My daughter came over last night to help me get rid of boxes. Ugh. Time to let go of some things.
Before last night, I had probably eight boxes of newspapers and magazines with my articles in. I worked at a daily for 18 months, a weekly for about six months and finally became a freelance writer, which I still dabble in today – 20 years doing the latter. Oh, I almost forgot those college newspapers in which my daughter teased about the titles – “The Angler” and “Central Florida Future.” LOL I carried those boxes around with me through at least 11 moves in six years and for what. I never once got into those boxes. So last night we peeked into a couple of them. I saw an article here and there. I caught my daughter going through one magazine page by page. She said, ‘I just want to see why you saved this for 17 years.’ I laughed and showed her the article. Just the thought of letting those newspapers go made me private message one of my former editors earlier in the week. I asked him what he had done with his old newspaper articles and he said something about putting them in the recycle bin. He inherited many from his father, a newspaper man his whole life. He did say he kept a couple of historic newspapers that had articles in about JFK’s assassination. Wow. How cool, I thought. My former editor reminded me that practically everything I’ve ever written is online. We also reminisced about the times I would call and tell him the color of his shirt and khakis – remote viewing. LOL I let go of those newspapers, although there are few left to go out the next time. It’ll be easy. Going through other boxes, we found a 1930 newspaper of The Milwaukee Journal. Pretty cool. My daughter thought so too. It made me wonder if she might keep a couple of my newspaper articles. Hmm. Letting go of physical things seems to be a bit easier than letting go of every day happenings. When one is kindhearted, some people take advantage of it and almost think it’s an entitlement to receive that kindness. I’m learning to let it go. Every now and again take stock of boxes in your closet. Take stock of your friendships and relationships too. As you grow, people and things leave, so those for your highest and best can come in. Blessings of Peace and Love!
I’m several weeks into my online classes, two beginner and one intermediate. They are going extremely well. Students are developing their gifts quite nicely. I love hearing their experiences, plus teaching is so rewarding.
Two Sundays ago I noticed the Skype connection wasn’t the greatest. I thought perhaps it was because someone had an older computer. A week later I realized that Spirit was trying to come in through the electronics. It was exciting. When I mentioned it to the students, they were amazed. I couldn’t believe it took me two weeks to figure it out. Backstory: I have a couple of friends and know of other people who are big into the idea of Ghost Hunting. They use Spirit boxes, a radio with a frequency scan mode to detect electronic voice phenomenon, and other gadgets. I’m not a real big fan of it. My thought is that people who use these devices are trying to take a shortcut to communicate with Spirit, not put the work in. In my class Thursday, I hoped so much that Spirit would try to come through and communicate. The line was clear as a whistle. I shared with the students what was occurring during the Sunday class. We couldn’t hear specific words, but knew it was definitely Spirit. Everyone was fascinated. As the class progressed, one of the students shared that her gift for hearing Spirit, Clairaudience, was coming to the forefront. She clearly heard someone yell her name while she was outdoors at home. She went to a couple of neighbors to ask if they heard the phenomena. They had not. It’s good to be skeptical. In the end, she knew it was Spirit and she clearly heard it. She was delighted as was I. Spirit did not disappoint Thursday night with phenomena, though. As the students were giving one another information, my phone, which sat at the side of my laptop, turned on and started recording my words. I did not say, ‘Hey, Siri.’ Being in an altered state teaching class, I checked with the students. They confirmed. I was pleased something occurred. I cannot wait for the Sunday class. I hope Spirit will provide another show. Maybe this time we’ll be able to make out the words. One could change their mind based on experiences. It makes it real. I still do believe the best way to communicate with Spirit is through Mediumship. The bottom line is when you have your first experience with phenomena, it becomes real. Sure, at first you’ll try to explain it away, but eventually you will have come to terms with it because Spirit will continue to bring it until you are unable to explain it away. Blessings of Peace and Love! I was lying in bed the other morning trying to decide if I should get up and workout. I’ve been walking the streets in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp since the end of March. Trust me, the hills are brutal. And so I pondered if I should get up or sleep in. The air conditioner in my bedroom was running and I wished it was off. It was a little chilly. I turn it on at night, so I cannot hear a thing but that. I snoozed for a few more minutes and when I awakened, the air conditioner was off. I wondered if I wished it off and it turned off. Crazy right? Not when you’re living in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp.
