My guides and I work an afternoon message service just about every Sunday in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. A couple of weeks ago I was second to do Spirit Greetings for the service, which was a good thing since I had to be back to facilitate my workshop.
Spirit drew me to the corner of the room to a young boy, who looked to be around 10 years old. I asked permission from his adult. I knew that he loved to build things and may just build bridges someday. Plus, I brought through his grandmother. I don’t normally recall readings, so two thoughts are pretty impressive from a three-minute reading. I went to another person and left to get ready. I was back just after the service had ended. I walked through the Welcome Center and there was the boy gathered with two other children his age around an older woman thought to be a grandmother. He wanted to know why I chose him. He was so excited to see me that he motioned like he wanted to hug me. He told me that he loves to build things. His grandmother answered his question. She said it was because he was so special and then turned to rest to tell them they were as well. I agreed. I asked the boy if he wanted a hug and he said yes. We embraced. The boy next to him looked as if he needed a hug too, so I asked. We embraced. In the meantime, toward the side of me yet another young boy around 10 was at the side of his mother, who was riffling through the activity flyers. I looked at him and asked, ‘Do you want a hug too?’ He said, ‘mom?’ She looked and said, ‘Yeah, go ahead.’ It was a joyous harmonious moment in time. Hugs are contagious and are so needed. I sure hope this happens elsewhere in the world, in someone else’s moment of time. I just love the feeling I felt from that, a healing moment for all involved. I still easily feel that moment as I write this. I love that. I want more of those moments – I just said to the universe. Thank you, Spirit!
Lots going on this past week, so I thought I’d share short vignettes.
First, my daughter is now reading in my backroom – lots of fun. We were able to get two chairs that were once owned by our master teacher from an elderly man in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. We both have reading chairs that were once our master teacher’s. My daughter came in to do readings one day while I was out and about. Once back home, she said that she sat for 45 minutes without a phone call for a reading. She recalled what I had said earlier about lighting a candle when I’m ready to read, so she did. Guess what? Yep, the phone did not stop ringing. I love that! Speaking of candles – If you are not following me on my Facebook page Life in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – Mayberry It Is, you may not know that there are 30 to 40 crystals on my dresser top and they move when I’m sleeping or not at home. Some ‘fall’ or are pushed off as well. The two 8-inch-tall glass contained candles got into the act of moving as well. The blue one has moved three to four inches, usually just a little nudge at a time. I’ve had them for years and years, rarely burning them. I decided to light them the other day and when I checked a few minutes later the blue one had a flame that was 5 inches high, the sides of the candle turned black and little black puffs of smoke came from the flame. It was wild. I wouldn’t expect anything less. I know I have mentioned I’m a knower. Have I mentioned I’m shown things before they happen? I knew there was something up with this ‘possessed’ candle. I showed a couple of my students who reside near the Camp. I told them what happened. As if right on time, one asked, ‘What did you do to the candle?’ I chuckled. I love a skeptic. I thought about what the message was behind the candle shenanigans. I toyed with a couple of ideas and soon realized that it was significant in the fact that certain people around me are not seeing my communications clearly. The color, blue, is about communication and the black colored film clouded it. Make sense? Finally, a penny showed up when I was not expecting it. I know it is spirit dropping by to say hello. When I find these coins, mostly pennies and dimes, I line them up at the edge of the floorboard in my front office. I have six dimes and five pennies now. Hope these stories gave you something to smile about for a moment. Have a blessed day! Peace My first career was in the hospitality business. I was a server for many years and then a bartender. Yeah, I dabbled in management, more money and less responsibility in the former areas. I think fondly of others in the business, most working for tips. I always tip well even if the service wasn’t quite up to par.
It can be tough business. I’ve had people stick my finger in their cold rare prime rib; a woman once caught her nails on fire and dipped her fingertips in the water glass at a fine dining restaurant. That was a sight. The other day I had a reading with a woman who gave me a $35 tip. I was surprised. She confirmed that she worked as a server earlier in the reading and knew what it was like to work for tips. I thanked her and thought ‘what goes around, comes around.’ Yes, I’m using that phrase in the positive. I thought it interesting that the Internet and probably most of humanity does not. It’s a mindset. Even before I realized I was on my spiritual path, I was a fair tipper. Backstory: My parents, from the North, only tipped 10 percent on bills. I used to go back and add money and finally I said you pay the bill I will tip the server. It worked. We truly must be mindful of other people’s feelings. It can be hard at times when we, ourselves, have so much going on in life. Before decisions are made, they should be thought out from all angles. Being mindful of others and their feelings is imperative to live peacefully, in harmony. Funny thing happened earlier this week, a little thing called synchronicity. I was working on an article about a woman who was chosen as one out of 50 mixologists heading on to the next round of competition for bartender of the year. Come to find out there’s an element of storytelling around the crafted cocktail that is chosen. Don’t you love how that just came around? Is that a double synchronicity? Here’s the final word this time around: It’s OK to express yourself as long as it’s in a mindful manner. Mind you – you cannot control how people perceive your expressions. Keep your cards close to your chest and do your best to be mindful. I feel like I had two or three writing guides coming in to assist with writing this. Pretty wild. There’s always hope, remember that! I love doing readings. When I get into the energy, it just amazes me. Spirit works with everything I have ever known in my or our entire life/lives. It’s the same for everyone else who does readings to include those who are intuitive.
The other day my appointments came in. First, I read the husband. I knew right away he was a skeptic – my favorite. I usually can win these people. The reading went well. Next up was his wife. She was much more open. Spirit showed me a picture of my mother’s mother ring, which had three birthstones. Backstory: My mom used to let us play with her jewelry. We couldn’t play with her diamond earrings, but I sure do remember her mother’s ring. And guess what one time we lost it, but it reappeared later. I had already told my client that she had three children and then the mother’s ring appeared. I said you had a mother’s ring and in unison we said, ‘you/I lost it.’ I looked a little deeper into the vision to see where it was. I said, ‘you lost it near water, yes?’ She said she lost it at the beach. She shared how she felt guilty about it and had never told her children. I said, well, Spirit suggests that you buy a new one and then share the story with your children. Mothers and their children are a beautiful thing. My daughter is now doing readings in my backroom in the Spiritualist Camp. It will be like old times when we attended intuition development classes together. We were class buddies for many years. It should be interesting. We both have louder voices, so we’ll have to be mindful of that. On Friday, she did her first readings while I was writing my article for the newspaper in the front room. Good times! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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