Yes, the saying normally goes, ‘What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander.’ Goose refers to women and Gander refers to men; hence the reverse in the title. In either case, the saying means what is good for one is good for another.
My mom used to say, ‘If there’s such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a man.’ I’d laugh, clueless to her thought process. Now that I’m older I know exactly why she said it. Yes, we have a come a long way in regard to women’s rights. It’s true we have. However, there’s still so much ground that needs to be gained. It’s not just the big things. It’s the everyday tiny things that add up. Here’s one: It’s OK if a man says something people don’t want to hear, or to even use cuss words. Yes, I’ve been known to drop the F Bomb on occasion. Trust me I am working on that. However, if a man says it, it’s OK and nothing is said or done about it. But if a woman does, it’s ‘inappropriate language.’ Really? I love this quote by Bette Davis: ‘When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.” And this one by Eleanor Roosevelt: ‘Don’t call a woman a bitch. Call her an a#@-hole. It still gets the point across and it’s not sexist. I have never really been someone who gets excited about gender inequality; however, there are lines. I really became aware of it when I saw a post on Facebook about the women’s suffrage movement. I do recall hearing in history class that women were jailed, but I never heard they were beaten – not only in jail but while walking in parade type settings. I wonder what students are being told about it today. And then there’s the constant fight of losing pounds. I’m not one to look at a scale. It’s only a number. I work out regularly. I could use a bit more self-control when it comes to food. A good friends once said, ‘I came here (the earth plane) for the food.’ LOL I get my weight when I’m at the doctor’s office. When looking at the obesity charts, why is it that men get to weigh more than women for the same height? We have more organs inside and some women have lots of muscle, which we all know weighs more than fat. You know women were leaders of religion in the early days. Why did that change? Was it because men are generally stronger than women and therefore, became dominant? Who knows? Women do have more of a voice today. And I’m sure that will continue to grow as we move forward. Only when the older generation (both women and men) and its beliefs die off will it happen. Some men walk around with an air about them, that they are entitled. Entitled to what, I ask? Really, it’s just a mindset. I, we, don’t have to fall into it. Guess what else, according to the natural law of gender, each and every one of us has female and male traits within us. Blessings of Peace and Love!
It takes a community sometimes to raise what is needed to move forward. In Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, we did just that. We needed to raise funds for the restoration of Colby Memorial Temple and we took action.
Yes, there’s the 125th Committee, or would be Group officially, that worked tirelessly since early spring on coming up with ideas and then implementing them throughout the year. The last scheduled event for the year is the Masquerade Ball to be held on Dec 28. I’m not sure how many tickets are left, but if you are interested call the bookstore at 386-228-2880 to reserve your spot. The many volunteers for this started out with the first event back in May. It’s been a long haul with volunteers dwindling for one reason or another toward the end. The effort, which was put forth to the universe, was well worth it. We’re hoping that our beloved Colby Memorial Temple will reopen no later than February. It’s been closed since June or July. It wasn’t just the Group that raised funds. The pastor of Colby Memorial Temple, other Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp members who came up with ideas along the way and members of the communities who supported our efforts. There’s always monies needed when dealing with old buildings such as ours in the Spiritualist Camp, which has been in existence since 1894, as noted in previous blogs. In 1991, it was designated as a historic district and placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Colby Memorial Temple is the gathering place for Sunday Service, Wednesday Night Message Service, Candlelight Healing Service, other Message Services, Classes and Workshops. We were and still are grateful to have other buildings, mainly the Andrew Jackson Davis Educational Building, to hold our services. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen Keller “Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.” ― Vesta M. Kelly “We're a team. It's part of our job to help each other out, and to forgive each other quickly. Otherwise, we'd never get anything done.” ― Jeramey Kraatz, Villains Rising It’s not always easy being part of a team, but it is well worth it. Find a cause and work for it. Keep going until you reach your goal. Blessings of Peace and Love! What a whirlwind. I’m home to the quietude of my Mayberry, which is Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I pulled in at about 8 p.m. Friday night. I still feel like I’m on Costa Rica time. It’s not a bad thing. However, one must make a living to live on this earth plane. But how much do we really need? I saved for quite a while to take this trip.
Had loads of fun with my daughter and her boyfriend for six days, six short days. We visited the Fortuna Waterfall, Zip lined to include the Tarzan Swing and then headed to the beach area – Tamarindo – for some horseback riding and a boat ride. What a beautiful countryside, Costa Rica. People don’t make much there, nor do they need much and the pineapple is out of this world. I truly hope to go back someday, although I’ve got my eye on a couple of other places – Egypt, Greece . . . I must say I do have a new outlook on life. Even though I love my Mayberry there’s so much more. I forget about that sometimes. What truly matters to you when it comes to your life? Really contemplate your answer. Yes, I believe we are here to help other people. It’s in my top five of importance. My biggest problem is I over care. How many of you do that too? And why? Big question that needs to be answered for me and I’m sure for a lot of you too, especially you healers and psychic mediums out there. Over caring doesn’t have to be people. It could be things too. There’s a fine line. Something for each and every one us to think about. And while we’re caring, over caring, how many people really care about us? I just reread a Facebook post: ‘Ask yourself this: How many of the people I surround myself with daily actually care about the condition of my soul?’ Think about that for a day or two and make the necessary changes, both physically and mentally. Even my apartment feels different. It’s kind of surreal. Maybe I’m just needing a vacation from my vacation. I gotta tell you my bed and my pillows were fabulous. Yes! Take time out from your normal routine, change it up! Blessing of Peace and Love! Everyone needs a break once in a while. It’s true. And I’m taking one, at least for the next six days. A six day getaway. Sweet. I won’t even know how to act. I love Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and the Mayberry atmosphere. It’s quiet for the most part.
I do have to admit the thought of not healing at Sunday Service, or doing message work at the Sunday Afternoon Service seems odd. Oh and what about the week off from doing readings. No readings for the next six days. Craziness! LOL Trust me when I say, I will miss it all; helping others is what it’s all about. Sometimes I forget about me, put myself on the backburner. I’m sure a lot of you do it too. The fun begins today; I haven’t been on an airplane in like 20 years. I’ve definitely never been out the country, at least physically. Astral travel is whole other conversation. It is the least expensive way to fly. LOL I’ve been planning this trip for many months. I’m excited to just go, to be my Sagittarius self – the adventure is awaiting. Yes! When’s the last time you took a vacation? Decide where you want to go and start planning today. Make the plan. Save the money. Just do it! Isn’t that a great saying? We all need a break, to get out of the routine. Take the time to reenergize the body, mind and spirit. Reboot. Create a new outlook on life. Step back from things and move forward with plans to reach your dreams. Cutting the blog short this time around. Hope you understand. Start making your plans for your next great adventure. I love the big picture. See it and then take the necessary steps to attain your goals. Blessings of Peace and Love! Adios, for now! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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