One must believe.
Okay, go ahead and explain it away if you must. But when it persists, give in. It’s real. I love spending time in the Séance Room in Colby Memorial Temple. It’s been there since 1923. I’ve had many phenomenon circles to include transfiguration, channeling and table tipping, all to prove the continuity of life. I’ve been sitting twice monthly with various people for several months. The last couple of times I and another person saw many blue and white orbs in one area called the cabinet, which is where one sits, meditates and allows. To be considered true phenomenon, more than one person must see it. Backstory: One time during a phenomenon circle me and the whole group, except for the sitter, saw a blue iridescent outline of a diamond that showed itself in the mirror slightly behind and above the sitter. Blue orbs also filled the air. We celebrated! The other day while I was sitting, we all heard the knocking. I was in a light mediation. The two looking on discussed hearing footsteps behind them. Then came the muffled voices. I thought people were inside the temple. I came out of my mediation, opened the door and saw not a soul. That was amazing! There are many types of channeling. Psychic mediums are in a light channel when they give messages. While I was one of two looking on, I wondered if the sitter saw Spirit to include possibly guides in the front of them, received information from them and shared it with us. Is that channeling? Hmm. I am a certified medium, healer and teacher in the Camp and I don’t know all, so I called one of my phenomenon teachers and asked about the scenario. He shared an experience in his channeling class. One week everyone channeled; the next week he brought a stickpin with him and told students that he was going to stick them to be sure they were channeling. Not one person channeled for the whole class. At that point, I let him know he made my blog this week. Then there is trance channeling, which is when the medium, or sitter, steps aside to allow higher beings to come into their being, so that knowledge can be shared. During one of my sittings, I saw an illumined, white female Spirit. I could hear myself speaking and later was told I said: ‘Open your hands to receive healing.’ And then I asked if my hands had opened. I recalled feeling like they had. I was told they never moved. The ectoplasm was super thick the last time we sat. It is the hope that enough ectoplasm becomes available to manifest a Spirit. Ectoplasm comes from those in attendance, but mostly from the person sitting. Incidentally, transfiguration is when ectoplasm, which comes from the eyes, ears, and mouth, changes the sitters face. Everyone sees it. Back Backstory: Remember, looking for Bloody Mary in the bathroom mirror when you were a kid? I have to say I did become interested in physical phenomenon because I was intrigued. I became somewhat of a junkie, still am. But truly it is about connecting with other realms of existence. I think a lot of us do this when we dream – connect to other realms. You could have your own phenomenon circle in the place you reside. Have a regular sitting practice by candlelight or with the customary red light. I would sit in a room that has little or no light coming in. Say a prayer for the highest and best and wait. It might take a few sittings to build the energy. Keep with it. Happy Experiences!
Stop living in the past.
Sometimes it’s easy to do; sometimes it is not. Listen, if no one died and no one went to jail, I feel there should be no reason to hold onto something that happened years ago. Let it go! I stopped explaining myself to others many years ago. There’s really no point. I am who I am, and you are who you are. People know who you are, unless of course, you walk around with a mask on or better yet a shield so tight you can’t even breathe yourself. Everyone is on a spiritual journey, regardless of whether they know it or not. I would like to believe that by residing and working in a spiritual community that everyone is of the thought process of evolution. I don’t see that to be true of all. It’s difficult to bring community together when people cannot evolve past their personal beliefs and open up to the simple possibility that people change, maybe not in the way you want them to change, but they do change. You really have to be aware of your surroundings and the people you have in your life, even in your neighborhood, especially when having a common ground, which is to serve humanity. It is possible to evolve right out of a community. I’m thinking a lot of you are thinking of Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. Think beyond what is in front of your face – the bigger picture, or outside of the box. A community could be a workplace, a group of friends, a profession, a city, a country, or it could just be three people. A community has to come together, and I mean truly come together to thrive. It’s really about vibration and finding your tribe. And then build your life with like-minded people, those with common interests like the ascension of the planet earth. I would love to see more fifth dimension living and above during my lifetime. The fifth dimension is a “deep state of consciousness, characterized by deep interconnectedness, unconditional love, and a transcendence of limitations like fear and negativity, essentially experiencing a reality beyond the physical limitations of our current dimension, often associated with practices like meditation and self-awareness to reach this higher vibrational state; it's often described as a realm of pure potential and manifestation where thoughts and intentions readily materialize,” according to an AI Overview. Does that just not sound so divine? Love these lyrics to the song Higher by Creed: “Can you take me higher? To a place where blind men see. Can you take me higher? To a place with golden streets.” I would like to believe that realm can be reached through more than just meditation. I hope for more of that in my life, for all of life. The facts, at this point, are that duality exists, which is limiting. A friend of mine recently said that duality is only a thing of planet earth. Makes you really wonder who I’m having conversations with. LOL And so, people get to choose where they live – the past, the present, the future, co-existing in various dimensions at one time. Let it go! Be free! Hope for the best! And remember, it’s not about you, it’s about them. Level up! Blessings of Peace and Love Of a psychic medium.
