I believe that before we come down to this earth plane we make sacred contracts with people in our soul group. A soul group could be made up of thousands of people. People in your soul group include family, friends, chance meetings, etc. Family members are major life lessons. We come here to spiritually evolve. When we leave this realm, we continue to evolve in the next until we ultimately meet our Godhead, Infinite Spirit, Infinite Intelligence.
A great example of a soul group connection with life lessons to affect the whole is John Walsh and his son, Adam, who was abducted and killed in 1981. Because of that event, John Walsh became a criminal investigator, human rights and victim rights advocate and host/creator of America’s Most Wanted, which ran from 1988-2012. Think of all the people John Walsh helped in those years. None of it would’ve happened if his son wasn’t murdered. Forgiveness is the key. I don’t watch the news, but I do get snippets on Facebook, doing cardio at the gym, on the streets and from friends. A couple of biggies were the 50 people killed recently at mosques in New Zealand and the 49 killed and 53 wounded at a nightclub in Orlando in 2016. And then there’s the everyday happenings. The bottom line is hurt people hurt people. As a collective consciousness (we are one), we must come together to help those who are hurt. Together, we can raise the vibration of this earth plane. We just have to care for one another. I saw the below quotes on Facebook: “Forgive yourself for not knowing better at the time. Forgive yourself for giving away your power. Forgive yourself for past behaviors. Forgive yourself for the survival patterns and traits you picked up while enduring trauma. Forgive yourself for being who you needed to be.” – The Muse “Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. The world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.” – marianne williamson Do your part. Blessings of love and peace!
Spirit has now taken my phone charger. It’s always in the same place. I woke up and it’s gone. Nowhere to be found. My office isn’t that big. You can’t really lose anything here. This could be considered an apport, which is the transference of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source.
So, I called my longtime friend in La Crosse, Wis. She’s been to the Spiritualist Camp, so she knows what happens here. Our conversation goes: ‘Spirit took my charger.’ We laugh for a few minutes and then she says, ‘Are you sure you didn’t sleepwalk and do something with it.’ I thought about it for second. We howled. The good news was my daughter, Sydney, got the intuitive hit and brought along her extra car phone charger (really mine) the next day when we met up. Then I proceeded to tell my longtime friend about my black heeled shoe that went missing in late October. It was a Wednesday and I was turning in for the night when I spied my two black heeled shoes near my bed. I nudged them in slightly so as not to trip on them if I awakened in the middle of the night. That Sunday I was speaking at an Orlando church. I went to get my shoes and one of them was gone. I looked under that bed at least 10 times – thinking it would appear each time. Finally, I looked everywhere even though I had just seen it. In a pinch, I decided to wear my black flip fops with bling. Later, I went shopping for more shoes. Another one of my friends in the Spiritualist Camp thought the shoe was caught up in the bottom of the bed somehow. I thought this to be ridiculous, and it was and still is. Two months later, a day after my birthday, I got up to go to the gym. I couldn’t find one of my tennis shoes. The one remaining was pointed toward the bed, so I looked under there. Lo and behold my black heeled shoe returned. Remember, I looked under that bed at least 10 times. There is no way I would’ve missed it. When the shoe returned, it was in a completely different place. I believe the real reason this happened was because I had a procedure about six weeks before the shoe went missing. I never should’ve been wearing those shoes in the first place. Spirit knows best. And finally the best one. The fire extinguishers get tested once yearly in Camp owned properties. I moved into my office and sometimes sleeping place in October of 2017. My extinguisher got tested then. It was hanging on the wall in the kitchen. A year later I was to put it outside the door. I couldn’t find it. One of the maintenance workers came inside to help me. We looked in the kitchen first. Nothing. Now, we looked everywhere. Couldn’t find it. He said he’d get me a new one. A few days later I saw the new one on the porch, so I brought it in. I set it in the kitchen and when I turned around the extinguisher was hanging on the wall. I was like OMG. I called the maintenance worker and told him where it was. He agreed that we would’ve never missed that. My longtime friend and I laughed and laughed. And then I told her the maintenance worker refused to come into my place for months. LOL When he finally did, all he could do was shake his head in disbelief. Could’ve been my dad, a fireman with a great sense of humor. Guess what folks – this happens everywhere. People are so busy they just aren’t aware. Spirit lives. My longtime friend is visiting soon. Hope more things happen when she’s here. Good times! Ask the universe why and you will get your answer. Maybe not in the time frame you think, but you will get it.
