I put that out to the universe because I had a scheduled in-person reading with a client who wanted to change to a phone or Skype reading. She wasn’t feeling well.
I thought I knew instantly what was going on. Something or someone was trying to stop her from keeping the appointment, which could’ve been herself or the energies around her. She kept with it, though. Backstory: I was heading to see a past life regression therapist. I knew the address. I was anxious about getting there on time. I heard someone say to me, ‘Keep going.’ After a while, I heard, ‘Turn around.’ I called the gentleman and got back on track. Once there, he said, ‘Less than good Spirits sometimes try to stop progress.’ I had a feeling my client was thinking that these obstacles were being put into place because they weren’t supposed to receive the reading. More than likely, though, something would be said that might change her direction in life. During the reading, it was noted that a move was in store for her. She did not want to move, although she admitted she didn’t like the area she was residing in. She said that she had built a nice energy in her place, but it was sometimes difficult to keep the negative energy out. She also shared that the last several years had not been the best since she moved into the place. However, she was adamant that she was not going to move. Sometimes clients are just not ready to hear what is being said. I understand. What did not occur to me at the time was that Spirit may have been telling me that I should not be doing the reading. Although my payment still has not been received, I’m glad that she received the messages needed. She may not have had the money to pay. Best to be honest. A reminder to myself: Not everyone is You! It’s OK, Spirit provides for what I need and more. I just hope that the client hears the messages and takes the action needed to move forward. Blessings of Peace and Love!
One thing you can always count on with me is I’m not gonna lie. I have learned not to just blurt it out or be blunt with it, which is still sometimes iffy since I’m getting a little older and have become a bit more forgetful. I will tell the truth, my truth, no matter how difficult it might be.
The issue here for me is trusting individuals or groups of people to tell the truth. It’s a big one. First and foremost, I am a real psychic medium. I know. One way or another I know – I see, feel, hear, sometimes smell, and know. I’ve talked about being a knower in previous blogs. I did and still do believe that I see things before they happen in my dream world. After more thought, I also believe that I have a true connection with source. Information comes to me at any moment. I know things and it drives me cray cray at times, especially when people struggle to keep up. I’m already at the doing stage and others are lagging still trying to figure out how, or even better yet figure out how to achieve their own agenda. I do not like that. Be transparent. Sheep appear to be wolves. Yikes! Those who utilize their gifts for the highest and best can see through those people who do not because our source shows us, and/or we just know it. One thing I will always stay true to is trusting my gifts as a psychic medium. When I know something, I know it. You either believe me or you don’t. If you don’t, I gotta go. Be your authentic self. Don’t let the chatter from others tell you who you are and who you are not. Trust your own gifts. A lot of us have them and just don’t know what to do with them. If you truly want to develop your gifts, put it out to the universe and the teacher will appear. Peace Is optional. I get it, life isn’t always the easiest. Let’s make it easier by treating ourselves just a little better. Setting appropriate boundaries is a game-changer. Boundaries with others and self. Yes, self.
First, get out of your head, at least in ways that bring oneself to lower vibrational thoughts and feelings. We think tens and thousands of thoughts daily – definite overload. I know it’s not the easiest. I do it too – get in my head. I have four placements in Virgo and boy, I cannot not try to be a perfectionist. Insanity is what that is. The other morning at the gym I found myself once again listening to this headbanging music where you can’t even hear the words. I’m like who listens to this *%#! at 6 in the morning. Seriously, hurt my head. For the past three months, I have complained to myself at least three to four times about the music and how I would call the manager. Normally, I just focus on the workout and tune it out. So, the other morning, I was done. I muttered those familiar words and said to myself, ‘No, go ask the person at the desk to change the music.’ Guess what? He said music is by request. There’s my wake-up call. Granted it’s not that big of a deal, but I could’ve avoided the whole situation by speaking up, ultimately letting it go. Thursday morning, I walked into the gym and was met with music to my ears, peacefulness. Incidentally, earbuds are a no for me. Other scenarios may include twice thinking situations such as breaking up with your significant other, talking with a friend about something that bothers you, making a stand for or against something – should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. Have I mentioned that my grandson will be 2 in a couple of months? He’s such a love. However, when he doesn’t want to nap, it can get a little tricky. One day recently, I finally had enough, got up and said, ‘I’m done.’ Yeah, right I’m grandma. I got up and went to the restroom. He followed crying. I felt so bad but kept it together. I said, ‘Let’s go, now.’ He was out like a light in minutes. Sometimes, I nap with him. This time I sneaked out. I was outdoors when he awakened, crying at his bedroom door. Daddy, who works from home, came to the rescue. I was heartbroken because I wasn’t there. It bothered me for a day or so. Finally, I said something to my daughter, and she said, ‘He’s 2 mom; he’s already forgotten it.’ Silly me. Of course, he had. Again, these are tiny little things, but they add up. Take notice of what your thoughts are and then determine if they are needed or not. Let things go. It’s OK to live in the moment. Of course, we need to schedule some things in the future. However, let go of the past. Remember only the lessons learned and move forward. Let It Go! Peace A question and some people don’t like it, as if oneself is being attacked. Seriously, I have always been taught to ask if you don’t know or don’t get it. When you ask questions, you learn.
In addition to being a medium, healer and teacher, I am a writer. I’ve been a reporter for nearly 30 years writing articles for newspapers and magazines. I ask questions. It’s what I do. Just ask my grown children. Backstory: The kids knew if they brought a boyfriend or girlfriend home, they would be asked questions and then more questions. I swear my daughter prepped dates before they came over. My son once tried to hide one of his girlfriends. Did I mention I’m a reporter? Even today the kids know if I find something out, I’m going to ask and not just one or two questions. My two fabulous grown children have pretty good heads on their shoulders. In a group setting, when we’re discussing plans and someone shares what they need to, questions come to my mind in seconds. Some people might think this is a superpower and maybe it is, but some people get mad when I ask questions they don’t want to hear, or they don’t know the answer to. Trust me, they are always good questions. At times, I blurt questions out. It’s so I do not forget. I remind myself that bringing a pen and notepad is a good idea. This reminds me of an adjunct instructor I had at UCF. For a long time, he was a reporter, covering politics. He never had a pen or pencil when he needed one. I kind of picked that up from him. Do not allow anyone to stifle your questions. The more people resist answering those questions, the more you know there’s something to them, something going on behind the scenes. Become a reporter – a good reporter always leaves the best question for last knowing full well that the interview is about to be over. In some instances, it may be time to look for a new opportunity in your life. They say when you let people, places and things go, others will appear. Ask Spirit (God) to assist. Peace |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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