Many years ago, I sat on a stool to receive a healing. The healer was a wise older woman well known in the community. She had a beautiful soulful feeling about her, very real, yet angelic with her touch. The healing was surreal. Afterward, she whispered, ‘Never change who you are. You are a beautiful soul. Don’t let them change you.’
At that time, I did not understand her words. Yes, I knew the meaning but thought I would not change for anyone. I would be mindful of her words of wisdom. Several years later I ran into the same woman at a restaurant. On the way out, I stopped at her table to say hello. She knew something was amiss but did not pressure me to spill the beans. She knew only too well from experience. Her words of wisdom: ‘Do what they want and then help those who come to you.’ Real words to live by. Certain people are around us for reasons – sacred contracts come to mind here. The third time this woman came into my life was when I sat on her stool for a healing, a healing needed so enormously that a stream of tears ran from my eyes spilling onto to my blouse. This time her wisdom was blessed upon me as a conduit of the healing energies. I hold a soft spot in my heart for that woman. She probably doesn’t even know how much she has done for me through the years. Maybe, I should tell her. She probably already knows. Finally, another very wise woman disguised as a younger woman once told me that she loved reading my blogs and that they were great, but ‘you’re an author. You need to be writing your books.’ My hope is to keep up with both. Think of the people past and present in your life and how they have made a difference. Perhaps, leaving you with profound thoughts, new ways of being, giving you love or a kick in the pants when needed. I love how those people just appear out of seemingly nowhere. Be open to receive. Peace
Are a No-no.
In case you didn’t know, a sidewalk reading is just as it sounds. A medium or psychic walks up to, taps your shoulder and gives you a psychic reading or says your grandmother is standing right next you and then starts describing what she looks like. Most times the information is a little tidbit, to get the unsuspecting person’s attention, perhaps enticing the person to want more of a reading. Maybe that psychic or medium books a reading from doing this. Very unprofessional. I have said this before and I will say it again – there’s no place like Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, also known as the Psychic Capital of the World. People come daily looking for readings – most book them before they arrive. Backstory: I did watch about 20 minutes of the first episode of the Long Island Medium. I was appalled as to how she just walked up to people to give them the news that their deceased grandfather was in front of them. Television and the movies never really depict psychic mediums and the unfoldment of their gifts in a true to life way. It’s all about the hype. At times, I can be a little naïve. One friend told me don’t you think the Long Island Medium has a crew of researchers getting every single bit of information about people before going on camera. The thought never occurred to me. When I book readings, I get first names only. I never get last names unless the client pays me through Zelle and then it’s not until after the reading. One never knows what a sidewalk reader might tell you. Back, back story: One time a student healer noted that I had a crease in my earlobe, which told her that I had “heart disease.” I do not. Way to try and plant a seed. Not good for someone who is not well versed in this arena. If you decide to get a reading, be sure to do your research on the psychic medium – look for reviews, a website, a biography, credentials. Finally, how do you feel about the person. Do you vibe with them on some level? By all means, when you are in reading and you feel there is not a connection, say so early on and excuse yourself. The psychic medium should not charge you for that. Don’t go out running looking for another psychic medium. You might run into a sidewalk reader. Blessings of Peace, Joy and Love Nil, None, Nothing is left to chance. The Universe Speaks to Us Daily.
You are not gonna believe this, yes, it involves my grandson, just a smidge. I took him to the DeBary Splash Pad. And there I met a young man with his 2-year-old. We get to chatting and I ask him what he does for a living. A fireman. I’m like wow, my dad was fireman for 34 years. A bit later in the conversation I ask what his wife does: An X-Ray Technician. Really, my mom did that. He said what a coincidence. I chuckled and said I do not believe in them. Hi, Mom and Dad, I say inside of my head. The Universe Speaks to Us Daily. Backstory: I was cruising the streets of Lake Helen, a country type of a scene in most areas. It comes to me that I’m going to see a peacock walking on the side of the road. I think I’m delusional LOL because I’m in the middle of nowhere. One minute later there it is walking on the side of the road to remind me to stand up for my beliefs and continue to live by them – always walking my talk. The other day I’m tooling around in my car pulling inspiration from myself with the help of Spirit for this blog. I thought of the above stories and then wondered what I would use for the art, the photograph or picture, I said to myself I could draw a question mark, that’s easy enough. A bit later I looked in the sky and saw a crescent moon and a cross. I grabbed my phone to snap the pic. The tree line got in the way. Once in sight again, a question mark appeared in the same spot as the crescent moon and cross. You know I was lovin’ it. Thank you, Spirit! I hope you can see it! I see a duck (getting my ducks in a row to move forward with projects) and the head of the duck is the dot for the question mark. The Universe Speaks to Us Daily. Look for the signs. They are there. Believe and you shall Receive! Peace and Love P.S. I edit this blog several times before posting and always look at the word count (numbers, I like numbers): 370 words. Thirty-seven was one of my dad’s favorite numbers. After the next edit, it still was 370. Hi Dad, Love you! Within us. Just in case though there’s many ways to confirm your thoughts and decisions. I love the whimsical Magic 8 Ball. I asked it if I should write this blog and the answer: ‘Without a Doubt.’
Most of us have had a Magic 8 Ball at one time or another. It came back into my life a couple of years ago. Backstory: I was working Two Views Message Service with my daughter at Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. The reverend on duty, now on the higher side of life, was the last to receive a Spirit Greeting. I couldn’t believe it when I saw a Magic 8 Ball around him. I shared. Later, he said I knew you were the real deal when you said that. For years, he kept one on his porch for those who waited for readings. Other ways to confirm your thoughts include looking for the signs and synchronicities, meditation and then there’s automatic writing. With the latter, it is the only time I tell people to sit in meditation. Have a piece of paper and writing utensil nearby. Mediate on the question. After a few moments, come out of the meditation and start writing. Keep writing until your left brain interferes. Wait a few minutes and then read what you wrote. Here's a good one: Sleep on it. Have you ever gotten up from a good night sleep and just known the answer to something. Ask that the question be answered while you sleep and that you will know the correct course of action when you awaken. Weighing in on all the facts will assist in making the decision. Once you make it, go. Don’t stop until you reach the projected outcome. Keep the vision. Or maybe you just shake that Magic 8 Ball and go with that. When you come to my office, you will be greeted by the Magic 8 Ball on the porch, or at least until someone else needs it. On a side note, I gave a housewarming gift to the person who now resides in the house of the man on the higher side of life. You guessed it, a Magic 8 Ball. The owner loved the story behind the gift and noted that the previous owner’s birthday was just two days away. I wonder if she’ll keep it on the porch. Perhaps, her answers await. Peace |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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