I just finished an eight week class on intuitional development. Normally, the last class is communicating with Spirit, and we did that on the seventh week. The last class was held in Colby Memorial Temple’s séance room, which has been there since 1923. Imagine all the séances held in that room through the years. The energy is amazing.
Before class, I got the keys from the office to make sure they would work, and they did. I was surprised to see a large, rectangular mirror hanging above the medium’s chair in the cabinet. The cabinet in our séance room consists of a pole near the ceiling reaching across the width of the séance room and curtains that are pulled, creating a cabinet. The cabinet space is to create ectoplasm in hopes of Spirit materializing. Red lights are used because light dissipates ectoplasm. In the old days, they didn’t have light, so séances were done in the dark. I read somewhere that they used to put flour outside the cabinet to make sure the medium was not getting up and moving around. It was always checked afterward. I sat in a phenomenon circle for 18 months. It met once weekly, same time, same place. I never saw Spirit materialize in those sessions, however, I did see ectoplasm, which is a cross between smoke and fog. In one instance it looked like smoke. Have you ever seen a cigarette resting in an ashtray and the smoke rise? That’s what it looked like. One time I did see a full manifestation of Spirit made out of ectoplasm. It happened during a Wednesday Night Message Service when I was receiving a reading from the medium. It appeared right behind him. Amazing. I am a medium, so I saw that. To be true phenomenon, more than one person must see it. So, when I saw the mirror in the séance room, it made me think of trickery. I am a writer. Let me count the ways. There could be faces somehow sketched in the mirror was my first thought. What can I say, I’m a skeptic at heart. I had never seen a mirror in the séance room, so I draped a blue sheet over it. Class was about demonstrating transfiguration. Transfiguration occurs when ectoplasm comes from the medium’s, or the sitter’s eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth, and causes the face to change, over and over. Everyone sees it. The faces could be loved ones of those watching in the audience, guides of the person sitting, or just spirit wanting to come in. I went first and could hear the students chatting up how this happened and that happened. One student sent me an email the next day after class: ‘Last night was an eye-opening experience.’ This is not for the lighthearted. The reason we practice transfiguration and other phenomena is to prove the continuity of life. Spiritualism has been around for a very long time – modern Spiritualism since 1848. Me being who I am, a believer, but also a skeptic at heart, asked around about the mirror. Someone said if there were sketches of face in the mirror, they would be the same ones. The mirror, if shaped in a circle and pointed and certain degree, could allow spirit to project out. I may try it sometime. Why not? We’ve all done mirror gazing when we were kids. Then there’s water gazing (used in ancient times) and cloud gazing (one of my favorite pastimes) and candle gazing. All of these are a way to communicate with Spirit, to prove there is life after so-called death.
Back to what a Spiritualist medium is to me. I discussed it somewhat previously in my BLOG. To remind you, mediums connect with Spirit and are able to receive information to include what that Spirit looks like, personality traits, shared experiences and things they would have done when they were on this earth plane.
Those in the general public do get a skewed version of what a medium is because of how it is depicted on television, movies and through other mediums (LOL). Some may even think it’s magic. Maybe it is. Magic is defined as ‘the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.’ Here’s another one: ‘The use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces.’ Each of us has one or more of the gifts – seeing, feeling, knowing, smelling and hearing. We are born with them. As we grow, our vocabulary grows. When I became aware of my gifts, I was advised to meditate on a daily basis and to attend classes. This grows ones gifts. I became a certified medium five years ago. Meditation teaches you to raise your vibration so that you are able to reach Spirit. Spirit lowers itself to reach us. There is nothing mysterious or supernatural about it. In the religion of Spiritualism, we believe in Natural Laws such as the Law of Attraction and the Law of Cause and Effect. There are hundreds of Natural Laws and in many cases they are so very simple to understand. It’s the follow through that may not be so very simple. First, one has to know they exist. I do say prosperity affirmations to remind me of who I am. It’s so easy to get lost in the ‘real’ world. Affirmations I say include I am a powerful spiritual being. I am filled with love and light. I am naturally enlightened. It’s all about raising one’s vibration. According to one of the definitions above, this could be construed as a charm or spell. Every single word we speak, and think of how many we do speak in just one day, could be considered a spell. When people in the general public have experiences, they turn up in Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp to get an explanation. I’ve seen many. One time a Baptist preacher came to a Friday night class and stayed because he had an experience. You gotta love that on so many levels. The bottom line is we all have these gifts. Just like good and less than good (The Law of Duality) it depends on what the intention is. This exists in every person, not just mediums. One last thought, I say a friend of mine is my good luck charm because every time I get chatting with him, people call for readings. Is that magic? Maybe it is, since I received appointments for two readings on Sunday while writing this. I love my life! Blessings! Spirit of Love Gala Day is today, Saturday, Feb. 9, in the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association. I so love Gala Days, which are fundraisers held four times yearly. The preparation that goes on behind the scenes starts about two months out – press releases being written and sent out to media outlets, online calendars, ads in print, speakers lined up, vendors that line Stevens Street, in front of Colby Memorial Temple and in the Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building. The Activity Director and a slew of volunteers make it happen.
