To everyone when the time is right!
I feel like every day is a birth-day of sorts – you wake-up and start anew, every day. I received the news of a gift earlier this week and it was several months, perhaps years, in the making. A writer is very particular to the desk they use, at least I am. I’ve learned to live if I must improvise at times. Seriously, have laptop, will write; have pencil and paper, will write. Nevertheless, I like my writing space. And so, my daughter was looking at my desk oddly the other day, the one I have been using for nearly seven years. She said, ‘Mom, is your desk broken? There’s a crack in the pedestal.” I looked. It’s not just a little crack. I was thankful that the desk hadn’t collapsed. Later in the day I mopped and noticed yet another crack on the opposite side. Now that’s some powerful writing! My best friend, mentor, business partner, and all-around great person, who is on the higher side of life, would have turned 75 yesterday and she is still leaving me gifts. Backstory: Three to four months ago my friend’s husband asked me if I would like to have the desk that my friend and I wrote our book, Two Worlds, at and the soon-to-be published instructional book. I said to him that I already had a desk. After the cracks were noticed, I instantly thought of that desk. I sent a text to my friend’s husband, also known as my brother, to ask if he still had it. I prayed. A couple of hours later he replied he did and that I was welcome to it. On the way to his house, which was planned previously, I saw many signs that made me believe it would fit in my vehicle. First, I saw the number 33 (master teacher) on a license plate, and then moments later another plate with 333, which I later learned is about setting plans into action, optimism, intuition and creativity. Once there, we decided to go to her gravesite. The 22 cents that I left behind on various visits was gone – 11 cents for intuition, 11 more cents for master builder. Thankfully, I had 33 cents to finish my tribute to her and self. My new desk will be arriving this week. It did not fit in my 2-door Honda Civic. It was a longshot. I’m so excited! I know my new writing space will give me that little extra spark I need to finish my latest book. The funny thing is I never really liked my soon-to-be old desk. It grew on me, though. It assisted in writing hundreds of blogs and finishing off the instructional book in which I knew my writing partner was by my side while doing so. You know, it’s OK to let go of certain things, places and people, so that new energy is allowed to enter your life. Exciting times! Peace
Is something that’s a little difficult at times. As I thought of the topic, I wondered how close expectations and trust are related. So much so that I looked it up. Expectations: ‘a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future’ and Trust: ‘a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.’
Trusting the words, we blurt out is a biggie. A friend was telling me that she was thinking about a friend and all the sudden she spoke the words: ‘I’m being psychically attacked.’ She then said she received a reading prior to this and was told that a little candle magic might be helpful to stop the attack. How many signs do we need to be given before trusting in something? Backstory: In my own personal experience, I awakened one time from first a meditation and then sleep. I knew instantly that a friend of mine still had cancer in her body. I spoke those literal words. I was surprised they came out of my mouth. Do I trust this is true? I should. Does that mean it is expected? Well, yes, yes to both. It seems to me that in a lot of ways it’s easier for me to trust Spirit than people. Again, makes sense. If you want to trust a friendship but keep being given signs that you should or shouldn’t, you must listen to those signs. Then my thoughts go to are those signs real or imagined. Let’s face it, most trust issues come from childhood situations. Look at it like this, those black and yellow eastern lubber grasshoppers are expected to be here. I trust that they will be. This year I moved my plants in to save them and I squashed those grasshoppers without thought to their lives, which is so not me. Sacred Contracts (expectations) and Free Will (trust) are biggies, too. This blog seems fragmented to me. Perhaps that’s one of the thoughts to consider here. According to Wikipedia, ‘in urban sociology, fragmentation refers to the absence or underdevelopment of connections between a society and the grouping of certain of its members. These connections may concern culture, nationality, race, language, occupation, religion, income level, or other common interests.’ Maybe if we let go of expectations, we can allow trust to be. Peace Is inevitable. Growth is optional.’ I love that quote by John C. Maxwell. I’m consistently telling people that: ‘People change.’ I do my best to put a positive spin on things. Some people change for the better, some change for the worse.
