a hammock and heard a voice toward the trees. He looked over and saw Ascended Masters – Buddha, Jesus, St. Germain, Yogananda, Gaia, Rumi, Quan Yin, etc. He said they were all there, and he spoke with each of them. Next, he talked to me about his beliefs, which included we are just one of many galaxies, and that we received different parts of our beings from civilizations, such as our sight from Lemurians. And finally, he told me of an African young man he spends time with – a quadriplegic who can ascend at a whim. I am definitely intrigued by this information and want to learn more. The point of this BLOG is these African tribe people live a completely different life than we Americans do. I feel they are highly evolved, enlightened in a way that we could only hope to attain one day.
I do not watch news. I do not have a television. I choose not to partake, although I do watch a little Netflix before bed. I keep in touch with friends on Facebook, so I do get snippets of news. The latest I saw was an attorney was suing over a bad call by the refs during the Rams and Saints game, which also brings me to the thought of sports are organized. And why do we care? Is there even a comparison to having food to eat, or having a shelter to pray in to what team wins a game? Let that sink in for a minute. In most places of this world, we must make money to have a place to live, to pay for food to eat, to pay for transportation – you get my drift. These people in African tribes have a whole different view on life. I have to believe they are true to themselves because that’s all they have. They have their knowledge and work together as a team to survive. Again, they are enlightened beings. We could learn a lot from these people. I do my best to walk my talk, to be true to my authentic self. I am grateful to have been self-employed as a writer for more than 20 years and now as a Medium for the past couple of years. I know what goes on in the world outside of the Spiritualist Camp, but I don’t have to live there. I will not invite the nonsense in. I wake up each morning and send healing to all situations in need. Do I really care who wins the Super Bowl? Maybe just for a moment. That passes.
Death is almost always a subject people don’t really want to talk about. It’s interesting because we’re all going to leave this earth plane sooner or later and go to the next realm of existence, a new beginning. I realized just the other day that I have become somewhat desensitized to the death. It’s not that I don’t care. On the contrary, I do so very much. But friends may not get it. Almost every day I come in contact with people who are looking to connect with deceased loved ones. It is a blessing that I am able to assist.
Looking back, when my father died in 2006, it was unbearable. I made myself sick over it for a better part of a year. At that point, I had been taking intuition development classes for a couple of years. I wasn’t giving readings on a professional level. I healed myself from that event. In 2018, my master teacher, friend, business partner and my daughter’s godmother left this plane after a 10 year fight with cancer. Yes, it hurt when she left, but I got to spend so much time with her when she was preparing to leave this plane. I laid next to her in bed and she told me that she had a dream, a vision, not long ago that she was standing at the gates, which were illumined. Bright light was everywhere. She said she felt like she wasn’t good enough to go through those gates. I thought about that and the next day I laid on her bed and said, ‘You have affected so many people on this plane as a nurse, as a performer on stage with more than 70 leads in musicals, as a healer to those who came to you as a massage therapist and as a teacher of intuition development to hundreds. You have left your mark. You made a difference. You are good enough.’ She said in voice that was barely audible, ‘Your words.’ When her husband and I left the room, I cried into his arms. I knew I was not to see her again on this earth plane. Yes, I have finally allowed myself to see my father in Spirit. It took many years before I could do that. My friend, though, she’s around me all the time. I am thankful that I have this gift to help other people. People may perceive my view of death as insensitive. It is not. I would love to physically hug my dad or my friend again. Wouldn’t we all? If you have a fear of death, make a decision to what your belief system is and go from there. The bottom line is we’re all here for a reason. I do believe it is to help others – the Golden Rule. Blessings of love and healing! I love doing readings. I’m very passionate about it. The interesting thing about readings is the client/recipient almost always has something in common with the reader – the law of attraction. It seems to never fail. When I first became a certified medium in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, I shared an office with my best cheerleader in the Camp, an elderly woman with her own church in a neighboring city. On one of my first days, I was sitting in her office on a Sunday morning before the regular activities. Two women made their way to me. They must have saw me go into the office. They came to the screen door and I invited them. After just a few minutes, I learned that they both had gone through breast cancer, and they were doing perfectly fine. I had just completed the first leg of my journey of breast cancer. My hair already started to grow back, so they couldn’t have known, although possibly on a soul level they did. I thought it was amazing that they were in my presence. I did give one of them a Spirit greeting at the Sunday Afternoon Message Service. That was nearly two years ago. Months after that a woman came to me for a reading. Most times after a reading the client and I chat for a bit. She had mentioned she had breast cancer and I told her I had too. She named her Orlando doctors, who were the same as mine. It wasn’t too long after that when I saw her in the Camp Bookstore. She said she had to go back for a revision, and that she had to choose another plastic surgeon because the initial one was no longer there. I had to choose another too because my construction was not complete. Guess what? We chose the same doctor. And finally Jan. 1, the Bookstore was closed, so there was a whiteboard at the front entrance. I went up there to sign in. There were two ladies sitting on the bench. They were waiting for a friend who was getting a reading across the street. We chatted for a few minutes and I went on my way. I could see their friend coming toward them as I walked away. The woman caught up with me and asked if I could do a 15 minute reading and how much I charged. I told her and then decided that I would do it for no charge. After the reading, she shared that she had procedure that included taking fat from her tummy to create breasts. Guess what? I had the same procedure one month after she did. Then there’s the countless women who had breast cancer that came in Spirit for loved ones. In addition, while I was going through my experience, which took about 2 ½ years to complete, I wrote newspaper stories on people who had breast cancer. You know, I thought I’d never talk about my experience publicly because people unintentionally have lower vibrational comments to share. What people do not get is that everything, and I mean everything is in Divine Order.
So I’m meditating today before my first appointment. Before mediating, I practiced speaking a guided meditation. On top of that I started my first eight-week class last Thursday evening. The classwork is based on my master teacher’s work. I took this coursework with her for at least five years. After that, I graduated and moved on to her higher level classes. So again, I was meditating today before my first appointment. And at the end of the meditation, my master teacher came in. And I said to her, ‘I love you, Mary Rose.’ Moments later I hear my client at the door with her friend who had made the appointment for her. I said, ‘You look familiar.’ She replied, ‘So do you. Have you eaten at Perkins in Mount Dora before?’ I said, ‘I have. I used to go with my friend, teacher and business partner all the time.’ She knew instantly who we were. I said, ‘My friend went to Spirit last year and I just saw her in my meditation.’
Isn’t it a small world? After the reading, we chatted for a bit. During this time the world got even smaller. My client said, ‘I saw your sign walking up the road and realized that I had read your book The List. And it’s you.’ We must realize that although we are individuals, we are connected as one. What happens to us happens to everyone. Work on raising your vibration. When you do that, it affects the whole. Raising your vibration includes letting go of hate, anger, jealousy, envy, which are all lower vibrations. To assist in raising your vibration, create affirmations such as ‘I AM a Powerful Spiritual Being’ and ‘Everything is in Divine Order.’ I have said affirmations for years to help me realize who I AM and how I want to move forward in this chaotic world around us. Stop watching the news. The only benefit I can think of in doing so is to send healing to situations going on. You can do this when you awaken each day without tuning into the less than good news depicted to create fear or greed, also lower level vibrations. Lower vibrations are all around us. The way you can keep the vibrations away from you is to say the three ‘I AM’ Decrees from the Saint Germain Foundation daily. They include putting the White Light from within around your being; then the Blue Wall of Flame as added protection; and finally the Purple Flame throughout your being. Or stay away from situations that influence your being in a negative way. I leave this with Blessings of Peace and Love. |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
February 2025
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