Admit it. You say it and/or have said it. In my younger years, I swore that I was a sailor in a past life.
I have cleaned up my language for the most part long ago, but still sometimes that F Bomb slips out. Some people believe the word and other similar words have lower-level vibrational energies. Backstory: The F Bomb was never to be said anywhere when I was growing up. I had the guts one time to say it at the dinner table. My dad had a reach like no other. I never said it again in his presence. I grew up though and when I would say it in my own house, my dad chided me saying that my kids would use the language. I didn’t believe him. Guess what? They do and at this point I’m OK with it. I have always said that regardless of what word one uses, it is the intention, the energy, behind it that counts. One of my master teachers disagreed with that idea, hence the curbing of my language. Think about it – if one uses the F Bomb with anger, it is a lower-level vibration. On the other hand, if someone says the F Bomb with laughter, perhaps with a funny joke, I believe the vibrational quality is higher. What about saying the F Bomb and having no energy around it? Not too long ago, Tom Brady did an interview with Howard Stern and used the F Bomb in passing on several occasions. It was odd hearing it from him, but his intention was not of a lower-level vibration. On another level, what if the F Bomb is said inside one’s head, not spoken out loud? Or written? Again, it’s the intention, the energy behind it. It’s not even just the F Bomb, it’s any word or words put out with negative connotations – hate, envy, fear, greed, etc. Think about it. Be mindful. I shared with my daughter the other day what grandpa once said and her thought process is ‘as long as my children do not swear at people, I’m fine with it.’ I thought it made sense and I liked it! The apple doesn’t fall from the tree! Peace P.S. I’ve had enough of writing and saying the F Bomb in my head for quite some time.
Occasionally, I change my mind. I’ve always felt that it was unnecessary to visit a gravesite. Spirit is always around us. We can talk with loved ones on the higher side at any time. It’s true.
The other day I set the intention to visit a good friend’s gravesite. It’s not like I hadn’t been there before – four times now to be exact. She’s been on the higher side for just over four years. The third time I went, I left a dime and a penny – 11 cents. It’s the Master Number of Intuition. The coins were still there. I stood chatted about our business plans for the greater good. I know she’s guiding me. I also chatted with her about the mate she is directing my way. Before getting out of my car at the cemetery, I found 11 more cents – this time a nickel and six pennies. The Master Number 22 is about being a Master Builder. We were building our business and I continue with her help from the higher side. As I got into my car, I felt that I had the support and answers as to what directions to go. I slowly turned my car around and as I was about to move forward, a hawk danced near the passenger side front windshield. It fluttered there for about 20 seconds. It’s one of her animal totems. The one word Native-American meaning: Messenger. She wanted to be sure that I knew she was there. Amazing! Thinking to a future trip – another 11 cents equal 33 cents, the Master Teacher number. That she was and continues to be. I have been teaching intuition development classes for several years – both in person and online. We shall see when those coins will be ready to drop. For today and moving forward, I believe setting the intention and then going to a gravesite can be a profound act on so many levels. It’s OK to change your mind. Blessings of Peace and Love I’ve been known to roll up my sleeves and fight for the greater good. I have no problem helping those who cannot or will not fight for themselves. I have also learned when to pick up that sword and when to remain still.
