It has been a week. I’m sure most of you have felt the energy. We’re in post-shadow Mercury Retrograde and the full moon is today. The energy was so out there I didn’t do readings in my Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp office for two days. I went to the beach one day. I’m not crazy enough to put my feet in the water yet, but it felt good to be there, download the energy.
I finally settled in on Friday to write my story for a local newspaper. It felt good to get it done. I called my older sister later that night. We caught up on things and talked about old times. You know those conversations, remember when? Some good times and not so good times, all the times shaped me to who I am today, same as your times shaped you. It’s been a journey for all of us – some awake, some not, all exactly where we are supposed to be. It felt good to remember times with my sister. We did laugh a lot. And then synchronicity stepped in. My best friend from the neighborhood all through grade school popped up to chat. She reached out to let me know that she thought another neighborhood friend had graduated to the higher side of life. Isn’t it interesting how death (and rebirth) brings people together? Backstory: When I saw the short death notice my friend sent me, it made me think of my dad and how he used to read the obituaries in the newspaper every single day. As if to see how much longer he might have or to just remember long ago friends he hadn’t seen in a while. My friend and I continued chatting. We caught up about other neighborhood friends and then made tentative plans to meet for lunch. She and her husband are ‘snowbirds’ and this is their first winter here. It will be nice to see them again. It has been quite a few years. Maybe it’s time for you to connect with childhood friends or other family members to reminisce about the old times and maybe make some new times to remember. I’ll be chatting with my great nephew on Sunday night. It will be our first time ever to meet. He will be 5 years old and I am so excited. My sister says he’s a little chatterbox. Good times! Peace, Joy, Love and Light
My daughter posed a question to me a few weeks ago while we were heading to Orlando. She asked if I had an inner monologue, an inner voice. I thought it to be an odd question. I’m like yeah, doesn’t everyone? She said no, some people do not.
We drove for a little bit. I mulled it over and asked, ‘What do they think about?’ Her response: ‘I know, right?’ We laughed. I can’t imagine. After thinking about it for several weeks now, I still wonder. I did look it up and found that some people visualize inside of their heads instead of verbally speaking inside of their heads. Now that would truly be interesting. I mean seriously it’s one thing to get visions while doing a reading or in deep thought, but spontaneously in day-to-day interactions? I wonder if people like that go into a daydream type of state or live their continuously. Some studies have suggested that being an introvert or extrovert may have something to do with it. I’m still pondering this. I have posed questions for my daughter as well. Backstory: ‘Where are the dead people? What do they look like?’ Imagine hearing that for months on end and then on occasion when you are 7 years old. She always shared with me where they were and what they looked like. I found it interesting at the time. These days my daughter and I do a message service the second Saturday of each month in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. We work in tandem to bring loved ones through from Spirit for those in attendance. It’s awesome working together and seeing how we each have evolved and continue to evolve with our gifts. At our last message service, it was light and airy. We had a few laughs; however, we do take our work very seriously. Spirit likes that type of energy, as do I. For now, I look forward to our next contemplation. I know it will be thought-provoking and interesting. Look for the Blessings! One thing I had to really get used to residing in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp are the cats. They are everywhere. In the past, I have not been particularly fond of them, but I have met a couple that have meant something to me. The latest is an orange tabby rescue by the name of Rhiannon.
Rhiannon came into my life because she resides with a medium who works from the same building as I. The cat has had some health issues. I would go over to visit and send healing through my hands. The little cutie really has another medium, who is in the same building, wrapped around her pinky so to speak. The other medium really spent time healing the little one. One time, I brought over some cat treats and she really liked them. It something I did for a while. Because she was having a hard time putting weight on, her owner bought her a large box of treats. Backstory: Simba, another orange tabby cat, but male, was my first love. He’d come into my place, go into the bathroom to get a drink of water from my toilet and then sit in my front room while I did readings. Oh, how I wished for more time with him. Rhiannon is special, too. When I cook my weekly food, I take over some salmon. She loves that. One time I gave her some pork and still another time I brought over sweet potatoes. I guess she has me wrapped too. She does have a spot in her heart for me as well. I went up to the bookstore without stopping to chat. On the way back, the owner said Rhiannon had a hissy fit over it. Back Backstory: Long ago, my mom and dad had a cat, an orange tabby as well. His name was Pookie Bear. He was not the nicest. When my parents visited, they brought him. Although my daughter is allergic to cats, it did not stop her from playing with him. She lived on allergy medicine during those times. As she grew older, she remembered to wash her hands after handling him. I find it interesting that orange tabby cats have crossed my path so often in life. Maybe, just maybe, someday I might have my own. If I look at the orange tabby cat as periodic animal totem, it makes sense when assessing my life. I have always landed on my feet no matter what seems to come around and I’m very creative and nurturing. Take a look at reoccurring signs in your life and see how they fit. Blessings of Peace, Joy, Love and Light You really find out who your friends are when you, yourself are in need. Trust me when I say I am grateful and thankful for each and everyone of them.
I know I have written a blog about the following before, but I have to say it again because it has come around several times in the past two weeks. It’s what happens – you think you have a particular situation mastered and then it comes up again, just to be sure. The worst thing in the world to me is dealing with insurance companies. God bless. I went to my longtime dentist for my checkup. A week later I got a call from the dentist’s office saying I didn’t have insurance. So now I’m on the phone with the insurance company. We all know it takes forever to talk with a person. I have to say after telling the story at least six times, I was keeping it pretty cool. The issue is still out there, but I am hoping it will be taken care of soon. So, the other day, one of my friends went to check my post office box. She had a stack of mail. I knew there would be a couple of bills in it. I opened my Culligan water bill and it was twice the amount. I kept it cool. I’m so proud of myself. Turns out I never paid for the month of January. I looked it up with my online banking, which took forever to come up – another test. I kept it cool, though. I paid the bill. Next, I opened the bill from my Internet provider. Same thing. My bill was doubled, but with a late charge. I called and said the post office must have lost last month’s bills. I looked everywhere for my January bills, not to be found. Since I hadn’t been late for more than three years, they took the late fee off and I paid the bill. Backstory: Oh yes, the dreaded post office. A couple of years ago I was waiting to get my paycheck from the newspaper I freelance write for. The company had to reissue a check. More than one year later, the check showed up in my post office box. Hysterical! Of course, I told the clerk working. I’m definitely going to say something to the guy at the post office. That just isn’t right. The thing is I usually remember when bills are due and just pay them. When I’m doing readings on a regular basis ALL track of time disappears. I must try my best to keep one foot in this dimension. I’m ready for the next test, she said lightly. I sure will keep an eye on my emotions when it comes to difficulties. It’s easy to go off the deep end when you’re telling your story over and over and people are not listening. Go within. Be centered. Become the light the world needs. Peace, Joy, Love and Light |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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