I went clothes shopping Friday and had a fabulous time. I went by myself. I sure have come a long way when it comes to clothes shopping. It’s interesting to take a look at something and how your habits have changed through the years.
Backstory: I hated shopping when I was kid. My mother didn’t like taking me either. Who could blame her? I was always so picky as to what I would wear. It had to feel right on my skin. If I had it my way, I’d wear blue jeans (pants and shorts), T-shirts and flip-flops daily. Of course, there’s always winter – yes, even in Florida. Through the years, I went shopping with various friends, all who had their own style, and thought it would look good on me. Same with friends who thought they could fix my natural curly hair. LOL. There was one friend who helped me find my style. We had such a good time shopping. She said to me one time that she now liked shopping again because of me. Imagine that! After she left the earth plane, I did not go shopping for a long time. So, to go by myself and like it is quite the accomplishment. Oh, and guess what? I bought these adorable giraffe onesies for the baby. Shopping with my daughter and grandbaby (ies?) will be fabulous. Time changes everything! Blessings of Peace and Love!
I’m not known for my green thumb. Never really had the knack to grow things. It’s not that I don’t like flowers and other plant life – they don’t like me.
Backstory: For years, my parents came from Wisconsin to Florida to visit. My mom loved Geraniums, so she bought two for the back porch. When she left, she said all I had to do was water them. Yikes! When she came back, they would be close to death’s door. Back backstory: To top that off, just about every single year my editor at the Lake Edition of the Orlando Sentinel had me write the advance for the Mount Dora Plant and Garden Fair. It was an awesome event for the community, but for me, it was brutal to write. As of late, I’ve been hanging out with a Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp elder who was a mentor to my master teacher now on the higher side of life. She loved plants and could grow anything. The Camp elder also loves plants. He gave me a succulent. Apparently, you cannot kill those either. I did have a little trouble at first and thought to move it. When I did, it thrived. The other day the Camp elder and I went to Home Depot so he could pick up a couple of plants and I could look at paint. I ended up buying crotons and succulents for the pots in front of Harmony Hall. The plants replaced the colorful fake flowers. Those pots are problematic because they have nowhere to drain the water. I will keep a close eye on that. The Camp elder said when we fertilize, we’ll have to repot the plants this time with gravel at the bottom, so the soil doesn’t stay wet. We will see what happens. Regardless, the $25 spent is worth it. Real flowers bring amazing energy. The Camp elder and I talked about planting pentas to attract butterflies in his yard. I guess I do have a green thumb fighting to come out. Try something new even if you think you already know the answer. You might surprise yourself. Many Blessings of Peace and Love! Stop putting people on pedestals. Because I am a teacher, I feel some may think that I know all or that I should. I am a teacher, but more importantly I am also a student. I gain knowledge every single day.
Earlier in the week, I had an appointment for my first house cleansing. I got my daughter to come along because she knows a little more about this than I, although I am a quick study. She carried a wooden box with her supplies – a couple of black candles, some crystals, blue sage, an abalone shell, a larger golden bell and two smaller bells. As soon as we arrived, she opened her box and then her compass app, so she could place once stone each at the farthest East point and West point of the house. She opened all the doors in the house, and we began the smudging process. My daughter carried the shell and smoking sage while ringing her bell sporadically as we, the client and myself, followed behind with our bells. The sound breaks the Spirit energy. We did the whole house and made sure the windows and doors got a little extra. The client had called because she was trying to sell the house and was having difficulty. She had resided there with her mother and brother for years. But later it was just her mother and brother. She wondered if her mother, who died five years ago, didn’t want her to sell the house. During the reading, my daughter stood up. I asked what was up and she said, ‘It’s time to close the doors.’ She felt Spirit had left the house. You know for a long time I thought house cleansing would be considered hocus-pocus. Like anything else, it is truly about the intention. Think about it – thoughts are things. Every single word that we speak could be construed as a spell. Be mindful. I can say with great confidence that nearly every single person at one time or another has dabbled in hocus-pocus. Remember those birthday candles on your cake? You made a wish (set the intention) and blew them out – candle magic. We all have a little witchy in us. Blessed Be! I love way too much. It’s true. I do. I love all people, regardless of what they have done or might do. I may not like people, but I always will love them. It’s actually a good place to be – looking for the best in everyone.
It’s not always been the easiest. I do my best to look for the silver lining. There’s always something good about any situation. Look for it! Backstory: Even when I was in high school, I used to drive my best friend cray cray because I always looked at the cup half full and not half empty. One time we got into a verbal argument about it. She asked why I always looked at things in a positive way. Thinking about it today, my answer is survival mode. It was a mindset that had to be. If someone does me wrong, I may get upset for a moment but then I forgive. I think about where they are coming from and wonder what has happened in their lives. Plus, everyone has agenda. Sometimes, I feel like people poke me just to see my reaction. If I don’t get upset, I feel that enrages them. If I do get upset, I feel they have succeeded momentarily to bring me into their world. I don’t stay long. Remember this – people, including myself, perceive based on what has happened to them in their lives. Setting healthy boundaries may upset others as well. People do not like change. They want to think of you in a certain way even if it’s not true. Set the boundaries anyway and stick with them. This will help you raise your vibration and evolve. Because I have a big heart, people take advantage of it and then my feelings get hurt. I back away for a bit and then come back stronger than ever. I am accepting of others and just want to show them love. It’s no surprise I’m a psychic medium and help people on a daily basis. When I look at this thing called life, my latest mantra is ‘Be of the world, not in it!’ Repeat that a few times. Be of the word, not in it. Be of the world, not in it. Peace Most Saturday mornings, after my regular routine, I place a nice piece of sage in my abalone shell, cleanse my space and then take it the neighborhood of Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I walk around my building, which is Harmony Hall, up around the bookstore and back down my street.
While I do this, I say three I AM Decrees and Prosperity Affirmations. I feel it brings a higher vibration to my world and it helps me to be of this world and not in it. We all have a spark of God within us. When you are an empath or sensitive, I believe it helps to verbally put that Tube of Light (White Light of God) around us to protect us from others seen and unseen. The second I AM Decree is the Wall of Blue Flame and then finally the Violet Consuming Flame. While saying each of the Decrees, visualize the white light, blue flame and violet flame. Take note of how you feel now and then after saying the decrees. Tube of Light 'Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,' enfold me now in my Mighty Magic Electronic Tube of Ascended Masters’ Light Substance! Make It so powerful no human creation can pass through! See that It keeps me Invisible, Invincible, and Invulnerable to everything but Thy Almighty Perfection; Infinitely and Divinely Sensitive to Thee and Thy Divine Perfection, 'Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,' and eternally non-recordant to human creation! Wall of Blue Flame 'Beloved Mighty I AM Presence' and Great Sanat Kumara! Keep me and every person, place, condition, and thing under the Radiation of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, surrounded with the Invincible Wall of Blue Flame, outside the Tube of Light, as added Protection, until all are Free in the Ascension. We thank Thee Thou dost always answer our every Call. Violet Consuming Flame 'Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,' blaze up through me now, Your Mighty Violet Consuming Flame, the Purifying Power of Divine Love, in Its most Powerful, Dynamic Activity! Consume cause, effect, record, and memory forever, of all human concepts, desires, and feelings in my being and world, and every mistake for which my outer self is responsible! Replace it with the Ascended Masters’ Electronic Substance of Light, Love, Purity, and Perfection; and hold Your Dominion within me. Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am Saint Germain Foundation Hope this is something to help you through your day, every day! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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