Backstory: I have had my office and resided here for nearly three years. Let me tell you stranger things have happened – I lost one shoe, which was last seen partly on the side of the bed and under the bed. It came back months later. The fire extinguisher, which is attached the wall in my kitchen, disappeared for two to three weeks and then reappeared. Just in case you think I’ve lost it – another person was witness to that. And then of course, there’s the many many times the crystals on top of my dresser have moved. So, in twilight (sleep) I believed there was a possibility that my mind turned off the air conditioner. Why not? And then I thought Spirit could’ve easily done it. Why not? It could happen. I believe anything is possible. I decided to walk. I flipped on the switch in the bathroom and lo and behold the light didn’t come on. I laughed and still do. LOL. I called to report the outage and found that around 1,600 others were without power and it was scheduled to come back on around 9:30 a.m. On my walk, I met up with a couple of residents. I told them the story. The woman said, ‘Look at all that power you have. Your thoughts took out the neighborhood.’ I chuckled. She was serious. Still on my walk I met up with them again and she reminded me how powerful I am. Aren’t we all? Think about this: How many times have you been in your vehicle and thought of a song you wanted to hear and then viola there it is? Happens to me a lot. I have to wonder if I manifested it or if it was already to be or better yet perhaps I saw the scene play out before it happened. My little reporter self couldn’t wait to look up how much of our brain we really use. Come to find out these days some people “in the know” think we use nearly 100 percent of our brain always. Hmm. I remember hearing something about 10 percent of the brain. It’s a myth, they say. Maybe, maybe not. I’d really like to know what those people “in the know” would think about my experiences here. My guess is they couldn’t grasp it. The again, one never knows until it happens. Blessings of Peace and Love! This is my 77th blog. I like the number. It’s a 5, which is about change. We’re all going though big changes these days – more time spent inside with or without others. It’s still a big change. It’s a time for self-reflection, going inside. It’s a good place to be.
I know I’ve mentioned several times in this blog that being Sagittarius sometimes means working on patience. We all know what we are to achieve, lessons, and they always come back around to be sure we got it. Spirit does things like that. Keeps us honest. The other day I went over to a medium’s home here in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, and showed her how to use Skype. I’m such an expert now. LOL. And so I figured this was going to take about 30 minutes. After a while, I had to go home to get my power cord. It ended up taking 90 minutes, and you know what? I kept my cool. Patience was my middle name. Once home, I decided to meditate. About 30 minutes into it my phone interrupted. It was potential client. She had called the Bookstore, now open, but for less hours, and got my name from the board where Mediums and Healers sign in. She wondered how she would pay and I told her PayPal. No problem. A few minutes went by and she called back because she was having problems with her account. I tried to talk her through. After 20 minutes, I suggested she call the people at PayPal for help. Patience. Energy, that of a medium, is different on so many levels, and it definitely can make electronics go haywire. It makes sense, especially with two mediums working with two laptops in a small space. Almost all of my online classes through Skype have gone on without a hitch. But that same day when all of the above happened, it took almost 40 minutes to get the students to the class. Guess what? I kept my cool. I do need to pat myself on the back, mostly because no one else will. I know, I know spirit will bring something else around to test my patience. Being aware is a big part of it. Really, this time away from others has truly helped me. I’m so glad I’m in this space. Incidentally, as soon as I got off the phone with the potential client, I called my medium friend and shared the story. It was a good laugh. Laughter keeps it real. Blessings of Peace and Love! There is light at the end of the tunnel. What it’s really all about is adapting to change. If you can do that, you can do anything. Change isn’t always the easiest for some people. I like it. Remember, I mentioned that I’m a Sagittarius sun, Virgo rising and Gemini moon, all mutable signs. I just reinvented myself once again. Of course, I had the help of Spirit, Source, God, whatever you want to call it. We are one!
I am so grateful to have the ability to mutate. Sounds a bit like science fiction. I like that too. Backstory: The other day I was talking with a medium in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and learned that I could track my stimulus check. As I was leaving, I picked up my empty tea mug to find a lone ant, which is about patience, and I did point that out to the medium. Now mind you I wasn’t too concerned about getting it because I knew it would come, eventually, but I checked. Why not? It was mailed the day before. Don’t you love that! The medium and I also talked about unemployment and food stamps. The thought never occurred to me. At that moment another medium in the Camp brought over the papers for unemployment, so I thought I was to do it. Everything happens for a reason, yes? Finally, after a few days I did the paperwork, but still held back mailing it. I sent out an email to my former editor at a newspaper, hoping to freelance – pick up a few stories. Then I came up with the idea to teach an online class. I knew it could work since I do phone readings, which have been sparse, but still a few. Everything is energy. To date, I have one advance class going with five students this week to grow to seven or eight next week. I have 22 others interested including someone in Scotland. Very exciting! And to give even more evidence (I like that play on words) that the universe is conspiring to bring me what I need and more, I saw a possible local story on Facebook to pitch to my editor. I sent another email with the idea. I did get a response this time that he needs to be sure I’m still on payroll because the office is closed. I ended up writing the story. Take it from me – know what you want in life and know that you will receive it. It’s that simple. Believe that you will be fine, beyond a shadow of a doubt (like that play on words), and you will be. Raise your vibration. Do not let lower level thoughts enter your mind. Out, out, out! Blessings of Peace and Love! P.S. I can feel the change in climate – energies from others. It feels like things are lightening up! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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