The reason I say this is so that people will be mindful of what they put out to the universe. Before I realized who I am, I put some words out to the universe that I wish I could take back.
Backstory: When I was child and going through growing pains, I wished that my breasts were nonexistent. They’d hurt so badly that I’d cry from the pain. Flashforward 25 years and still a backstory: During my freelance writing career I met some awesome people, heard their stories and wrote about them for a newspaper. I wrote several stories about those who had macular degeneration. To assist with my stories, I really wanted to get a feel for what it was like. One woman told me that macular degeneration is horrible and you don’t want to know. I agreed. So about six years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3A breast cancer; hence the removal of my breasts. Shortly after one of my reconstruction surgeries, I cried a huge cry one night when I remembered my words as a child. I said to Spirit, ‘I did not know.’ Unfortunately, as a child I had no one to tell me that I should not wish for my breasts to be gone. If I could only go back to that day, I would eat those words. And yes, a couple of years ago I was told I have dry macular degeneration. I’ve been told it takes about 10 years to become legally blind. I never wished that I would have that horrible disease, but I did wonder about it. I should be able to keep my peripheral vision. Only time will tell on that one. The point is – be mindful of the words and thoughts you put out to the universe. Everything you say, do or think influences your future. Don’t ever forget that. When you are raising your children or when you are around your grandchildren, tell them the stories that I talked about above and how their words and thoughts are things, and that they should be mindful of them. Many Blessings of Peace and Love!
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I’ve been having these thoughts lately about how there is more than meets the eye and I don’t mean little occurrences of phenomena – crystals moving on my dresser top, pennies and dimes showing up out of nowhere, and binkies and computer mouses disappearing and reappearing.
I’m talking about stuff you might think only exists in movies – think Doctor Strange type of situations. The fight for good and less than good is and always will be, regardless of where it occurs. I came up with this topic when I caught up with a friend of mine who yes has some issues going on but truly believes that evil forces exist beyond our sight, knowledge and thought process. She believes because she has experienced. In example, she had ‘people’ breaking into her east coast Florida home on a regular basis. She called the police department on several occasions and was told that this was not happening. There was no proof yet from one night to the next morning when no one was in the house, one law enforcement officer noted that furniture to include a large couch had noticeably moved from one area to another. Additionally, during a conversation in that same home, I saw my friend’s face transfigure into less than good energies – creeped me out. Backstory: I had a client in my office several years ago who shared that there is so much more than meets the eye. He said he had experienced things that people would not believe to include time travel, remote viewing and the good and less than good battle. I learned that he was pretty much a nomad, not wanting to stick around or to be found because of his knowledge of know-how. Trust me, there was nothing loose in his screws. Do we attract less than good – some do intentionally, others are unsuspecting. Those who work with less than good both on the seen and unseen side of life look for those who are compromised or weak because of health issues and mental stability. How do we protect ourselves from these less than good energies? We incorporate a healthy lifestyle by eating properly, exercising and being mindful of who we invite into our lives. We must also be mindful of struggles going on within, which may cause one not to think rationally – those who prey on your less than well-being take advantage. With all the above going on, this now brings even more less than good energies from the unseen. Getting help from a therapist may be needed. Incidentally, my friend went to a therapist who reminded her that yes there is constantly some type of war going on between good and less than good even on the unseen side of life. I have so put out to the universe for that client to come back and see me. I have so many questions that I want answered. I truly believe there are forces on the higher side, or unseen who work against the greater good. Stay Strong! I’m sure I’ve had several people give me the evil eye. It is a little scary sounding. Yes, people who do this may intend less than good to the recipient. Does this mean less than good will happen in your life? It depends. First, you must believe in it.
There are some downright mean people in this world. They are not happy about a darn thing. And they try to bring others down to their level with their negative energies. It’s not pretty. Maybe, you have met these people; hopefully you have not nor ever will. Backstory: At an event, a man placed his hand on my shoulder. I promptly told him that he was in my space, and he removed it. I did not like that energy – for good reason. That same man had dogs snarling at him until he was far enough away from them. Keeping the evil eye at bay takes a lot of energy. I do not allow it to enter my space. I do my normal house cleansing and sage to remove energies weekly, sometimes more. It is exhausting at times when dealing with those who wish not the best for you. I do know that these people who give the evil eye, or are just mean, need help. In my mind, I figure some not so great things have happened to them, maybe not even in this lifetime. It could be something they carry through lifetimes and/or through the ancestorial line. Since I see this in people, it makes me wonder about my own meanness. What you see in others is your work too. Have I always been perfect, no, but I try. Intentionally inflicting pain on someone is not my style. I care way too much, even if their intentions are not for my highest and best. Being the reporter I am, I always want to get the story straight. If someone is misinformed, I will let them know what I know to be true. This does not go over well with those who want a particular story to be retold. People who are mean want to walk over you. Do not allow it. I talked with one of my friends about this blog and she told me of a particular scene in the movie, “The Help.” “All you do is scare and lie to try to get what you want. You’re a godless woman. Ain’t you tired, Miss Hilly” referring to one of characters who was mean down to the soul. Do not allow less than good in. Continue to be you. Bring your goodness out. Send love and light to those in need. If by chance you believe in the evil eye, wear a talisman, like the photo. Blessings of Peace and Love! It wasn’t too long ago when I found myself taking care of my grandson and could not find a binky anywhere. After searching, my daughter said she forgot to bring one. No big deal. We got this.