Listen to this: I went to the dentist the other day to finally get the last of my dental work done. Yippee! I pulled into the parking spot and then decided to back in. I never do this. I came out and my car wouldn’t start. Backstory: The mechanic who changed my oil gave me a list that needed my attention to include a new battery. More than $1,000 later, I decided the list could wait. And so, my car wouldn’t start. It’s okay. I had jumper cables in the trunk. I saw an older gentleman working outdoors with his truck in the driveway. I asked for help. He brought his vehicle over and said he just bought a new battery. He saw my cables were unusable and then said he just got some from someone who gave him a jump the other day. I looked toward his house and saw the numbers 444 (angel number) on his door. I thought that angels were definitely watching over me. I cranked my vehicle and was ready to go. I thanked him for his help. As I drove by his house, I noticed the numbers were no longer there. Wild, right? As my day progressed, I decided to drive with my new battery to a shop in Edgewater. I was to pick up my white sage. I took a different route to get there, so I had my GPS on. At one point, it was noted that I would be taking a right and then a left onto Mary Street. It made me think of my friend on the higher side. So, I turned right and slowed to see the name on the next street sign. It was Rose Street. My friend’s full first name: Mary Rose. You just cannot make this up. Has this happened to you? Being the reporter I am, I looked up Mary Street and Rose Street (Avenue) in Edgewater. I wanted to be sure if they were streets or avenues. I could only find Mary Street. I could not find Rose anything, which was not even a block away. More wildness. At the shop, the first item I was drawn to was fluorite, which is to assist with clearing brain fog and neutralizing negative energy. It’s one of my favorites. And then I spied a sodalite, which is about communication. It is also a favorite. I picked the first one I touched. The shop owner pointed out the angel that could be seen in its design. I love it! Just another sign that I was on the correct track. It now sits perfectly next to my other sodalite on the small table near my reading chair. Pay attention to the signs. They are around all of us. Truly a day in the life of a psychic medium is not that exciting or eventful – most of the time I’m just like any other person, although with different gifts. Maybe I’m just used to seeing the synchronicities. We all have the gifts. Accept them. Meditate. Get to a psychic development class. Then, see how you grow. Blessings of Peace and Love Are a bitch! Well, maybe not all of them.
I’m in a mood. Can you tell? I love writing, always have, always will; well, except maybe that one time I had to turn in an article that I could not figure out how to approach. Finally, with an hour or so left, I prayed to the universe for assistance. It helped. I made the deadline. As of late, I’ve noticed that my weeks turn into weeks in regard to getting my social media done – weekly YouTube videos for the past couple of years and this blog going on seven, eight years. If you have been following, you know I have probably written about some topics on more than one occasion. It’s really difficult to remember what I have covered and how I have covered it from year to year. And of course, here’s my favorite: Time (what is time?), which is needed for deadlines. My mood really depends on the weather – the warmer the better. I’m not sure when it got so cold in Florida. Perhaps, it is about losing weight and gaining in age. That’ll keep you chillier than normal. Of course, I’m still residing in an apartment built in 1896 or 1897. There’s zero insulation. I have not made it to the gym in more than a month. It’s too cold. To be fair, I did have a knee injury for two weeks, so there was that. Then there’s the silver linings in my windows. They block the sunlight. Hibernation anyone? If I could just get 50 degrees on particular mornings, I would go. That 10 pounds of insulation will take a minute to take off. Interestingly enough, the term deadline came about during the American Civil War when prisoners were not to cross a certain line in a prison. Many years later journalists aligned the term with time. When I need a topic for my blog, I’ll call certain creative people or I’ll head up to the bookstore, chat with a couple of other creatives and hopefully come up with an idea, hence deadlines. I have toyed with the idea of stopping my blog and my YouTube Channel posts for several months, but then I think of you, my followers, because all I really want to do is help others. Maybe sometimes I’m not supposed to. I can’t imagine. I know – give me an idea. What do you want to read or learn about? I’ll be happy to research it, put a spin on it and hope that it will help. There’s no deadline for that request. I love that! Blessings of Peace and Love I love that I get to change my mind on a specific topic. When you have experiences that show you knew ways or ideas, wake up and realize that your way or thought process could use an upgrade.
I’ve resided in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp for seven or eight years this time around. I love the place, obviously, I’m still here. Development now surrounds us. At times, I can feel it closing in. Oh, to hear the stories of dirt roads and openness that rarely exists today. To the point, I went down South, where it’s at least 10 degrees warmer as to where I am. And so, in South Florida I shared energies with two fabulous people I met in Cassadaga. The moment we met was destined. I just know it. The three days and two nights were wonderful and so relaxing. We did readings for one another. I also received healings with the assist of various types of tools – crystals bowls and tuning forks. Being a conduit of the healing energies is a special gift. Time really didn’t exist. There were no expectations. On the last day, I asked the question: ‘How far away are we from Miami?’ Ready for this – ‘19 miles.’ Wild I never even knew it. So, the concept or idea of the more people, the more you feel draining energies of the collective, may not be as I thought. Made me really think about energy and the oneness that we are with all living things seen and unseen. The more the merrier. It also has to do with the sanctuary you build for self and others. I had a déjà vu moment when I saw large instruments – a rain stick, a 36-inch wind gong and symphonic chimes. I saw it in a dream, or if you will, an alternate reality. I visit places before I physically arrive. On that last day, we went to the beach. They went in the water. Had some fun chats there. And the sky danced with clouds and beautiful colors, which were captured in photographs. I finally left around 6 p.m. The 3 ½ hour drive seemed very short. Days later, we chatted. We all agreed that we were still abuzz with energy. I went back inside my place to build up my energy so as to keep others’ energies at bay. My life has been peaceful since. I cannot wait to see my friends again. So, in the end, perhaps I did not change my mind so much. It truly is what you build in your own sanctuary. Something I needed reminding of. So grateful and thankful to find true friends, my tribe. They are only a thought away. Blessings of Peace and Love |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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