Reincarnation, now there’s a thought.
I do believe anything is possible, so why not? If it is truly so, I do believe we have all been in Egypt one time or another. I love my King Tut and Nefertiti busts. I so resonate with them. They were my friend’s, now on the higher side of life, and her husband gave me a choice of what I wanted. There were probably eight or nine Buddha statues and then I saw the busts. Backstory: I truly resonate with Nefertiti. She first came into my vision during meditations in a channeling class. Her neck was a bit more elongated in the visions. Additionally, she comes to me when I need healing. I do believe that we are in Soul Groups before we come to the earth plane and we make sacred contracts with those in our group, so that we are able to learn, ultimately raising our vibrations. It makes sense that we have been here many times and with the same Souls. To consider your past lives, think about answers to these questions. Where do you really want to travel? While in sleep state, have you dreamt of places over and over? There’s a good possibility that you have been there previously. Before I went to Costa Rica, I claimed to anyone who listened that I wanted to live there. Now that I’ve been I still wouldn’t mind living there at least part time. I’ve always wanted to go to Morocco. I haven’t yet but feel connected. I did dream and have visions on many occasions that I’ve been in India. Hey, maybe I have been to Morocco and India through my astral travels. LOL. That’s a whole other story. To find out where you have been, perhaps a medium could help. It’s what happened to me. Back Backstory: I received a reading that I had lived previously during the world war and that I was a journalist. She continued: ‘You had a bum knee. You didn’t die from that, but it caused complications to your health. You weren’t shot there.’ She came out of her trance, and I told her that when I was younger, about 5 or 6, my knee would come out of joint. I could not bend it for hours and hours. I had to walk around straight legged until it would finally pop back into joint. During one episode, my mother took me to get it x-rayed. There was no reason why I shouldn’t be able to bend my knee. Of course, back then we never thought it could be stemming from a past life experience. Another way to learn of your past life experiences is a past life regression. Or better yet, ask Spirit to show you. Trust your intuition. You know! Blessings of Peace and Love!
Rey Rey, an English Shepherd/Husky, and Dante, a Corgi, both loved to meditate with me when I resided with my daughter for several months in 2017. They always knew that time of day. They would look at me like ‘is it time?’ I’d go to my room, and they would follow, not much of a stretch – what dog doesn’t follow you? LOL
Seriously though, I would lift Dante on the bed and Rey Rey would lie under the bed; sometimes she would get in bed too. It was mighty cozy in the single bed if she did. One must be comfortable for such an undertaking, meditating. First, turn some music on – nothing upbeat or something you know, lie down and allow your arms to rest at your side with palms up in receiving position. Set an intention, maybe you’d like some peace, body/mind/spirit healing, to meet your guides. Once everything is quiet, you might start thinking about what you need to be doing other than meditating. If that happens, focus your attention on your Third Eye, the space between your eyebrows, and your breath – in and out. That will bring you back into a meditative state. The room was always a peaceful place when meditation was on. Nothing moved those fabulous canines. I’m pretty sure they fell asleep. No one can really be sure what occurs with them while in meditation. Backstory: I meditated with the family dog, a Shih Tzu named Missy, for years. In one instance, about 20 minutes into the meditation, I heard a whisper of a voice. It was a woman’s voice shushing and soothing. I thought I was hearing things at first, and then I heard her again. Next thing I knew Missy was having a dog nightmare. Spirit was trying to soothe her. In the process, it took me out of mediation. For those who sit in meditation, set the intention that you will be meditating and tell your dog or cat that you will be doing so. It’s best to pick a time of day that you can regularly meditate – same time, same place. It will become familiar. Mediation does assist in connecting with your dogs. Like humans, mediation assists with anxiety and brings a calmness. I’m thinking cats enjoy this time as well. Some of my friends say that cats will lie on them during meditation, either way – cat or dog – I believe they are connecting to the calming vibrations of their human. When I moved out, I eventually came into the habit of bringing treats for Rey, Rey and Dante. To this day, when I’m at my daughter’s house, Rey, Rey lies at my feet no matter where I am at. Meditating connects you! Peace I have been forced to change my routine. It was slow at first but now that I’m in the thick of it, I’m loving it.
