It was pointed out to me the other day that I live my life reacting to situations. It’s true I’ve always been a fixer. A situation arises and in minutes, sometimes seconds, I know the exact steps to be taken to reach the wanted outcome.
One of my friends calls me a taskmaster. It’s a little daunting at times. I’m sure a lot of you can relate, especially those who are lightworkers. We wear many caps. In one day, I could be booked with readings, teaching an online psychic mediumship development class, creating videos for social media, writing my weekly blog and taking care of my precious grandson and the list continues. This is nothing to new to me. Backstory: While raising two children with my former husband, keeping at least two part-time jobs and going to college, the last 2 ½ years full-time while driving to UCF from Tavares, household chores and let’s not forget the dog, I kept busy. Regardless of your scenario, it’s not always the easiest to find time for self. And so, I was told that I should work on scheduling my time. The thought never occurred to me. I just do and do and do and do. I was told stop doing and plan, make a plan. So, budget my time. Too funny, I never made a budget in my life. I have always known that Spirit knows what I need, and I will receive that and more and I do. So, budgeting my time seems a bit scary. On second thought, we in Florida have been experiencing summer as of late. I go to the beach one day weekly in the summer – now there’s a plan. It is February though and do realize that winter will happen again for at least a couple of days here and there. Ugh. I do have so much on my plate, and I need to figure out time to finish editing an instructional book and finish writing another book and then there’s those other books still swirling in my head waiting to get out. Every time I start to write and get in the zone my phone rings, and someone wants a reading, or someone from the Spiritualist Camp wants to sign me up for speaking at Lyceum or Church and/or be the medium at Wednesday Night Message Service. Then there’s the occasional speaking engagement at another church. I love doing all of that and always will. All I really want to do is help people. I must remember that I can still do, but not so much. I must take care of myself. It is not selfish. I’ve been so busy taking care of others that I forget about me. Sound familiar? A schedule is so left brained. It’s a real stumper at times when I work in my right brain on a continuous basis. I really should start paying attention to time and how I use it. To give myself credit, I did take notice before I had a complete meltdown. I changed up the days I work out, so as to not be waking up at 4:15 a.m., preparing my tea and heading to the gym. The other day I got the morning text that my fabulous daughter and grandson were on their way. It was 7:15 a.m. I jolted out of bed to get my first cup of tea in. And this last week, I was able to take two, two-hour naps with my grandson. Imagine. The real question: Am I managing my time so that I can do more? I did say something the other day about starting a podcast and I’ve been gearing up for my online store for nearly a year. Still, the future looks just a little brighter. I can accomplish all my goals if I just manage my time. Think of what you could do if you did the same. Bottom line: Lightworkers, mothers, fathers, couples, singles, everyone . . .don’t forget to take care of you. Create a schedule and stick to it. And then see how you can truly help others in which I so love doing. Peace
Is a bitch and it’ll lie to your face.
I saw a friend of mine, a conspiracy theorist, post something on Facebook about how somehow, someway that someone is going to project an image in the sky, so that people will think that it’s the coming of God. Put the fear of God in you. Firstly, why would God try to put fear into anyone? He forgives everyone. With all that’s going on in this country right now, I have to say that there’s more going on that would put the fear in me if I attested to the emotion. OK, yes, the palmetto bug may have wings – my biggest nightmare is if that winged friend, which is symbolic of being a survivor, lands in my hair when I’m trying to kill it. Secondly, who would believe that God is this image? If it is and ever truly happens, I would have to check in with my intuitive gifts and then feel the vibrations around it to know that it real. We all have gifts. Start paying attention to your intuition and trust it. Whomever would do such a thing, using an image of God to put fear into people, is not of the highest vibration. This would not be the first time this has been attempted, although in a different manner. My belief is religion has been used to control the masses since the beginning of time. In the history of Christianity, the first seven ecumenical councils (those representing various Christian churches) include: the First Council of Nicaea in 325, the First Council of Constantinople in 381, the Council of Ephesus in 431, the Council of Chalcedon in 451, the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, the Third Council of Constantinople from 680–681 and finally, the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, according to Wikipedia. Basically, the religious figure heads of the First Council of Nicaea decided what would be in the Bible and how people should view religion. The others dealt with other religious ideologies. Again, I truly believe this was the way to control the masses. What about the Dead Sea Scrolls? Jesus or early Christians were never mentioned in the scrolls, according to the Internet. When I came out to my family that I was a Spiritualist, one of my cousins asked if I believed in God and I said yes. He then stated that there are many paths to the one, which is so true. Additionally, I just really must reiterate here that God is not of our consciousness to bring fear to people. We also must remember that fear is a lower-level vibration. The point: We’re all leaving this earth plane one way or another, and our soul will continue to the next level, so that we can spiritually grow to the point as to remain with the light. FEAR: Face Everything And Rise or Forget Everything And Run. False Evidence Appearing Real. It’s up to you. Peace Music can change your vibration. You get it, right?
