In the night! One never knows what happens in the middle of the night in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp or anywhere for that matter. Most times I am sleeping and do not hear a thing.
Funny thing about the dark, it brings out a different kind of energy. These days the middle of the night for me is around 8 p.m. I sat on my porch watching a group of what seemed like teens – eight to 10 of them – running around Hotel Cassadaga and the space between it and Brigham Hall. Backstory: Made me think of the good old days taking a late-night stroll to the cemetery with my cousin and other friends. Buford, a black Great Dane, took us for the walk really. It was the only way we could get out of the house. Creepy, spooky times in the dark, another world – another world in one’s mind. Everyone is always looking for something in the dark, especially teens. So, I thought to go out and remind them that this is a quiet community and then thought better of it when I saw a couple of taller gentlemen show up in the crowd. Backstory: Years ago, when I resided in Brigham Hall, I listened to a group of women on the hotel’s porch. Apparently they were having a few drinks. They sang Hotel California over and over again for more than an hour. I finally called a friend. She came over and we booted them off to bed. It was 1 a.m. I continued to watch from my porch and decided to call a friend. She asked about the noise. I held the phone out so she could hear more. We giggled about the youngsters and I reminded her that the development in Lake Helen might cause a little more action. Hard to believe it was Sunday night. And so dark already. I saw other people walking through the community. I get it, it is a safe place to be. One woman looked to have a bit of a wobble to her walk. I hoped she would be okay. She was heading toward Spirit Pond. I immediately thought of the alligator and then other wildlife she may encounter. There is much bigger development going on around the area other than Lake Helen. Displaced animals are common. People should really think about this while out for a late-night stroll in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. Around 9 p.m. people started filing out. The kids finally left, and my friend and I laughed a little more. One of the tenants opened her door and popped her head out to see who was laughing. I waved. Funny, that she heard the higher vibrational laughter than the eight to 10 kids screaming and yelling right outside of her windows. Perhaps night is just an illusion in the mind. Peace
If you buy into the notion that we all have psychic/mediumistic gifts, and we most certainly do, then why do you allow them to stagnate – not use them on a daily basis to assist self and others.
First off, it is necessary to get to class. And yes, it just so happens that I’m gearing up to teach several classes in the next couple of months. You don’t have to attend my classes, although they do have a proven track record for opening and expanding your gifts. Check my website and click Praise. Get to Class. Backstory: Yeah, I took algebra and geometry in high school and more of it in college. How ‘bout you? Have you ever used that information to survive? More than likely, the answer is no. One of the first not so noticeable gifts is Clairsentience, which is clear feeling. Most all of us have that gut instinct. Pay attention to it. Ladies, you do know when something is up with your children, yes? There’s other aspects to clear feeling to include imprinting, which is allowing spirit to overlap or lie upon self and therefore you are able to glean certain information for self and others. Maybe, a little too deep. Smile Something everyone can follow is the body/mind map, which I teach in my class. Certain areas are assigned meanings such as knees are about support in life and shoulders are about carrying responsibilities. There are other aspects to consider though for the true meaning. I really began thinking about the body/mind map as I was receiving massages and noticing areas of concern. I cannot believe it took me this long to even think about it on this level. I have been getting massages for years. Backstory: When I was going through my divorce, I was seeing a body therapist of sorts. At one session, he worked the side of body near my heart and I’m here to tell you it was pain like no other. Darn near jumped off the table. Thankfully, I was able release. During my last massage, I noted areas of concern. Yep, always carrying a rock-hard shell on my back to protect myself from those who wish to do harm. Then there’s my calves, which is about feeling confined, wanting to break free from something. As noted earlier, there are other aspects to consider while using the body/mind map. To be fair, some might just think the areas of concern while getting my massage were simply because I worked out extremely hard at the gym this past week. I’m here to tell you the areas that popped up for me related to things going on in my life, which allowed me to assess and make decisions. When you work with your gifts, they grow. When you grow your gifts, you grow spiritually. Read that again, a couple of times. We’re all here to grow and evolve to become a better person than we were yesterday. As your gifts grow, people will fall away, and others will come in to assist in the next leg of your journey. Each and every one of us has the gifts, why not learn how to use them. Send an email to [email protected], and I will send you information about my online and in-person classes and workshops. Blessings of Peace and Love! I’m so excited to have started my phenomena circle in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. There’s seven, plus myself and we sat for our first gathering earlier this week. We’re in the Séance Room, which came about when Colby Memorial Temple was built in 1926. Imagine the energy in that space!
