What a week! All these planets in retrograde and in the midst of eclipse season. Oh, and let’s not forget that we are in the Age of Aquarius, which is about peace, harmony and love. Those people stuck in the old ways of the Age of Pisces, which is about money, power and control, are doing their best to keep it that way. The good news is in the end, the universe will not allow it. Enough preaching! LOL
I have to say my appointment times with clients in the past week have been just a little bit off, not my usual precise self. It’s that Mercury Retrograde I’m sure. The other day I mopped my painted wood floors – not an easy task. It takes a couple of hours. In the midst of doing this, I had vision or a thought that someone was going to knock on my door. Imagine that! I figured it would be my neighbor. I kept going. Finally, I sat down with a cup of hot tea and waited for the floors to dry. A few minutes later – knock, knock, knock. I opened the door slightly and saw it was someone else – a deer in headlights moment. She said she had an appointment with me. I asked if she could comeback in 15 minutes. I readied quickly, but she never returned. I found the appointment in my book. It was written in two squares. Yikes! I called her and she said she would be back, no worries. Thank goodness! That was so unlike me. Perhaps, it wasn’t the right time after all. The universe is always talking to us. We have to pay attention. If that wasn’t enough, I was to do a phone reading. In the midst of getting ready, the client called me, and I soon found I was to do a reading for two people, a mother and her grown daughter. I went with the flow. Most times people want to hear from someone in particular. I kept getting this image of a little girl with brown hair just above her shoulders. I also noted bangs. She wore a black dress with a white lapel. The person they were wanting to hear from in Spirit was the matriarch. Before she left the earth plane, she told her daughter and granddaughter of this little girl in Spirit that was waiting for her. I described her to a tee. Wow! I got goosebumps. Finally, I had a returning couple come in for a reading on their anniversary. Sure enough, I had the appointment time written incorrectly. I saw that I had noon to 1 p.m. scratched out and wrote 11 a.m. Ha. In a previous communication, I saw that 11 a.m. referred to the healing meditation circle they wanted to attend before the reading. Ugh! That communication took place right before my online class was to start, so I wasn’t quite in my right brain. LOL The good news is all worked out for the best. I realized that as much as I try, I cannot always be perfect. It’s something for all of us to think about. All we really can do is to try our best and hope for the best – go with the flow. Blessings of Peace and Love!
My daughter’s dog moved in with me last week. Talk about a change in life. I’ve already raised my kids. LOL. He is a beautiful brown and white 14-year-old corgi. Like a child, he has thrown up his food a couple of times. Gross me out! When I reported it to my daughter, she asked if he had eaten it. Yuck!
It didn’t take long for me to become mommy and not grammy, although I still use the latter. My daughter and her boyfriend came by to visit after a few days. He loved seeing them, but once the hello greeting was over, he came and sat right by my side as if to say, ‘I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m staying right here.’ With all the planets in retrograde right now, things have been a little cray cray. I do have a lot of love to give to others on the surface, but to give a deep, down love for Dante wasn’t going to be easy. It opened a lot of emotions I had conveniently buried. About a week into his new home he got out. I couldn’t find him anywhere. I probably woke the whole neighborhood calling for him. It was 7 a.m. I did call a friend to help. She came with her vehicle, and we drove about the neighborhood. My only thought was that someone stopped and picked him up – everyone wants a corgi. I cried my eyes out. Finally, we spotted him. I jumped out the vehicle and called his name. He saw that I was upset, so he ran to me. I was so thankful and grateful that my prayers were answered. Later, my friend told me that she could see sprinkles of light around us. Dante had found his forever home, or should I say retirement home as one of my students said. Speaking of students, one had to miss our online class last week because she had to put her dog down. The next week I told her that I had a new dog in the house, a corgi. It turned out her dog was corgi too. Bittersweet. A few days later I took Dante to get groomed. While I was walking up to Petco, I spotted another corgi, or should I say Dante spotted him first. We had a nice greet. He so loves socializing. I love the synchronicity of those stories. When I picked him up, he was happy to see me and hear my comments about his handsomeness. This morning Dante threw up his food again. I think he eats to fast. He acts like he’s starving, but the 20 extra pounds tells the real story. By the time I got back with the paper towel and bag, he was eating it. Gross! I got over it though since I didn’t have to pick it up. As I said earlier, changes are a happening with these planets in retrograde and let’s not forget we’re in the midst of eclipse season, too. Changes, they are a happening. Heal and release those pent-up emotions. You can do it. Go with the flow. You got this! Blessings of Peace and Love! Has this ever happened to you? You say something to a so-called friend and then it gets repeated. Ouch! There’s really no point in getting upset or angry. First, those are lower level vibrations. It’s OK to have them, but do your best not to live there.
