Thoughts are things. I will keep saying this over and over again until everyone gets it. Thoughts are things. Thoughts are things. Did you know it takes anywhere from three to seven times before we learn something new? What we put our attention on grows and grows and grows and grows. Stop putting your attention on things that are less than, or destructive.
Every year I see it, or should I say feel it (I don’t watch TV). It is hurricane season and we live in Florida. Stop the hype. I get it. When I first moved here and there was a hurricane eyeing central Florida, I started filling bathtubs up and making sure we had and, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was laughed at because it was too far out and sure enough it never came. One year my daughter called me and asked if I was getting ready, and I’m like for what. LOL. She couldn’t believe it. I did recall seeing something briefly on social media, though. And so the other day on Facebook I see some meteorologist who’s pretty cool talking about how not to freak out and now today, Wednesday, he’s ready for something that could or could not come by late Sunday early Monday. As of Saturday, possible landfall is Tuesday. However, it may skirt the east coast. Again, I live in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and work as a Medium. I’m also chairperson for the PR Team. Wednesday was a busy day. We had a crew of 14 filming part of an episode for Road Trip TNT/Spain and that night I was the message bearer at the Wednesday Night Message Service. There were about 20 there. I was surprised with all of the chaos going on. The energy was completely off the wall. I could and still can to some extent feel the frenzy. That night I went to get gas in Lake Helen, the little town next to Cassadaga. They were out. I was amazed. Heck, I may need to get another tankful by Sunday. Then I see it all over Facebook. The stores are crazy. People, the more we put our attention on the storm the stronger it gets. It’s always been a theory of mine. I wonder if no one put their attention on it, would it fizzle out. I’d love to try that experiment sometime, although I don’t think people could do it. Now that I think about it do people like to live in chaos? And if the storm does come, it does. What can we do about it? Wait it out, or head north. We must remember that everything is in Divine Order. There’s no changing that. Peace be with you!
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I’ve been thinking about this specific BLOG for weeks. Ego is the topic. We all need it to survive. How much do we need, though is the real question. Yes, if I’m going in for surgery, I want my doctor to have an ego, to think he/she is the best at what he/she does. Who wouldn’t?
Ego is basically a person’s sense of self-esteem, or self-importance. Hypothetical question, if I give a homeless person looking for food half of my sandwich and told someone about the good dead I had done, is that feeding my ego? Some people would say yes. Guess what? I say no because if I say something, it’s passing it on. Maybe the few people who heard the story will take it upon themselves to help the next person, and so on. Just that one conversation could eventually feed hundreds of people or more. Here’s another example that is true. I’m at the gym and I say to myself I’m going to row for 15 minutes and will do 450 strokes. If I get tired, do I stop, or do I keep going? If I keep going am I feeding my ego? I actually thought about it once. No, it’s not my ego. I decided that I would push myself to reach my goal. And now that I’m delving in, I believe it’s the attitude behind it all. In the examples above, if a doctor, or I are trying to boast when telling the story, to say we are better than others because of our actions, is not in my mind the correct of way of living. Oh wow, so am I having judgment on someone else’s belief system? No, just on my own. When it comes to ego, there’s a fine line. When I stand and give readings in public settings with 75 to 100 in attendance, I know Spirit has my back. I allow, become a channel and do the work. One must have a certain amount of gumption, resourcefulness to stand up, though, and do it. I do get so very excited when readings connect, is that my ego? Again, it’s me getting excited. I love how Spirit works through me and other mediums. It is magical. It has nothing to do with my ego. Thank you Spirit! Are there people out there who do their work to boost their ego? Maybe, maybe not. It’s OK either way. Helping others is tops on my list. Sometimes I forget about myself, as we all do. Thank you for all you do! Blessings and Namaste Big relief. Jupiter, my ruling planet, went direct Aug. 11! It’s a huge sigh of relief for me. I’ve got my creative flow back. I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way. Life is getting much easier for everyone. I can feel the shift.
The other day I found myself wondering when my plans would be coming into fruition. You know everything is in Spirit time. And as I’m thinking about this what appeared on my windshield – an ant, which is about patience. Think about it. Ants are tiny and they can move items twice their size. They are hard workers and what they do, they do for the community. Yep, Spirit time! You know we’re all connected. I did a few readings Friday. Two redheaded women in Spirit came by for my last client of the day. My client talked about how things had been synchronistic for her as of late. After they left, I walked up to the bookstore where I chatted about the Camp with a redheaded young man for a few minutes. Next, I talked with clerks for a bit – had a laugh or two. I love to laugh. A fly showed up and kept bugging us. What’s the fly about? Persistence. That’s right keep with your plans. Don’t get sidetracked. Too funny! I just decided to take a scroll on Facebook and I see one of my friends posted a mouse, scrutinize. Ha! Does it stop? It never does. So in the bookstore, I glance out the window only to see a redheaded woman in the driver’s seat cruising by. LOL. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m going random. It’s where I’m at. My whole day has not been a regular day. Didn’t even make the gym. Did I mention I love to laugh? So last night a friend and decided to take a Sunday drive. LOL. It’s Friday night and I live in Mayberry – Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. And so I drove down a side street and I talked about the house with two colorful parrots that sit on either of side of a closed bright pink wooden fence. I always see interesting wildlife near that area. I say to my friend there were peacocks, sandhill cranes and ducks there once. I named the place Dr. Doolittle. I turned the car around and on the way back I spotted it out of the corner of my eye – a peacock. Don’t you love that? Was it there, or did I manifest that? The peacock is about vision, royalty, spirituality and awakening to name a few traits. I’m starting the day off right today. Edit my copy, go the gym, sweep my porch and then sage. It’s truly never a regular day in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. And I love that. You can definitely take that to the bank. Peace, Love and Light I’ve always loved the number 111. I first consciously came into it when I chose it for the number part of a street address in the book Two Worlds written by Mary Rose Gray and myself.
