We all have gifts, psychic and/or mediumistic. They unfold at different times in our lives. I do believe a good amount of those who come for readings are intuitive.
Not everyone is going to be a Medium like me, helping the public, which in turn truly assists me in my own growth. Growing your gifts is also about growing self. Surprise! Backstory: I started on my journey not thinking I was a medium. I took my daughter to class and found that I had turned my own gifts off from childhood. I went to class to grow. I just didn’t know into what at the time. The point is growing your gifts helps you to go inside and work on situations that have happened in your life; to heal those situations and then ultimately help others. It’s one of our life’s purposes. Growing your gifts is not to be taken lightly. It is serious work. It is a commitment, a resolve. One must commit to a daily meditation practice and attend classes – intuition development classes, psychic classes, meditation classes – with the goal of growing your gifts, improving self and helping others. I love teaching classes both in person and online. I love to see the faces of students as they receive information and share it with their activity partners. It’s such a blessing. Check out my website FromTheEthers.com for testimonials (praise). Back back story: I was in my senior year for my bachelor’s in journalism and assisted a student group by taking a test, which would determine what I should be when I grow up. Turns out – teacher. Know that Spirit is real. There is nothing to fear. Spirits resonate to Mediums. I believe you’re only going to attract the likes of your vibration; however, family is another story. (lol). You know and hang out with people who are a different vibration than you, so you may attract Spirit to you from others with lower-level vibrations because of your vibration. If this occurs, simply tell Spirit to go home. Perhaps you will work similarly as I one day, or maybe you will use your gifts to help self and others in a different way. It’s up to you. Sometimes, we get so busy with life – working, paying bills, running here and there – that we forget the big picture, the oneness that we truly are. When you are ready for classes, the teacher will appear. Take the leap. Slow down. Breathe. Allow. Peace
More LightHeartedness into your life that is.
I love to hear my grandson, now 1, have a belly laugh. It brings Joy to my life. On an adventure to the beach this past week, he and I went back and forth saying ‘uh-ho.’ After a couple minutes of this, I could hear him giggling from the belly every time I said it back. His heart was light, as was mine and still is thinking and writing about it. Once at the beach, I saw it was high tide and the waves were coming in. Big fun! We got situated and built sandcastles. We finally sat in the water. After realizing that Grammy was in control, he finally stood, released a roaring ‘AAAAAAAA’ to the universe and smiled a toothy grin – Liberating yet Empowering. More Joy. As of late, Geese have entered my life. I saw them in Maine a couple of times. When I took Royce for his morning walk the other day, what did we see, but Geese, which is about the connection to family and how elders share wisdom/knowledge to the younger generation. I looked up the meaning after the first sighting. It brought me Joy the second I saw them. Yes, who knew a grandchild could bring such Joy into my life. I suppose any grandparent could’ve told me that. I knew it would be special, though. I just didn’t know how special. I never thought I could love anything more than my children. It’s pretty close. In addition to family, helping others brings me Joy. Going to the gym and working out brings me Joy. Laughing with friends brings me Joy. Going to the beach brings me Joy. Eating ice cream brings me Joy. What is it that brings you Joy? Think about it. Keep a running list of what brings you Joy and do more of that. When we have Joy, it brings happiness, a peacefulness and LightHeartedness to our state of being. Take care of you. Peace As a psychic medium, I am open – wide open. I can see, feel, know and hear even when I don’t try.
I have to say that my road trip back from Maine was a much more pleasant experience than going up. I took a different route, which included a few hundred miles between myself and ‘the perfect storm’ – Boston, NYC, Philly and DC. It turned out that it didn’t matter how far away I was from those cities. I could still feel the collective for hours as I drove by them. This time I had a little more sleep, plus it was during the day. I was more mindful of what I allowed in, something learned early on in mediumship development classes. It’s a must learn – turning off one’s gifts. Backstory: One teacher shared that she would open and close a current on stage in her mind’s eye to turn on and off her gifts. Another teacher shared that flipping a light switch on and off would be another way. Contrary to what I can imagine you see on the television psychic mediums do not walk around wide open all day. I cannot even imagine. Insanity is what that would be. I’ve been sitting in development circles since 2004, doing readings in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp since 2016 and teaching since 2018. I have learned to not allow the outside world in. Still, I feel or know on some level. Interesting enough when I came upon Savannah and Jacksonville it felt more like home. I forgot how big of a city Jacksonville is since I drove through it in the middle of the night the first time. Still, the vibration was calmer than ‘the perfect storm’ even during the morning rush hour. I guess it makes sense since I’ve been in Florida for more than half my life. I always have said that Florida is a country of its own. When I first came here, the slower pace was odd but now cherished. Yes, living in Mayberry (Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp) is a quietude I can truly appreciate. No matter what is going on in your life you too can find your calm. Go inside. Breathe. Allow it in. You can do it. Flip that switch! Find your Mayberry! Peace Must be met to give life’s true blessings. My latest perfect storm was a road trip from Florida to Maine. Road trips are great fun, or at least have always been in the past.
Backstory: A friend and I used to road trip from central Wisconsin to La Crosse, which is 144 miles. You might think no big deal in the grand scheme of it all, but winters are brutal. One time we slid off the highway and nearly landed in the Mississippi River. Yikes! For this road trip, my plan was to take I95 North. I thought it couldn’t be that difficult with my phone GPS and two large chai teas. The night before I left my neighbor in Mayberry said to me that it takes courage to do that trip alone. I thought it odd for her to say that. Back back story: As a family, we’d road trip in a day from Florida to Wisconsin and take two days on the way back. Yes, I wasn’t alone. Once by myself, I made it from Florida to near Chicago in one stretch. For this road trip, I left around 3 a.m. with not much sleep. I made it to about one hour outside of Washington, DC and stopped. I realized being an empath in Mayberry, Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, is peaceful. Being an empath and feeling the collective of DC, Philly, NYC and Boston was a whole other story. I had some anxiety. I thought about that chai tea I drank while I waited for the sandman. Finally, I said to myself, ‘Get a grip. Remember who you are – a powerful Spiritual being. You’ve got this.’ I placed my hands on my chest and found my clam. At midnight traffic in DC was a breeze. NJ Turnpike was OK. Approaching NYC, the rain started and traffic was slowly coming to life. Heading around a curve with one driver in front of me and several behind, breaks were quickly applied. There was an accident, in which I saw in dream at least one to two weeks ago. I was thankful it was not me. After that, the blur set in. I was spirit guided. What’s really great about this is that I was never truly alone. I felt family around during the road trip. I also saw signs everywhere in the form of numbers to include master numbers 11, 22 and 33. Sometimes, 222 and 333. I loved that. Then the numbers 37 and 102 periodically appeared. Way back story: When I was kid and the family was on road trips, we’d always ask dad how many more miles. If it was a short distance, he would say 37. For a longer distance, 102. I was never so grateful to make it to my destination – Madison Spiritualist Camp in Maine. I slept for pretty much a day straight. My daughter, son-in-law and grandson arrived a day later. My daughter is the guest medium for the week, and we did our Two Views Message Service. Good times! I visited other Spiritualist camps to include Etna and Temple Heights. Whale watching is on the agenda for next week and then taking my time homeward, perhaps I95 South is in my future. I got this because I am a powerful spiritual being, as are you. Blessings of Peace and Love |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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