Realize that sometimes people are not grounded. Why is this? Many reasons, mostly they haven’t healed from what happened to them. It’s much easier to live outside of the body. When I say this, I mean on a mental level and even a physical level. You ask how on the latter? It’s simple: out of body experiences. OBE’s mainly occur during meditation and sleep. Backstory: When I lived in Wisconsin, a family moved in across the street. They were from Florida. I became friends with one of the kids, so we walked to the high school together. Two stories he shared: The orange blossom fragrance – when he described it, he was euphoric – out of this world. The second: One time while he was sleeping, he was outside of his body looking downward at himself in bed. I thought it to be pretty cool. And then when you finally have the experience yourself, it is now concrete evidence. One time I saw myself looking down on my body in bed. Another time, I saw my astral self from my bed. I was standing facing the door as if to leave the room. I was amazed. We ALL leave our body during sleep, and then return before we awaken. It’s called Astral Travel. Ask yourself this question – have you ever had a ‘dream’ that you were in a home you weren’t sure of where you were, but it felt familiar and safe? If so, this could be your home away from home. Backstory: I remember most of my astral travels. One teacher told me that there’s an etheric cord that connects to your physical body. I never recalled seeing it, until one time when I was lucid dreaming (awake in your dream), I asked to see it, and sure enough there it was. Very cool. Like I said we all astral travel when we sleep. Some of us remember on the conscious level; ALL of us have it stored in our subconscious. Think about this – how do you explain déjà vu? As far as staying grounded in the physical, get help to heal. It’s OK to do so. These are trying times. We are spirits having a human experience. It’s best to stay grounded and be more mindful of our actions. Many Blessings of Peace and Love! So, I sit in my little world; it’s called Mayberry, a place of quietude, and that it has been. I started doing readings in my Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp office again a couple of weeks ago. It feels good to see people for readings, not that I don’t like phone readings.
A really cool thing happened last week at one of my online intuition development classes. We had been having phenomena occur to include Spirit talking through the electronics. Three students heard Spirit say, ‘Come a little closer.’ I got goosebumps just writing it. It’s true phenomena because more than one person experienced it. I love that! There’s so much going on in this world – the veil is being lifted in so many ways. What is to be believed? It’s hard for me to say. I don’t watch the news, no point with mainstream media. And then there’s the other news personalities who run the other side of the gamut on YouTube. I get plenty on Facebook too. I’m over it. Aren’t you? Back in November, I wrote about the crabs in the bucket story. I feel like it’s worth sharing again. A man was walking the beach and saw another man fishing. As he neared the fisherman, he saw the bait bucket with no lid. A bit closer now he looked inside to find it filled with sea crabs crawling on top of one another. The man wondered again about the lid and asked the fisherman, ‘Why isn’t your bait bucket covered so the crabs won’t escape?’ The fisherman replied: ‘If there is a single crab in the bucket, yes, it could escape. However, since there are so many, if one tries to crawl out, the others grab onto it, making sure it can’t escape so it will meet the same fate as the rest of them.’ The story could be in regards to people around you or even just your emotions. The reason why I share this again now is because I was thinking that instead of you, yourself trying to escape the fate of the others, why not pull everyone out with you? There’s a thought. Blessings of Peace and Love |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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