Times are a changing. I’m praying for the highest and best for all of humanity.
So called friends point fingers and share your information – fair weathered friends they are. You know ‘em. We’ve all had a few at one time or another. There’s really no wonder as to why some may have trust issues; perhaps, our friend picker has gone bad. And in these times, people are losing their jobs, jobs where relationships were built around trust, jobs they thought they would have forever while others are living it up at the beaches during Spring Break. Such a contrast. I’m not here to judge anything or anyone – just a fact. Let’s think about this – we all should’ve seen this coming. Perhaps, some did, and all they could do was wait. I’m sure our higher selves saw it coming – angles, guides, ascended masters and obviously God saw it coming. We have not been treating our Earth the way we should be, and we have not been treating one another as we should be either. If we could just operate from a place of love. Wouldn’t that be ideal? I have to believe that no matter where one is in life – the bottom of the ocean (dark) or the top (light) – there is love, even if it’s in the tiniest of places. We all want to be loved. We are in the Aquarian Age now, which is about idealism, unity, spiritual awareness and truth. There has to be some type of destruction happening to move out of the Piscean Age, which is about money, power and control. This is only the beginning of coming into a new age. It is time for humanity to wake up and see what really matters. I’ve been pointing this out in my blogs for the past year – greed and fear are lower vibrations. Money, power and control really are about fear. I know I said in a recent blog that I liked the idea of what a visiting medium in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp recently said, ‘everything comes from love or hate.’ I don’t see how hate is connected to money, power and control. Instead, I see it as fear. So I’m revising the thought: everything comes from love or fear. It makes a little more sense to me. It’s OK to change one’s mind. We must come together in unity to get through this. I’m hoping that by doing so we can realize a better way of living – sharing with our neighbor, planting our own food and sharing with one another; come together and make a plan on who will grow what and share. There’s an Aquarian Age thought. It’s ok if you disagree. It’s how our country lives. We have that freedom. I pray that we move forward on a peaceful path with less fear and more love. Praying for Healing of ALL Humanity! Many Blessings of Peace and Love!
Hysterical! I have to say we could all use a good laugh each and every day.
Instead of going to the gym, which closed last week, I’m walking the hills of Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, and let me tell you there are some brutal hills here. Afterward, I do my ab work, and continue to rotate exercises for arms, chest, back and legs. I walk with a friend. I told her my Animal Totem workshop on Sunday was announced at Wednesday Night Message Service in the Camp. On the way home from service, I had a vision of a palmetto bug. We chuckled at the thought because we both know it means survivor. Once in my apartment and in the kitchen, a palmetto was shown to me again. Sure enough a palmetto crawled up through the drain. And I missed it. We laughed. Backstory: It took me a while to realize the palmetto was one of my animal totems. I do live in Florida. Spirit showed me palmettos in the 3D world when I needed reassurance. For a three year period, I went through some health issues. The palmetto was always there for me. One time after a surgery, Spirit showed me a palmetto in a vision. I was thankful to see it there since there was no way I’d be able to catch up to one and squash it. The other night I was grateful to see the little critter. Yes, everything will be OK. I worked diligently to clean off the countertop, hoping to find it. Of course, nowhere to be seen. Good thing my bedroom is on the other end of my apartment. LOL Interestingly enough, because I am a Spiritualist, I believe everything will be OK. I will survive. We do not end here. There’s much more for us on the higher side of life. Some of you are probably thinking yuck, a palmetto for an animal totem. Trust me I’ve been there. I have learned to love them. I posted on Facebook early this week what a visiting medium in the Camp recently said, “Everything comes from either Love or Fear.” Think about it. It’s true. There was a time I feared palmettos. I thought they would fly into my natural curly hair and get stuck. LOL. I now realize that the palmetto is much more about Love than Fear. We are all survivors including those palmettos that have crossed my path. Many Blessings of Peace and Love! P.S. My workshop has been cancelled as well as Wednesday Night Message Service. Check cassadaga.org for more information. I believe we can all see what happens in the future. Some say we live the day before we experience it. I believe it to be true. We all have déjà vu – some of us so much that we don’t notice it.
‘Dreams’ are one way to see the future. Backstory: I had a dream about a shih tzu named Buddy. I was lovin’ on him and then wanted to see my former pet, a shih tzu named Missy. She came to visit. It was a lovely lucid dream. The next day was Sunday. I went to where the Sunday Afternoon Message Service would meet in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, but was early. There sat a woman with a shih tzu. I went up to pet the animal and asked the name. You guessed it – Buddy. I love it! Guess what? I saw the woman and Buddy again the other day in the same area. Makes me wonder what cycle came to a close. I’m sure it will show itself in time. What is time? Backstory: (Wow, a double backstory LOL) I picked up a part-time job about nine years ago as a server to save money for a trip to India. That was my plan. I hadn’t waited on tables in years. I saved the money. After a while, I was sick of it. The day before my last shift, I noticed I had several of the same people sitting in my section as I did on my first day. I let management know I would not be there the next day, which was my last shift. I was done. End of cycle. We all have the ability to see our future and then some. We just have to slow down and be aware. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the comings and goings of life. See the signs and synchronicities. They’re all around us. There’s so much out there. Here’s an oldie but a goody: Do items, or things, only exist when they are observed? I’m in the front room of my apartment. Does the bathroom exist? Or does it only exist when I go in it? Does the street outside exist? Or does it only exist when I’m outdoors. Quantum physics, something to ponder. We create our lives, remember that! Blessings of Peace and Love! I can tolerate a lot, although some may say, ‘What? Who? Lori Carter?’ LOL. One thing on my list of dislikes is people who are not honest. You know, it’s best just to tell the truth, your truth, because then you don’t have to remember a lie.
To analyze this a bit more (Virgo rising), I have often wondered if people know when they are not being honest. I love it when people say, ‘I never said that.’ That’s another good one. Ha. In addition to being a Virgo rising, I happen to have been a reporter for more than 20 years. I covered meetings and elections so many times. Ugh. I very rarely forget a thing, but when I do, I have no problem standing up and saying so. Yep, it’s true – not one person is perfect. Here’s another one – what about those people who are wolves disguised as sheep. Nice, right? Keep walking in your authentic self. Put it out there. Be who you are and nobody else. Say no when you don’t want to do something. No! When I was younger, I told lies. Who hasn’t? I lied to myself for years. It was easier. Since I’ve been aware I’m on my path, I do my best to be honest. Yes, I love your new boots; yes, love the way you colored your hair; or yes, great look for you. People want to be accepted for who they are and why not? Each and every person is beautiful. A sign in my front room reads: ‘Be your own kind of beautiful.’ The topic of honesty came to me for the second time this week after I watched a Facebook campaign ad for President Donald Trump. A friend wrote above the post something as to: I’m probably going to lose a lot of friends, but. . . So, I don’t normally get into politics, but I have to say he is our best choice. What politician has ever been honest about anything? Perception plays a role in regards to honesty as well. Again, all any of can do is to be our authentic self, even if we’re the only one standing. Reminds me of a movie, or maybe it was a TV show. One man dared to defy, rose to speak his truth and consequently died for it. Speak your truth no matter how many people are against you. Move on from those people if need be, or better yet become more aware of those types of people and do not allow them into your being. Rise above and be who you are meant to be! Many Blessings of Peace and Love! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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