I wake up at whatever time I want, take a walk around the neighborhood – Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – and get busy with my day. This past week I organized for two online classes coming up and got my desk in order. I have edited my instructional book on how to grow your psychic gifts and sent it on to my readers. I’m hoping this will be the last edit. Backstory: For years, you could find me at the gym by 5:30 a.m. or 6. I was such in a routine that I didn’t have to set my phone alarm but did anyway because I didn’t want to be late for my day. I’d be back at my place by 8:30 a.m. and ready by 10 a.m. to work as medium in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. It’s what I have done for years. Slowly, I’d take a day or two not doing readings. Last year I decided to go to the beach at least once weekly. It’s a plan again for this year. I have this thing called procrastination. Do you too? I see myself still doing it. I had two things to get done before I decided to edit that book. Now mind you I have another book about halfway completed and another one or two in my mind that will be next. Plus, I’m in the midst of a somewhat Harry Potter kind of a binge. I’m not beating myself up because everything happens in Divine Order. My projects will get done. I realized with a little help from my daughter that I need more friends in my life. I thought it odd because I’ve been in the mindset of helping others including Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I spent most of time doing this and forgot about myself for years. Just the other day I said to my daughter, I have more friends – yes, a few old ones but a few new ones too. I’m excited about this and I’m sure she is as well. It must be said that the coming of my grandson has completely changed my outlook. It has changed my life. Who knew you could love anyone more than your own child? Take a look at your life and see what changes can be made to make you a happier person. You may think that you’re happy now and maybe you are. Sometimes you gotta let go and be. I still plan on helping others and Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – maybe, not as much as I once did. I need time for myself and perhaps, you do too. Peace All most people really need is for someone to care- to care about them. It doesn’t have to be something grand when one is caring. It does have to be truly from the heart, though.
I’ve always cared about and for humanity. Heck, I went to college to become a reporter. All I ever wanted to do was save the world. I guess it’s a big idea, saving the world. These days I go about saving the world one person at a time through readings and classes. Why? Because I care. Caring isn’t always the easiest. Some people don’t want to be cared for or at least they think they don’t. Perhaps, they feel they are not deserving of being cared for or about. Care anyway! When people do not treat you appropriately, care anyway. I know it can be difficult. We don’t know where people have been, where they come from. If this was known, would we view the situation differently? Backstory: Not too long ago I had a procedure and stayed overnight in the hospital. I chose to have headache medicine over pain medicine because I have been known to get migraines, although I hadn’t had one in many years. It was coming. I could feel it. I waited 90 minutes for that pill. I just knew I would be throwing up soon. The RN finally came in without my meds. I said something and his response: ‘You’re not going to rush me.’ I said, ‘I only need you to care.’ He left and did not return. I called my daughter. She called the nurses’ station and they cared pronto. I cared enough about myself to call my daughter, who cared about me and continues to care about me no matter what. We need people like that in our lives, people who care about us and who we care about in return. I forgave once I started feeling better. Do I care about that RN? I do. I care about him and care about the patients he will help. I pray for the highest and best in all situations. Open your heart even wider and start caring for others more than you do already. Opening the door for someone in caring; walking someone across the street is caring; helping someone carry their groceries in is caring; picking up the phone is caring; wishing someone well is caring. Don’t forget to care for yourself, too. Peace Stop what you’re doing – tune out the distractions and just listen. Listen to the silence. No matter what is happening; there’s always silence. Focus your mind, allow, and listen.
Listening is an art for which I have an ear. It may have taken some time to find that ear, but I did. I mean, I did go through a period where I waited to respond. Doesn’t everyone? And occasionally, I still catch myself. No matter what is going on, I usually have a solution for any situation, and it doesn’t take long for me to see the steps. Am I always, right? No, but I do have options for solutions. I learned to be an intent listener through my freelance writing jobs. At one of them, which I had for 17 years, I did stories on people. Being in Lake County, Florida, a lot of times it was older people. I learned some cool things from my elders during 30 to 45-minute interviews. Backstory: I was the freelance resident who picked up stories on centenarians. I always enjoyed hearing their stories. The oldest I recall writing about was 106. It was great to hear about the ways of the older days – dirt roads, outhouses, one room classrooms – and the evolution of time. I loved to hear responses as to why they thought they were still around. The fun ones were a piece of chocolate a day, a bit of sherry nightly, bacon and a cigarette daily. But more times than not they’d say their purpose wasn’t completed yet. That truly made sense to me. What is your life purpose? I feel I have many – to help others is top of the list. I’ve done just that through freelance writing – listening to life stories, writing them and ultimately sharing them with the community they reside in. I believe I assisted them and myself in the process. Spend one day a month volunteering at an assisted living facility. Strike up conversations with older people. Your little bit of caring goes a long way. I continue to assist others as a psychic medium, healer and teacher. I share with others through my blogs and books. Another thought on my life's purpose is to work through my own situations to heal myself and others around me. Perhaps, we are all here to assist one another to heal. We must help ourselves first, though, so that we can help others. Stop and listen to your inner voice. Take a walk-in nature – the park, the beach, the springs. Allow thoughts to flow. You may find your life purpose or expand upon it. The more you listen; the more you learn. Just be Peace |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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