I do at least one reading daily when I work. I’ve been in this office for about a year and a half. It used to be that I took a few minutes to meditate before clients got to my office. It became a routine. I thought I had to do it every single time. Slowly through time I realized that the energy was already there. Remember, I do live in Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp where mediums and healers do readings and meditate daily. It creates a vortex. The same happens with friends of my vibration; it’s easy to slip into that state of being. At times, I have to really think about what day it is. What is time? Backstory: My master teacher, friend, family member and business partner was once a medium in the Spiritualist Camp as well. Early on in the relationship, I noticed that at times she didn’t seem in her right mind. I could see her aura. It was always fuzzy, almost surreal. Others would comment that she was always keeping one foot on the earth plane and the other in the Spirit world. It was true. And now after all these years, I got my answer as to why. Recently, a friend of mine said to me before a reading that I was going to be thrown a curveball. I didn’t get it at first. I had a couple of nurses and a premed student come in for readings. I was told by clients that I was saying the exact words they had said the night before. This happened in two different readings. As the week progressed and people came in for readings, it became clear that the Law Attraction was really getting amped-up. There’s always a commonality of why someone comes to me or other mediums for a reading. It always amazes me when I do readings. I learn something new each time I do one. I love my life. On Thursday, Jordan came to me for a reading. It was her first ever. I told her what to expect and she came down. Such a beautiful soul. She was the mirror of me. I brought a couple of spirit loved ones through including her grandfather. And reminded her who she is and reminded myself in the process. I ended up giving her a free reading and got her phone number. She will be coming to my next session of classes. In my readings, I have opened up more with my gift of knowing. Being a knower is a great gift – you have to believe it though. And I do. Life is crazy sometimes for everyone. Try being a medium who sees things before they happen and just knows they will. It happens all the time. It’s hard to keep quiet sometimes and let things unfold. It’s just a matter of time. Blessings! I so loved teaching my class on Thursday nights for eight weeks. The energy really vamped up in my office. I had four regular students, not bad for my first round. All four communicated with Spirit in the seventh class. Imagine five humans and all the Spirits that came with them every week crammed into one room about 250 square feet. At times, I would spend the night in the apartment afterward. The front room, back room, bathroom and kitchen are about 750 square feet. The energy kept me awake some nights, and I can recall one night I could hear footsteps in the front room. I’m like really. Seriously, I’m exhausted and need sleep, so I said, ‘Get out now.’ You gotta mean it with Spirit. (Reminds me of the horror flicks. LOL). They left and I went to sleep. Sleep is always an interesting thing for me. Where will I go tonight? What will I see? India was always a favorite place to go; outer space another. Who will I meet? I can remember on several occasions I met with a martial artist and we went to the Dojang to workout. Being a clairvoyant is amazing, a true gift from God. So not only do I have dreams, but I also have visions in waking states. One time I saw volcano. And yes later I heard there was an eruption. I don’t watch the news. And then there’s remote viewing. When I’d be out in the field getting a story for the newspaper, sometimes I would have to call my editor. While on the phone with him, I would ask, ‘Are you wearing yellow shirt and green khakis?’ Most times I was spot on. Since we are one, we are connected and are able to tap into the energies. Speaking of energies. It is Mercury Retrograde, so I decided to sleep on it – the rest of my BLOG. Good morning. The really coolest part about being a Clairvoyant is when clients come. My reading area has two chairs, facing one another, a small stand, little trinkets on the window sill and a blue rug between the chairs. When clients are here, this room fills up with Spirit, some of it must be ectoplasm. It’s so thick. It’s almost like I’m in another world. Maybe I am.
My daughter, Sydney Carter, and I are starting a second Saturday of the month message service at Colby Memorial Temple in the Spiritualist Camp. The first is March 9. It’s from 7 to 9 p.m. We plan to work in tandem, which basically means we will link in with spirit to give a message to each person in attendance.
So, Thursday night we had the opportunity to practice at a Christian Spiritualist Church in Orange City. We’ve both been there on occasions to assist with message work during Sunday Service and Thursday Night Message Service. At the latter, there’s either a meditation or short class before the messages. Before the messages, we learned about Lent through the eyes of a reverend connected with a Spiritual Episcopal Church. The reverend spoke about the days of Lent to include Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Sacrificial Feast of Overcoming Temptation, Sacrificial Feast of Forgiveness, Sacrificial Feast of Service, Sacrificial Feast of Giving, Sacrificial Feast of Humility, Sacrificial Feast of Triumph, Good Friday and Sacrificial Feast of Easter. Being raised a Methodist, I did hear of Lent. Sydney on the other hand was completely clueless about the whole thing. When I look back at conversations we’ve been part of in the past, they really make me chuckle. One time when Sydney was in middle school, we were talking with a Spiritualist minister in Colby Temple. He made a comment about communion. She asked, ‘Mom, what is communion?’ The minister didn’t quite believe his ears. I shared with her later. As far as Lent goes, why does it have to be called Lent? Why does it have to be practiced for 40 days before Easter? Isn’t this something each and every one of us should be practicing on a regular basis? Should not all of us always strive to raise our vibration no matter where we are in life? This brings me to a teaching about vibration and the ocean. The bottom of the ocean is dark and murky. Those living in that vibration are fine with it. In the middle of the ocean, it’s murky and sometimes clear. People living in that vibration are fine with it. At the top level, there’s clear water and the light comes in much brighter. People living there are fine with it. The point is we may all live in any of those vibrations in just a day, or some maybe a couple of hours, depending on the circumstance. Give something up, change your vibration; raise it. It helps yourself and the whole. I’m so pleased to have the opportunity to serve Spirit with my daughter. To help others understand that their loved ones are just a call away, always around, is a true Blessing! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
February 2025
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