Remember when you were a teen, maybe you are now, cruisin’ down the road and a song comes on that reminds you of the boyfriend or girlfriend you just broke up with. It makes you sad. Conversely, a song comes on that reminds you of good times, a happy feeling prevails. Not too long ago I was listening to music when my 18-month-old grandson arrived. He was diggin’ it. He loved ‘Summer Breeze, makes me feel fine. . .’ and then Lightning Crashes came on and he became very calm, almost sad in a way. I say this because music truly is about the vibration of the music, not so much the lyrics. Which now leads me into the Grammys – I saw a pic of one of the acts. It did not feel good to me. The pic was red and later I heard someone wore a devil’s helmet of sorts. What in the world is going on? I believe it is the proverbial good vs evil. Please everyone wake-up to what vibration you are carrying around, living. Everything has a vibration, and those energies can be channeled for less than good. I heard the other day that the Super Bowl Halftime Show is to be out of this world. Imagine the energy generated from those 70,000 or so fans (2022 numbers) in attendance and then think about it on a larger scale 5 billion worldwide watched the Super Bowl (same year), and then still the residual energy from those who watch it later. That’s a shit ton of energy! The situation here is that people don’t truly understand what this means. It means that energy is being funneled, somehow, someway, by less than good people. I like to believe that most people are inherently good-natured. Some people who operate from the good are unsuspecting, don’t believe their energy can be used for such nonsense. Think twice and then a third time. I’m praying the Super Bowl Halftime Show is not a repeat of the Grammys. I can tell you that on certain days I do feel the collective. It’s how I really keep in touch with what’s going on in the world. I do catch a little news here and there – notably the Epoch Times in my inbox and headlines and such at the gym from neighboring monitors in which I normally turn off. All that can really be done is for people to begin to understand how much power they have with their energy and how they can assist in raising the vibration of humanity. I was reminded of this quote: ‘Where your attention goes energy flows.’ Peace and Love That is Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. Yes, every place has its own energy, but Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp has been home to Spiritualists since 1894. That’s a lot of time spent building up the vortexes.
Imagine all the Mediums and Healers meditating daily on these grounds since that time. People come here and bathe in that energy. They feel the specialness of the grounds when they come into what I love to call Mayberry. I started my fan page on Facebook – Life in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – Mayberry It Is – several years ago. We do have a post office; some people fish in Spirit Pond and there are several parks for meditating. We have characters here as well, an Opie, Barney, Aunt Bee, Goober, Andy and yes, an Ernest – a good journalist never reveals true identities (lol). It is a peaceful place that offers healing to all who come. It is growing up all around us but remains a haven. So, I created that Facebook page to let people know what it’s like being here, living the dream. Backstory: One time I posted a pic of a cavern that was taken while canoeing in La Crosse, Wisc. Someone posted underneath it that the pic did not come from Cassadaga. I’m like, hello, of course, it didn’t. I promptly blocked my first heckler. I had finally arrived (lol). The point is even if I do someday leave this place, which I highly doubt, I will still have my office here. I have resided in the Spiritualist Camp on and off for 11 years. I have been a member for 14 years. And if I do leave this place permanently, I will carry the energy with me forever, wherever I go. I will have the grounds of Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in me and will always be able share the feelings it brings. Bottom line: It is a state of mind PERIOD. Peace |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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