Opening your throat chakra by speaking your truth is a good start. You say I do speak my truth, which may very well be true. But how much do you swallow, do you not say because of fear, a lower-level vibration? I have been a reporter, a freelance writer for more than 25 years; heck one medium said that I was a reporter in a previous life. LOL. I never really liked reading the newspaper because most of the articles were negative. Same with watching mainstream media. I haven’t done that in forever. I have worked to raise my vibration for many years and will continue onto the next plane of existence and beyond. The way we raise our vibration is to bring more happiness, more joy, more love, more peace into our lives. Remember how that feels – play more. Connect with nature more. Ground yourself by walking barefoot in the ground and/or building sandcastles at the beach – Getting in the Dirt. Affirmations always help – I love myself and others the way I and they are, I bring joy into my life and to others, I offer positive solutions, I AM a powerful spiritual being who can make a difference in the upliftment of the collective, the oneness of all that is or ever will be. Does it mean that I am perfect? No, it does not. Sometimes I find myself Getting in the Dirt, going into lower-level vibration thoughts. I realize it and turn my attention to the positive. That’s one big aspect to change – realizing the behavior and going inside to adjust it. Good and less than good exist in everything because of the Law of Duality, which is a Natural Law. We live in the United States of America, so we get to choose. I prefer the higher vibration side, which does not include greed, power and fear. Who here wants peace, love, joy, enlightenment? I have always believed and hoped that the planet Earth would Ascend into a Higher State of Being. We are in the Aquarian Age where peace, joy and love will prevail. When is the question? Everything is in Divine Order. You may think that your little bit won’t help. That’s not true. Every little bit does help, and we can raise the vibration together and set the intention of living peacefully with love, joy, etc. Raise Your Vibration and assist Others to do the Same! Keep in mind that grass can grow in the dirt or not, again, the Law of Duality. Peace, Joy, Love and Light Sent to the World, the Universe and Beyond! There are quite a few of them to include Buddha, Maitreya, Lady Master Nada, Kwan Yin, Enoch, Sanat Kumara, Mary (mother of Jesus), Jesus and Saint Germain. Ascended Masters are those who once existed on the earth plane, learned their lessons in life and fulfilled their divine plan.
In Spiritualism, we believe in nine principles. The first is ‘We Believe in Infinite Intelligence.’ As a Spiritualist, I believe that Infinite Intelligence is an Ascended Master. Is Infinite Intelligence God, the creator of the Universe? Infinite Intelligence is what you believe it to be. Also, in Spiritualism, most believe that Jesus was the greatest healer and prophet that ever existed on this earth plane. The spark of God is within each and everyone of us. Does this mean that we are Ascended Masters? Perhaps, on some level – pointedly the Higher Self. Meditation can assist us in reaching the Higher Self. We could also do so in sleep state. Remembering in our conscious state of being is not always the easiest to achieve. There is the subconscious level, though. Have you ever awakened in the morning and just knew the answer to something, as if you were working on it all night long while asleep? I have. Where did the answer come from? I’m truly fascinated with Saint Germain. It was said that he had/has many magical powers to include the ability to teleport, levitate, walk though walls and to inspire people through telepathy. Wow, right? After the so-called death of Helen Petrovna Blavatsky, a Russian author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875, the society considered Saint Germain a Mahatma, Master of the Ancient Wisdom, or Adept. Have you ever put white light around yourself for protection? That white light comes from within, that spark of God. I have said the following nearly daily for more than 10 years. Tube of Light ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,’ enfold me now in my Mighty Magic Electronic Tube of Ascended Masters’ Light Substance! Make It so powerful no human creation can pass through! See that It keeps me Invisible, Invincible, and Invulnerable to everything but Thy Almighty Perfection; Infinitely and Divinely Sensitive to Thee and Thy Divine Perfection, ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,’ and eternally non-recordant to human creation! Wall of Blue Flame ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’ and Great Sanat Kumara! Keep me and every person, place, condition, and thing under the Radiation of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, surrounded with the Invincible Wall of Blue Flame, outside the Tube of Light, as added Protection, until all are Free in the Ascension. We thank Thee Thou dost always answer our every Call. Violet Consuming Flame ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,’ blaze up through me now, Your Mighty Violet Consuming Flame, the Purifying Power of Divine Love, in Its most Powerful, Dynamic Activity! Consume cause, effect, record, and memory forever, of all human concepts, desires, and feelings in my being and world, and every mistake for which my outer self is responsible! Replace it with the Ascended Masters’ Electronic Substance of Light, Love, Purity, and Perfection; and hold Your Dominion within me. Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am, Almighty I Am (From the I AM books by G.R. King) So, are we Ascended Masters or Not? Today, I believe that our Higher Self is an Ascended Master. The tricky part is retrieving the information when we come back to ourselves here in the 3D, believing the information received and sharing it. Thoughts to Ponder Peace |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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