Late morning, I was washing dishes and Royce was near the desk. When he turned to face me, I did a double take. He had a binky in his mouth. I sent a text to my daughter, and she replied: “I’m telling you this boy be teleporting binkies.” Later, I showed her the binky and she swore it was one of his new ones that had not ever made it to my place. Backstory: When Royce was two months old, he was crying in his bassinet. His parents searched frantically for a binky. After a couple of minutes, he stopped crying. They ran into the bedroom and saw he had binky in his mouth and was fast asleep. Two options here: He teleported it (manifested it) or Spirit gave it to him. On another note, a student who attends one of my online classes shared that a couple she knows got it in their heads to manifest being billionaires. After years of putting the request out to the Universe, it was returned recently when the husband signed with a company named Billionaire. His wife said that he should be a little more specific when manifesting. True, true. Finally, my grandson is now tall enough to get a glance of what is on my writing table. The other day he saw my mouse and grabbed it. I said that it was Grammy’s, so I took it and put it back. He was OK with it. Later, I picked up from the Royce visit. I sat down and saw that my mouse was gone. I looked everywhere, not to be found. I sat back down and what was at the side of my laptop: My mouse. Did I manifest that back or did Royce teleport it? We all have the ability to manifest. First and foremost, we must believe that it can be done. I would love to hear your stories about manifesting. Please share them if you have a chance. Blessings of Peace and Love! I’ve been in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp for other hurricanes, so I decided to go to my daughter’s place in Port Orange to ride it out. It was a little dicey at times. We lost power around 11 p.m. on Wednesday. Cassadaga hung in there for a few more hours.
A tower must’ve toppled near Port Orange as well. By the time the worst hit us, it was either a hurricane one or tropical storm. Wind blew and rain dropped for 36 hours. We had very little communication with the outside world. A text would come through or go out randomly. Once it calmed slightly, my son-in-law went to check on his mother. He returned within 30 minutes to announce there was no way out. I was packed and ready to go. I was to teach an online class that night and was stressed to not even reach out. We, my daughter, son-in-law, grandson and myself, decided to go on an adventure, to take a walk and see what I could not fathom. Yes, it was still blowing and raining a bit. I wore my daughter’s winter coat and zipped it up to my neck. I was surprised. There was no way a vehicle would make it out. Ridgewood Avenue (US 1) looked like a raging river (spiritual meaning: high emotions). I could see the ocean further back. Commonwealth Boulevard had also looked like a raging river on both sides. On one side, there were vehicles floating – like you see elsewhere on the television. Unbelievable! Back story: That trek made me think of a time when I was part of the hurricane coverage for the Lake Edition of the Orlando Sentinel. I took my son, daughter and neighbor kid to cover the story at an elementary school. We were pretty much in the aftermath, but still windy and rainy. That was an adventure, too. Spiritually, hurricanes are about destruction, a cleansing of sorts. Afterward, people come together to help one another. We bring about a new way of being or a reminder as to what is truly important in life. The sun comes out again. I changed. I truly understood that sometimes you cannot keep your word because of extenuating circumstances. Thank goodness my students understood. Of course, they would. Same with the readings I had scheduled. I even had one person wonder how I was on my social media. It was sweet. I thought I have at least one follower who knows who I am and where I’m from. At Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, members are getting together today at noon for a cookout to use up the close to unfrozen food. It will be nice to have that togetherness. I’m bringing my Frisbee. I hope I can find someone to play. If you were affected in any way by the hurricane, think about what has changed for you since that day – same goes for any other life altering situation that made you change who you are. We are survivors and we will get through this. I’m sure my grandson will not remember this adventure, but we will tell him how he came along to see that the neighborhood streets changed into rivers for a day or two. Sending healing energies to those in need. Blessings of Peace, Healing and Love! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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