It’s cray-cray that’s for sure – Halloween, Mercury Retrograde and a Full Moon. Dare I ask if there’s anything else in store? I hope so.
I started a phenomenon circle last week here in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. It’s being held at the Slater House where not a peep of light can shine through because of the thick, fabulous curtains that were made and placed last year. We saw Spirit lights, heard some rapping, felt temperature changes – everything you’d expect in a circle. This will continue for eight weeks. I cannot wait to see what happens in the following weeks. I’ll keep you posted! When I got home from the circle, I checked the top of my dresser and saw some of my crystals had moved, so I took photos and posted on my Facebook page – Life in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – Mayberry It Is. As I was heading to bed, I walked by my dresser and sure enough my sodalite was pushed off the dresser. Yes, pushed. It landed with force, not just a little plop. It’s the second time this has happened. At this point, some of you might be freaked out and not able to sleep in the same room. Could this be my sign? Get out. I mean this is Halloween week. LOL Last night I did readings at Fall Fest for Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I have the last couple of years. Although I’ve pretty much changed my whole diet (down 31 pounds and counting), I still brought a bowlful of candy. Thank goodness it’s gone. Tonight, from 8 p.m. to midnight is the Spirit Crawl – a four-hour tour to explore three buildings in hopes of phenomena. I cannot wait to experience the goings on – I’m so psyched that it’s a Full Moon. Mercury Retrograde is another beast. I lost an earring the other day. I knew it had to have fallen out while taking my mask off. I was at the Bookstore and Lake Helen Post Office earlier in the day. My gut instinct told me the post office. Four hours later, I walked toward the front door and sure enough there it was on the ground undamaged. Did I mention I was born during Mercury Retrograde? I believe that fact makes me immune to it. This blog is number 102. Before I crawled out of bed, I pondered what to write about and procrastinated. No, it’s not writer’s block. It does not exist in my mind – you just sit down and write. Thank you, Spirit! I’m definitely seeing a Starbucks Chai Tea Latte to make it past midnight tonight – just hope I can sleep afterward. Many Blessings of Peace and Love!
I worked a message service last week in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and in lieu of doing a meditation, I spoke about the year 2020. I didn’t carry on about the election or Covid-19. I took a look at the bigger picture to include numerology and astrology. I dabble in both. I feel it makes me a well-rounded individual.
So, 2020 is a 22, which is a master number. Twenty-two signifies master builder, so when I look at 2020 I believe that we have been building this whole year and will continue to build until 2021, which is a five. Five is about change. Now, let’s bring in astrology here. I know I have written this a many of times throughout the year. We are in the Aquarian Age, which is about love, peace, harmony. You may ask why is this not happening today? The fact is it takes quite a few years to truly come out of the previous age, which was the Piscean Age. Characteristics of this age include money, power, control, all lower level vibrations. At the message service, I knew several people who had come to get a message. One person who I fondly refer to as Santa – yes, he looks just like him with the white beard and small framed spectacles – asked, ‘Are you going to tell us to get out and vote now?’ My response: ‘No, I would never do that.’ Backstory: Speaking of voting. In my younger years, I decided I didn’t care to vote or get mixed up in politics. I truly didn’t think my vote mattered, and then when the newly elected official did not do well, I could say I didn’t vote for that person. My father-in-law, a staunch newspaper man, said since I didn’t vote, I don’t get a say. I still disagree to this way of thinking. We do live in America and have the right to choose our beliefs and voice them. Of course, we can disagree with one another. The issue that really comes out here is that some people believe that if we disagree, we cannot be friendly to one another. It has not been easy to stay neutral on so many levels. I too am a reporter. I worked as a staff writer for several years, but tired of the politics. I became a freelance writer, worked at that for 20 years and became what I like to say, ‘Good News Lori.’ This is not the same world that my father-in-law worked in. I have to truly wonder what he would think of the media today. I’m sure that is one area we would agree on. The ordinary person doesn’t get that when you are a reporter, you are to report the news without bias. When you are a columnist, you get to insert your opinions. Regardless, opinions of the publisher and/or owner, those in control, bleed into the coverage. Guess what? As for my analysis of 2020, 2021, the Aquarian Age and the Piscean Age, it’s up to you to decide which is less than and which is for our highest and best. We will continue on regardless of the outcome. We will do the best that we can with what we have. It’s what I do. I keep moving and striving for my highest best. Many Blessing of Peace and Love! Does entity attachment truly exist? Maybe, maybe not. This subject came about to me when I asked someone to speak at an event sponsored by Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. The topic was tossed about, but another was decided upon; however, it really got me thinking.
