It’s not always easy letting things go, but once you do, you realize there’s a whole new energy waiting to create change.
Our new rocking chairs for the front porch arrived the other day. I couldn’t wait to rock again. I know it was only what a week. Rocking brings me to a place of comfort, a place of peacefulness – just being. And if I don’t have a rocking chair, I sometimes rock while I sit. It depends what’s going on. Backstory: As a student, once in a psychic development class, I was rocking without a chair. Another student asked about it, and I laughed and said, ‘Rocking keeps me from jumping up on people and hurting them.’ I laughed so hard, and on some level, I think the guy believed me. Hahaha. Did I mention I think I’m a comedian? Seriously though, at times, I rock in meditation and when I am working as a conduit of the healing energies, if ever so slightly. I believe the Sufi’s whirl during meditation. Two Adirondack rocking chairs graced the front porch when I moved into my office more than six years ago in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. They were my neighbors. When the medium moved out, she let me keep them. They were hunter green, a good strong healing energy. I eventually painted one purple and the other blue. The purple rocking chair was on the side of my daughter’s reading office and the blue on mine. Months ago, the purple chair was broken by a client unbeknownst to me until later that afternoon. Sad day. The other day the blue one broke. It’s the rocking chair I spent my time in and with my grandson – memories, grateful for the photo. Each time a rocking chair broke I contacted my former neighbor, now a fabulous friend, to let her know. She was sad too. She said she had those chairs for more than 15 years and that Angelo, a beloved groundskeeper, fixed them when needed. A couple of times I physically went out to the porch with my cup of tea to rock and then remembered the chair was gone. Thankfully, we have new chairs. Out with the old energy, in which I made sure to gather my energy left behind on the chair, bringing it back to self, and in with the new, creating new energies on the front porch. Think about releasing some of your old things to bring in new energy. It does make a difference. Remember, we always have memories of the old and eventually the new will have memories too. Peace
Is an interesting nickname. My second grandchild is on the way and her name will be Persephone Odessa. Beautiful name. When discussing what we will call her for short, I thought of Percy as did my son-in-law.
My daughter has other thoughts – Poppy. The first thought that comes to mind is that ‘the poppy is a symbol of support for veterans’ and ‘it remembers soldiers who have given their lives for their country, and honors their dedication and sacrifice,’ according to the Net. It kind of works in the grand scheme of her soon-to-be name and nickname. Me being who I am, I look up the meaning of the word spiritually – poppies symbolize the eternal life of the soul and reincarnation. Doesn’t surprise me. Persephone is the ‘bringer of death.’ Again, no surprise. Should be interesting to see who this little one turns out to be, of course, other than herself. If you have been following this blog, you know that we believe on some level that my grandson is/was by dad – so many similarities. One might think it is in the genes, perhaps. The other day my grandson, who will be 2 toward the end of July, came into my place like any other day. He picked his flower book out of a dozen similar books, turned to a particular page, and said, ‘Poppy.’ Yes, there was a picture of a Poppy. Don’t you just love the synchronicity of that? I must admit the name is growing on me. That same day Royce and I went swimming. As we were getting ready to leave, a daughter, around 10, and her father came into the area for a swim. They were having a conversation and she said, ‘Poppy,’ not Pappy, ‘Poppy.’ I’m like for real. I so love how that happens. I said to my daughter the other day that maybe I could get used to Poppy. She said I should call her what I want to. So, it’s a wait and see. I think really her personality will play into her nickname, until then Persephone. Not to be left out, I looked up the meaning of Royce. There are various interpretations. I’m going with royal, regal, son of the king, rose, the gift to gab, the ability to influence effortlessly. His nickname was thought to be Roy before his arrival. It may be someday. My nickname for him is Roycee, and his mom and dad call him Bug because he clung to them when he was a baby. He also loves nature and has been known to eat leaves, not so much now, but when he was younger. My thoughts go to Baby Number 3. We shall see. For now, awaiting Persephone, the next beautiful gift from the Universe. Blessings of Peace and Love! The Best About People. It can be a difficult task at times. I get it. You get a vibe from someone and you gotta trust it. However, do we really know what happened with that person in that instance when we felt that vibe? No, no we don’t.
Backstory: I’ve been trained as reporter and to assume something is a dirty word – two sources or more please. As a medium, it’s a whole different story. When a client calls to make an appointment, I assume that they are because they either saw me on Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp’s website, heard about me from a friend or saw me on social media. Occasionally, I put my name on the whiteboard in the Welcome Center/Bookstore. Before booking the appointment, I always ask if they have had a reading previously and then I tell them what to expect, every time. ‘I connect with Spirit around you, give evidence of that Spirit, life guidance and psychic information. I am a Clairvoyant, I see, feel, know and hear. Most times people would like to connect with certain people (on the higher side of life). It’s not how it works for me. It’s just who is around during the reading.’ I have been doing readings for six years in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I do know when clients want to hear from someone in particular. It doesn’t always happen. I ask them to remain open to the information given. Sometimes, the client thinks we’re having a friendly conversation and then I remind them that Spirit is showing me symbols, I am feeling information and just know. I interpret that information into a reading. At times, I channel – the words just flow. Sometimes, the client and I must figure out certain information together. I learn something new every time I do a reading. Other times they aren’t quite sure, and I let them know that information may unfold later. Perhaps, they are not ready to hear what is being said. Am I always, correct? No. And sometimes, I do not have a connection with the client. By five minutes into the reading, I will know. If I am not, I will say so. It happens. I will not continue to do the reading and will surely not charge anyone for that. I usually assist in finding another medium. It’s the right thing to do. When the reading is over, I always say that ‘I hope the reading was helpful.’ I have never had anyone say that it was not. Trust me, I would know if it wasn’t. What really gets me is when I hear something negative about a client’s experience with me. How can people look you in the eye and say the reading was awesome, or great, or just what they needed, and then turn around and write something that was not talked about before leaving my office? What can I really do? Write this blog and send love and light. Done! Blessings of Peace and Love! Are fabulous. Love seeing them. One time I even saw one where it met the ground. It was in a field. Oh, I so wanted to break down that fence and just go stand in that energy. I wonder what it would be like. I can imagine that it would be warm and fuzzy – bliss.
I have always loved rainbows. When I see it as a symbol during readings or while teaching class, I believe it to mean wishes fulfilled, good things to come, good times ahead. What comes to your mind? According to the Net, one definition says that a rainbow is a ‘sign of hope, the beauty after the storm, a pot of gold and good fortune at the rainbow’s end.’ Perhaps, I should’ve made a bigger effort to reach that spot in the field. Noah’s flood, which has been said to be a year-long, worldwide flood, took place about 4,500 years ago. In Genesis, God said to Noah: ‘I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.’ The rainbow has since evolved. Although no one ever claimed ownership of the rainbow, the chakra system moved in that direction. Chakras came about in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the text called the Vedas. In 1927, the seven rainbow colors were added by C. W. Leadbeater. In the 1930s six colors plus white were proposed. The LGBT ‘s rainbow flag came about as a symbol of the gay community by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker in 1978. The different colors are often associated with ‘diversity’ in the gay community (but have literal meanings), according to the net. The rainbow is symbolic in so many ways. Regardless of what it means to you, I hope that you now think of it in all the ways mentioned here and more. Be open. I think we can all agree that the rainbow is about hope, joy, beginnings, happiness. . . Truly, if you are not agreeable, consider coexisting and more importantly Freedom of Speech. Peace |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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