Yes, normally it takes lots of time to build the energy, but since we are in the room we are in, there’s plenty of residual energy. We saw Spirit lights, heard a couple of raps and took turns sitting in the cabinet under a red light for transfiguration, which is when the face changes over and over again because of ectoplasm. Ectoplasm comes from the eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth of the medium and others in the group. Backstory: During my last phenomena circle, everyone saw a large diamond shaped fluorescent blue light. Not to be outdone 50 or so fluorescent blue orbs appeared and floated toward the person sitting. Amazingness!!! When I recalled the story at a cookout, I joked: ‘Who did that?’ To be true phenomena, more than one person must see it. We will be doing table tipping in probably class three or four. Listen, I’ve always been a skeptic in regard to table tipping. It’s good to be skeptical. Whenever I attend a table tipping, I always watch to see if the medium is moving the table. So, when I did my first table tipping, I prayed. Backstory: Sure enough, that table tipped, not hugely but enough to know it was real. The next thing I knew I saw a vision that the table was going to start spinning. I told everyone to stand up and push their chairs back. Moments later that table was spinning and for quite some time. We will also be doing work in the cabinet, which is a rectangular shaped area that is able to be enclosed by curtains on each side. We will close the curtain to build the ectoplasm. When the curtain is pulled back, we hope that the ectoplasm built will form into a Spirit. Oh, I have seen that before. Backstory: I was at a Wednesday Night Message Service to receive a reading from the medium. When he came to me, a full masculine figure appeared – smoky, kind of foggy looking – behind the medium. Amazingness! I’m not sure if anyone else saw it. I certainly did. The reason I do phenomena circles and write about them is to remind everyone that there is more than meets the eye, that life continues after we leave this earth plane. You could do your own phenomena circle. Decide how often you are going to sit and with the same people if possible. The room should be dark with no white light coming in. Bring fresh flowers and water to assist in raising the vibration and energy. It might take a little longer to build the energy for the phenomena. Don’t give up – it will happen! By the way, I just know this is going to be a great circle. I did a Skype meet-and-greet before the class was to come together. A handful of us made it and then out of nowhere an echo came after everyone who spoke. Great phenomena! Blessings of Peace and Love! Halloween season was busy to say the least. The energy was vamped up here for at least the past month – yes, month. Readings, readying for events and the siege of people that would come for a scare.
The Hotel Cassadaga had its annual haunted walk through the porch of the hotel and probably elsewhere – perhaps, the ethers. See, I haven’t lost my sense of humor (lol). Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp hosted its annual Fall Fest to include an abundance of tours of the historic town, vendors and readings at the bookstore, which was open later than normal for days. It was busy. I have witnessed busier. Backstory: Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp had its own Halloween walkabout to include an electric chair, bone readings (always a hit), ribbon readings, zombies (before they were talked about) – a truly awesome scare. Cars lined Cassadaga Road to Martin Luther King Beltway, now that’s Halloween. Yes, this year the cars lined Cassadaga Road, but not to the extent of years ago. Let’s talk about that vamped up energy – Ha, imagine feeling it for days, 10 to be exact, and doing readings like there was no tomorrow for many days in a row. And then try to sleep at night. Most of the time I was able to have my air conditioner on, so I didn’t hear a thing. Funny thing – when the air wasn’t warranted, I heard a few things but dozed off anyway. Again, the energy – just the energy of the space. Gigantic! Think about it. Hundreds and ultimately thousands of people, some here previously, some not. Huge vibrations. Empaths, you know what I’m talking about. Nov. 1 and into the next day. Huge crash! Finally, back to some normalcy in regard to energy. SURREAL – talk about the Twilight Zone, dang! It took several days to adjust and realize that it was over. I cannot even believe I made my deadlines for social media – truly, it’s because I’m a reporter and deadlines work for me. However, I’m still catching up on my friends to include those on social media. Miracle! An old-time Spiritualist told me one time that ‘we’ don’t believe in miracles. Ha – I’m here to tell you, and I’m sure you will agree, life itself is a miracle. I will say it again: We are living on a planet in a solar system, or at least that’s what we’ve been led to believe. My wild ride took off again around 10 p.m. on Halloween when I picked up my grandson because my daughter’s water broke. She delivered early morning on 11/1. Life’s a ride! Now back to the Mayberry energy that is so loved by myself and those who visit. Blessings of Peace and Love! P.S. I almost forgot about those eclipses that took place toward the end of October and the full moon energy! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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