Prior to my contemplation, I believed that entities could attach. When I say entities, I mean bits of people and feelings. Perhaps, this is best in explained in example. Backstory: I was married for 25 years, the last three in separation. It took quite some time for me to get over that. Most of us believe when we get married that it will be forever. When forever doesn’t happen, one must work through the emotions of that and the fact that these people will not be with us physically or there for us emotionally. One must heal from this. This is true in all types of relationships that were fine and then not. My belief is we have etheric cords that connect us to others who are in our lives. Severing the cord is one way of getting rid of the attachment. Sit in meditation, see a scissors cutting that cord and ask that the energy you still have of that person be sent back to them and ask for your energy to be cleansed and returned to you from them. This might have to be done twice depending on the strength of the attachment. Now the question that comes to me: Can spirit attach to the living? My answer is if you believe it can happen, it does. If you don’t, it doesn’t. It’s that simple. Of course, that is my opinion today. It may change at any given time. Backstory: I recall early on as medium I went to the home of a client. After giving the information I got, the client stated that she has an entity attachment. Her friend came in from the other room and showed me a short video of the client in attachment mode. She did look differently. I told her that I did not believe in attachments, and most importantly we have the ability to allow or disallow. After more conversation, I psychically picked up on a young gentleman who was quite handsome and looked as if he could manipulate others quite easily. It was realized that this was the boyfriend of her daughter. She did not like him. His energy was thick with her that I believed she thought there was a true spirit attaching. It was the energy of that person. Now, that I think about it a spirit attachment could happen when a loved one leaves the 3D. The person left behind may have the ability to keep the spirit loved one near them. Some spirits are attached to the earth plane. My belief is that once we leave the earth plane, there is a light that we are to go into. If we do not and after a period of time, the light gets smaller. The spirit does not know where to go, but wanders the earth plane. I truly believe there are lightworkers who assist spirit to look above their head, see the light and go to it. All we can do is guide those lost spirits to the light. In regards to cutting the etheric cord, it may not always be as easy. I am not a therapist or a counselor. I remind clients of this when needed. At times, I do suggest that perhaps seeing a therapist may be helpful and then share names and numbers if possible. One area that could be considered is when a medium is channeling spirit. It’s not quite an attachment, but an allowing of spirit to overshadow. Again, we can allow or disallow. It’s up to us. Many Blessings of Peace and Love! You just don’t really know what serenity is, until you have it. As most of you know my space is at Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in Volusia County. It is Mayberry. It truly is – small town atmosphere, wildlife frolicking about, just a peaceful presence.
I took a road trip last week to another peaceful place in Douglasville, Ga. I love to drive, to see the countryside. Yet, more moments of serenity. Everything went well on the road trip, although Atlanta was a bit nerve wracking. Backstory: My family and I traveled to Wisconsin for many years to visit family. We always drove through Atlanta. The traffic didn’t bother me. I thought it was kind of fun zipping through bigger cities. This time around I was not accustomed to that type of traffic. It was little hairy. It was a good thing I had timed my appearance to be around 1:30 p.m. Traffic wasn’t at its worst. Maybe, it was not so much the traffic, but the vibration of all of it. Once at my destination, it was heaven. The traffic on the way back home was perfect for a Sunday morning, plus I was ready for it this time. Once home, I realized that this has got to be one of the most peaceful places around. I also realized I miss the interaction with people. I shared my feelings with a friend and they were kind of shocked that I hadn’t picked up on it sooner. I guess because I’ve been doing readings albeit more on the phone for a period of time, but now coming back around in-person. Also, I’ve been living my life as I please for many years – no one to really consider in my daily scheme of things. I do go to the gym four days a week, but it’s not a social place for me. I decided to start driving around the neighborhood a bit more. I chatted with people I saw and then came across four sandhill cranes that decided to take up residence on Cassadaga Road, Stevens Street and in the Camp’s Bookstore parking lot. They’ve been hanging around for a couple of days. I stopped and chatted with them once. Lovely energy! I found myself at the Camp’s office Friday and learned that there had been several deer that stopped by for a visit – one a large buck on the front lawn and another time a mother and her fawn. Apparently, the fawn was having a good ol’ time kicking up its heels on the way up the driveway. Bliss! A bit later in the day I saw the legs of sandhill cranes through the bottom of my window. I went out to see my neighbor enjoying the view. I said, “This is serenity.” She replied: “Yes, it is.” I do truly love my Mayberry; the place will always be home, regardless of where I am. Find your Mayberry and see how your thoughts, your vibration changes. Many Blessings of Peace and Love! Oops, I did it again. Not.
Before I left Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp for Douglasville, Ga., I thought I might use my cruise control. I get listening to music and start becoming a led foot, especially if a really good tune comes on. Just as I’m heading out of town toward I-75, I see two crows in the middle of the road. Crows are about natural law and to remind us magic is all around us. Remember, we’re on a planet in the midst of a solar system. Also, crows are about law enforcement for me. Backstory: A couple of years ago I took a little ride to St. George Island, near the Panhandle, to see my longtime friend. On the last stretch of the road to my destination, I saw two crows on the road. Yep, you guessed it. I got stopped by a law enforcement officer (LEO) who gave me a ticket for going nine over. I was thankful because I was going much faster than that. It was unfortunate that I did not act on the sign the universe gave me – the crows. Déjà vu. The crows looked the same and flew away the same both times, so yes, I did use my cruise control. Can you guess how many LEOs I saw on the way to Douglasville? I stopped counting after a while. LOL People in other vehicles behind me were not too pleased with my right-on-the-dot speed limit, but when they saw the LEOs, I had to believe they were just as relieved as I was. The real questions here: Were the LEOs always going to be there? Or did I manifest them? Were the crows always there? Or did I manifest them too? The scenarios could go either way. The really good news for myself was that I learned. I saw the crows, just like I did a couple of years ago, and I acted on it. The biggest takeaway for everyone is to pay attention to your surroundings; see the signs and synchronicities that are ALWAYS present. We just have to be aware, see them and act on them. We are one with all to include the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. Yippee! No speeding ticket this time. And you can bet I’ll be backing her up all the way home. Many Blessings of Peace and Love! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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