When I go out into the real world, it is an adventure. I’m at friend’s house, alone, and it is nice. Before she left, she turned the television on, which is tuned into one of her favorite channels. I don’t like the monotone voice, so I changed the channel. I was excited that I was able to get the guide up and look for something to watch. In moments, something happened and the TV signal was lost. It’s OK. I already saw it wasn’t gonna work. LOL.
I love getting away from it all. I do have to take time out for myself, collect my thoughts. I’m beachside again, well two blocks from the beach. The beach is my place. I so love it. I walked to the beach yesterday and now today and will for my remaining days here. I actually went twice today, Friday. To get to the beach, I have to cross A1A. Yikes! So on my way the second time today, I stood at the corner and waited patiently. I could walk down a country mile (LOL) to the lights, but no the beach is right across the street. I stood there for what seemed like five minutes. I said out loud ‘Mother, Father, God, Infinite Spirit, please help me get across this street.’ Seconds later a young man was at my side. We walked together and yes traffic stopped. I was amazed. We continued to walk. A car and a large bus came to a halt. I said, ‘I cannot believe this bus stopped.’ The young man smiled and I said, ‘I just said a prayer to cross this street and you showed up.’ Again, he smiled. And I said, ‘I love that.’ And I do. On the way back there was no traffic at all. It’s interesting how people show up in our lives. You know there is some reason – a lesson or a blessing. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been stopped at the store or while waiting in line when someone tells me their life story. It’s like I have the word healer written on my forehead. Or you meet someone who is disguised as a friend, but only needs healing. It’s OK. I get it. How many of you mediums and healers out there have had this happen to you? On one hand, wouldn’t it be great to just have a ‘normal’ friendship with someone, whatever normal is, but on the other hand, it’s wonderful to help others through their situations. Healers help without even trying, just their presence is healing. It’s important that healers always remember to let go of energy processed during healing. I usually send it through my body out my feet into the ground. As healers to include mediums, we must remember to take care of ourselves, take time out. Alone time is so needed. Schedule it if you must. Receive healings from the universe during meditation, sleep states and a few chosen healers who are in tune with my vibration. Don’t forget about you! Blessings!
If you want it, manifest it. It’s all in the attitude. See it. Know it. And it will happen. It’s all in your belief system. Believe it with 100 percent of your thought, your being. Have no doubt.
What is it that you are trying to manifest? Is it for you? The greater good? Or simply to assist in your everyday life? Today, I’m like, what it’s Friday? What happened to Tuesday through Thursday? Hmm. So today, I’m like I have got to get inspired for this column. I had the idea of manifesting the other day, but wasn’t totally there. I thought to look up quotes, a great place for inspiration. Then I noticed I needed to get to the Camp office to sign up for workshops I would be teaching in the coming season. I had my phone and my hard copy calendar in hand. I did forget my purple pen, though. I asked the office manager if she had a purple pen. She said if there was one in the office, she would have had it long ago. I looked around. She walked over to the supply cabinet and said something about her “finding fairies.” I sat down with the activity director. The office manager showed up with a purple pen and said, “My finding fairies rock!” I love that. She knew it could happen and so it did. I gave her the pen when I left. Bigger things may take longer to manifest. Again, it’s all in your thought process. Believe it. See it into existence. First, one must know exactly what they want. Decide what you want. Make a plan. Be exact. But be open to how the final result will come about, just know that it will. Don’t share what you want to manifest with others, unless you know that they are willing to help manifest it. Imagine, a group of people manifesting the same thing. Perfect example was the Mother’s Day Tea at Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. We believed it would be sold out and it was plus a few more. The next event is the Father’s Day Picnic/Cookout, which includes creating homes for our fairies, gnomes and sprites on our Fairy Trail. One person said we won’t sell that out. And I said don’t say that. Last night we had the committee meeting and we decided that the event would sell out. On a much larger note, each of us truly has the responsibility of taking care of our planet. We can do this by sending energy to heal everyone and everything. It starts with ourselves. Then, it grows. If every single person on this earth plane believed, truly believed, we could heal this planet and this world we live in. It could happen. Here’s one. We create the world we live in with our thoughts. Think about that. Blessings of peace! Big news in Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association where I’m a certified medium, teacher and chair of public relations.