When Gala Day gets here, it’s good times! The energy is a delight – people coming together to enjoy walking the streets of the small town atmosphere. Tucked away from the busyness of life, the Camp offers a feeling of joy, happiness, community. People chatting up, listening to lectures, getting readings, receiving healings – a good time for everyone! This type of activity raises one’s vibration. When we raise our vibration, good things come in. It’s inevitable. It’s contagious. Joy and happiness are higher levels of vibration. Think about it when you walk into a conversation that is happy and uplifting, you feel good. When there’s an argument going on in a conversation, you don’t. Feelings such as anger, fear and being on the defense may make you feel less than. Raise your vibration. Dr. Masaru Emoto's water experiments proved that water reacts to human vibrational energy - thoughts, words, ideas and music, which affect the molecular structure of water. Our mature bodies are made up of 80 percent water. Positive words turned water into beautiful ice crystals as negative words the opposite. Google it! The Spiritualist Camp attracts people from all over the world. People have always said the vibration is serene and peaceful. As I wrote this BLOG, I received a message on my page ‘Life in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – Mayberry It Is.’ It reads: ‘The peace that comes over you here is perfect.’ I love that. It’s the law of attraction. And so as one raises his or her vibration, manifestation comes into play. That’s my belief. When you look at the universal mirror, also associated with the law of attraction, doesn’t it make sense to rate at higher vibration to bring in what you want, to manifest. When life happens, sometimes vibrations lower, and it’s OK. But do we have to live there. Here’s a quote I resonated with on Facebook earlier today: ‘Trauma creates change you don’t choose. Healing is about creating change you do chose’ – Michelle Rosenthal We can come through difficulties by being positive, looking at the brighter side of life, seeing the silver lining. I try to see the good in each and every person I come in contact with. Try it. You might be surprised how your life changes in a positive way. Raise your vibration! This week’s class in my office at the Spiritualist Camp was on color. It’s not as simple as it sounds. First we took a look at the shades – red, green, blue; values – the range of the shade from sky blue to indigo; and the intensity. Next each shade of color was assigned meaning. For instance, red could be about passion or love depending on the value and intensity. We all know from physics 101 that everything is energy, which is in constant motion, constant change. In class, the final teaching on color was to feel the different vibrations of each color. We used blindfolds too.
Backstory: I went to Joann Fabrics last week to get various colored felt squares for the class project. I choose a dark green, light green, blue, a lighter blue, orange, yellow and red. As the woman was cutting a ½ a yard of each, another woman in line asked what I was making. I laughed inside for a couple of reasons – I’m not crafty, and let’s face it not many want to hear about Mediumship. I decided that I would tell the truth. It’s who I am. I said, ‘I’m a Medium in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and I’m teaching a class about color.’ She said, ‘Oh.’ I replied: ‘Did you know that each color has its own vibration?’ I was pleased when she said, ‘They certainly do.’ Looking back through the years, it wasn’t something I didn’t readily do – share with someone about being a Medium. When my daughter was around 8 or 9, it became apparent that we weren’t going to be able to hide our little secret – ‘My daughter sees dead people’ – for very long. Our neighbor left this earth plane and we were invited to the funeral and graveside service. We dreaded going because our daughter would wander the cemetery talking to those who called. We came clean with the neighbor before we went to the service. He asked a lot of questions and we answered. As a freelance writer for the Lake Edition of Orlando Sentinel, I thought it would be a good idea to write about a local Spiritualist minister. My editor relented after I pointed out that we needed to fair about covering all faiths. A few days after the column ran I met someone in the community who wanted to know if I believed in Palm Sunday. I thought it odd. Being point on, I asked, ‘Are you asking me if I believe in God?’ He was, so that was straightened out very quickly. And the list goes on of my ‘coming out’ as a Spiritualist Medium. I found it refreshing when I heard the response, ‘They certainly do’ at the fabric store. I believe this world is awakening more and more to what we believe as Spiritualists and/or Metaphysicians. |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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