What comes in-between? Those who change and appear to be on the mend, but then go back to the iron fist way of running things, trying to control or bend people to their will, as if there were no other options. This is problematic because ‘it’s always been this way’ is a stagnation, a lower-level vibration. Although, living in stagnation for some may seem to be a safe place. It appears in different ways such as a daily routine – eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time, socializing with the same group of not-so-good people, allowing others to take advantage, and opening your heart to give what you are able, only to be knocked down. Stagnation is not growth. Just the other day I had my chance to change. I disagreed with another because of the ‘old way mentality.’ The person had asked me previously about my massage therapist because he had an old shoulder injury. I had convinced my therapist that this person had changed. I said, ‘People change.’ Because of the disagreement, I wondered if the change was real. It came to me that perhaps if this person got help with the injury that it would give him a different outlook on life. Backstory: As most of you know, I am a breast cancer survivor – seven years now. Eight weeks after my implant surgery, it was realized that I had an infection. I went back to surgery with a not-so-good chance of healing with the new implant. I made the decision that I could in fact heal myself. It worked; however, my breast was misplaced, and I lived with the pain for nearly two years. Pain changes you one day at a time, slowly and gradually. I must tell you when I did not dive deep into my own old ways, it changed me. It made feel like I accomplished something and that I truly cared for someone who may not care for me. I pray that this person gets what is needed to heal. The old ways are not always the best ways. I leave you with this quote: ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’ It is said that Einstein said this. Regardless of who said it we must take notice and make change for our own peace. Many Blessings of Peace and Love! We know the people we know because we made sacred contracts with them before we came to the earth plane. Heck, I’ll even go so far as to say that we chose our parents. Some of us are like, wow – I did that?
In fact, I swear that my daughter was my mother in a previous life. Shh, don’t tell her. I believe and have believed for quite some time that we are in soul groups before coming to this plane of existence. There could be tens and thousands in just one group. We create scenarios to assist us to spiritually grow and evolve. What really bothers me at times is when other people make judgments on why or what you are doing, especially regarding relationships, not just those who are life partners, but those around children and friends as well. Backstory: I had someone recently tell me that if I did something, I wasn’t allowing others to step up to do it, that what I was doing would stop others from having their own growth. Insanity is what I thought. I do not have that much power, nor does anyone else on this earth plane. People stop themselves from doing; It has nothing to do with me or another person. It’s about them. Yes, I get it – perhaps that person was put into my life to see how I would handle the situation. I talked it out with a couple of friends and decided that I would do it anyway, at my own pace. Incidentally, sacred contracts can be broken. Does this mean you repeat? No, it means you decided not to play out the scenario with that person. You could learn that life lesson with someone else’s help. Or maybe it wasn’t your life lesson, but another’s. Or maybe you do repeat. Take notice of the people around you, really look. Think about what their purpose is in your life. Undoubtedly, they are around you to assist in your growth. And it could be someone you just meet for one minute. That encounter could set you on a new path. Remember, free will is always at play. Peace Today’s blog? I had two options – the first, I had three people ask me in one day if my daughter would be available to do something. She’s 30, ask her yourself. I decided it was more of a rant than a blog.
I did get my answer yesterday in a big way, though. Two women booked separate appointments, and both wanted to hear from the same family member. After the last reading, the one woman shared that she had done ayahuasca, the second choice for my topic. There’s your sign! I am not averse to ayahuasca, however, at this point it is not something for me. I have worked diligently for more than 20 years with my mediation practice. It has brought so much to my life. My thought has always been that hallucinogenic drug induced states to achieve spiritual growth are taking a shortcut that may be short lived. Do the work! It makes me think back to the ‘60s. Many people were using hallucinogenic drugs to assist in spiritual growth. Funny, when I was younger, I just thought people were doing it to get high, or to self-medicate, perhaps both. Flash-forward into one of my online intuition development classes. I heard a couple of students recently talk about taking ayahuasca. It was not part of the classwork, so we really did not discuss. I wanted to stay on task. Back to my client. She made me think about this from another viewpoint. She was in her mid to late 60s. And really wanted to connect with her son, who had died 25 years ago at the age of 20. She said she did ayahuasca and shared with me that she met her son, who unzipped his Soul and touched her Soul. Amazing! My client’s whole aura changed when she spoke of it. I do believe I wrote a blog on this long ago and have to say I was so against it. That woman’s light made me realize that perhaps, yes, it is for some people. I always pray for the highest and best. I plan on having a discussion in one of the advance classes about the topic. I’m willing to learn. I’m just not sure I’m willing to experience. Peace |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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