We’re celebrating our 125th year, which is being kicked off today during Gala Day with the opening of the time capsule that was buried for the 100th year celebration in 1994. Volusia County Councilmember Barbara Girtman will read a proclamation as well. The Spiritualist Camp is 57 ½ acres and is governed by a board of trustees. There are numerous committees to assist. All of these positions are manned with volunteers, although there are 10 to 15 employees who keep up with the day-to-day needs. Events for the 125th year are as follows: May Gala Day 9:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 11 – 9:45 a.m. proclamation Volusia County Council Member Barbara Girtman; time capsule opening from the 100th year and adding to capsule. Mother’s Day Tea 3:30-5:30 p.m. on May 12 with Tea Leaf Readings by Dikki-Jo Mullen – Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building $25 preregister at Bookstore 386-228-2880 June through December First Saturday History Series 1-2 p.m. in Colby Memorial Temple. June 1 Rev. Dr. Louis Gates, “Pioneers of Spiritualism;” July 6 Rev. Marilyn Awtry “The Lily Dale Assembly Connection;” Aug. 3, Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7 (Topic TBD). $5 donation suggested. June Father/Son Picnic 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on June 16 – Picnic with Fairy House Building at Slater House, 1188 Chauncey St. $25 preregister at Bookstore 386-228-2880 July Fun Day Noon to 4 p.m. on July 13 – Ice cream social with face painting, craft table, bounce house, reverse dunk, balloons, popcorn and cotton candy. Tickets are $1 and each area varies on how many tickets are needed in The Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building and in front of Colby Memorial Temple. August Gala Day 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Aug. 10. September Blithe Spirit Play at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 14. Students from DeLand High School will perform scenes into a one hour and 15 minute show. Tickets are $25. Raffle tickets for items such as readings, healings and bookstore basket. Tickets are 1 for $5 or 3 for $10. Proceeds go to Colby Memorial Temple. Light refreshments and drawings at the Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building after the play. October Spirit Crawl/Table Tipping 6 p.m. to midnight on Oct. 19. Table tipping 6-8 p.m. in the Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building $25 per person. Spirit Crawl from 8 p.m. to midnight. Access to four spirit filled buildings – Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building, Summerland House, Colby Memorial Temple and Slater House. $75. Paranormal equipment welcomed. November Community Lawn Sale 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 2 Rev. Tom Berkner Educational Building, 1090 Stevens St. Gala Day 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 16 - Gala Day December Masquerade Ball 7-11 p.m. on Dec. 28 (Dec. 18 is the actual 125th year) in the Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building. Music, refreshments, gift cards, mask competition. $25 per person or $40 per couple. SCSCMA, a nonprofit, is in the process of raising funds for our historic buildings. SCSCMA owns seven historic buildings and the organization has kept up these buildings for years. Colby Memorial Temple is our next project. We need the community’s help in raising funds. Normal events that take place in Colby Memorial Temple: Sunday Service with anywhere from 65 to 125 in attendance, Wednesday Night Message Service with anywhere from 20 to 50 in attendance, Candlelight Healing with anywhere from 20 to 30 in attendance, classes and workshops. Go to Cassadaga.org for more information. Monday morning was a new day. I woke up and everything had changed. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but there was a subtle change. I spent Friday through Sunday out of town – about five hours from the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. The break on the beach was just what I needed.
What was so different about that Monday? A feeling, a feeling of like wonderment, a feeling like something good was right around the corner. It was odd. I thought perhaps it was an adjustment period of reacquainting myself with the energy that so freely flows in the Spiritualist Camp. I went to the gym, per usual and then did my volunteer gig at the Camp office. Even then things weren’t quite jiving. I decided to go shopping, get some new clothes. I had a few readings on Tuesday, the first in five days. Things went well. Still, there was an odd energy about everything. I wondered if my guides changed. They do at times. For every new level attained, new guides present themselves. It was like I learned something new, perhaps it happened in my dream state. I just knew and felt something really good was on its way. I was the message bearer at the Wednesday night service, so I didn’t take appointments that day, which was rare. On Thursday, one of the answers sat right in front of me. My first reading that day was for a woman who’s a best-selling author on Amazon. Yep, I knew it was coming. It’s time to finish writing my next book, “The Playground.” It’s been in progress for nearly three years. I started working on it again a few months back. I was making headway when my computer crashed. Thankfully, all was saved. It broke my stride, though. Backstory: I’m a freelance writer – most times for newspapers and for a short period of time magazines. I’d procrastinate at times, but always made the deadline. I had a whole month to write a 4,000 word story for a magazine. I waited until the night before it was due to write it. It took three hours. I do have writing guides. It makes sense. We all have guides for our chosen field – a higher knowledge that comes in and takes over. One time I really didn’t like the story that I was to write. I repeated ‘I love this story,’ and prayed for my writing guides to assist. They did. Another time in a guided meditation during class, I met one of my writing guides. At the end of the meditation, we were instructed to see a feather. Mine was quill with someone who looked like Benjamin Franklin. The funny thing was a week or two later I wrote a story on a descendant of Benjamin Franklin, looked like him too. It’s not like I’m not busy. I have spent a lot of time volunteering as the public relations chair for the Camp. The 125th anniversary kickoff is May 11. Lots of planning involved. Press releases were written and sent out. I have set up numerous interviews for coverage. There’s a change in the air. My meditations have been absolutely fabulous. Incidentally, while packing for my trip Friday, a slightly larger and meaner looking spider than the last appeared in my front room. I killed it. I have shoes, brooms and flyswatters strategically placed. One morning, I saw a spirit spider on the pillow next to me. So, I finally started reading again. Made some notes and bought a new notebook for the job. I’m ready to getter done. I know good things are coming. I believe it. I saw it. I see it. I wonder if my writing guides have changed. This isn’t my normal BLOG. Just go with the flow. Live life. |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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