The number 111 is about manifesting. We all have the ability to manifest. The trick is you have to believe you can. Focus your mind on the outcome, see it done and believe – just know it’s going to happen. So, the number 111 has followed me. I see it always – while I’m working out, looking at the time, driving by random vehicles and the list goes on. I went to take a photo last night of the sunlight against a building, a rainbow and dark clouds all next to each other. I looked down and got the pic, which ended up not turning out. It wasn’t meant to be; however, it was my 111th photo on my phone. LOL. You just cannot make this up! A couple of years ago I wrote a story about an elder medium in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp for Hometown News, a weekly newspaper in Volusia County, and other areas. After everything was said and done, she decided to do a reading for me. She had an old-time book about numbers and asked me choose a number. Yep, you guessed it – 111. She read that Sagittarians are known to see the number and then talked about manifesting. Speaking of manifesting, I was receiving a healing one time and was told manifesting was one of my gifts. I believe it to be true. I will be fine and always will be. Everything is in Divine Order. Numerology is a different way to look at things. My birth number is a 9, which is about being a humanitarian among other traits. I can relate to that. It’s easy to find your birth number. Google the chart for numerology. Each letter in the alphabet is assigned a number – 1 through 9. Add all of the numbers of your birth name together until you have one digit or a master number 11, 22, 33, and then look up the meaning of your number. My daughter’s name is an 11 (not planned), which is about intuition. Twenty-two is master builder and 33 is master teacher. Y’all probably think I have a lot of time on my hands, LOL. What is time? As a student medium and now certified medium, I believe it’s best to know something about everything, or as much as possible. I like to think of it as being a well-rounded medium. Today is a 3 day – 8+1+0+2+0+1+9=21, 2+1=3. Traits of a three include abundance, luck, creative energy, communicative, charismatic, charming, playfulness. It’s Gala Day in the Spiritualist Camp and my daughter and I have our message service in the evening. Seems like the right number for the day ahead. I also love how 111 is a 3. To top it off, I woke up this morning and found 111 in my email account. I love it! Have a blessed day! Peace, Love and Light Here I am. It’s Friday night about 9:15. I’m in my office at the Spiritualist Camp. About 15 minutes ago I realize that I hadn’t come up with an idea for this BLOG. I panicked for about two minutes. Got inspired. And go. It happens just about every Friday night.
Have I mentioned I love being a Spiritualist Medium? It is the best. Every time I do a reading I learn something new. Spirit works with what I have ever known through the course of my life, and then I build my vocabulary through meditation. On Thursday, I had a few readings. Let’s not forget that I’m in an altered state during and after readings and don’t recall all of the specifics. I don’t remember now if I had brought the client’s mother or father in, but I do know the connection was made, evidence was given and received positively. To further the evidence, I was shown an image of Dennis the Menace and said so. I loved that comic when I was younger. She looked shocked and said that’s what my mother/father called my brother. I have to say I get so excited about this. Every single time. Thank you Spirit! As I write on a deadline, because I’d like to sleep in on my one day that I am able, I have to believe Spirit waits for me to get home and is ready. Yes, we all have guides who assist us in life. Writing, for me, is just like getting into the zone for a reading. It puts me in that state of being. I live here sometimes too much. It’s what I do though – help people. It’s what we’re all here to do. The Golden Rule is in just about every single religion that ever existed. It’s one of our Declaration of Principles. Spiritualism, a nondogmatic religion, has been around for a very long time. Spiritualists believe in the continuity of life, that we continue after we leave this earth plane. What’s really cool right now is that we’re in the beginnings of the Aquarian Age. Won’t it be grand when peace prevails? Then again, I’m in my own little peaceful world now. It’s a really good place to be – coming from love and higher level vibrations. I strive for that. Think, if all of humanity would strive for it. I like that idea. All of humanity living in a peaceful state of being. Someone told me the other day that I live in a vacuum. Seriously, I know what goes on in the world. I’d rather not be one of the millions who feed it. I wake up and send healing to the universe. I do my part. One might say I should take my rose-colored glasses off, but why? Peace, Joy, Love and Light |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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