I was having a moment the other day when a friend asked me if I had heard the crabs in a barrel story. I’m like no never heard it. She shared the story, which made me feel much better about situations.
Situations, you gotta love ‘em. We all get in the mix of them one time or another. I got home, looked the story up and was in awe of the many versions. I like the crabs in the bucket version best. The story goes a man was walking the beach and saw another man fishing. As he neared the fisherman, he saw the bait bucket with no lid. A bit closer now he looked inside to find it filled with sea crabs crawling on top of one another. The man wondered again about the lid and asked the fisherman, ‘Why isn’t your bait bucket covered so the crabs won’t escape?’ The fisherman replied: ‘If there is a single crab in the bucket, yes, it could escape. However, since there are so many, if one tries to crawl out, the others grab onto it, making sure it can’t escape so it will meet the same fate as the rest of them.’ Is this true? Who knows? But the idea behind it sometimes rings true when dealing with other people. Do not let people pull you back into their chaos. Don’t buy into it. Do you regardless what others think. Keep crawling out! Strive to improve yourself, raise your vibration. Be a dreamer, a go-getter. Don’t stop until you reach your goals. When we make efforts to improve ourselves and situations, others who do not may try to drag us down to share their fate, just like the sea crabs. Instead of getting pulled back down, rise anyway. Rise above it. Keep going. Set goals and continue to grow regardless of those around you. It can be difficult at times, but you can do it, and so can I. Do you! Don’t buy into other people’s reality. And finally, ‘It’s none of my business what others think of me.’ That goes for you too! Blessings of Peace and Love!
When you’re a giver, you rarely receive. It’s kind of an odd thing when it happens, but boy does it feel good.
I received a reading during Sunday Service in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. We, Mediums, rarely get one, or should I say get one from someone who does not know us. So, this Medium is a well-known Canadian. I’ve had readings previously from those who do not reside or learn their Mediumship in the U.S. It is said that Mediums from other areas are trained to give evidence. My question: Is there any other type of Mediumship? I learned in the U.S., and I give evidence. The thought never occurred to me not to, which I can thank my master teacher for this way of reading. I have thanked her on many occasions and still do when I sense her around me. Now mind you those outside of the country do have a different way of delivering a message or reading though. They wait for the recipient, the person receiving the reading, to agree or disagree. Many people think this is fishing, fishing for information. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. The reading I received was awesome. I did not feel like she was fishing. This Medium was leaving a recipient and getting ready to go to the next. Before she left she said that she wanted to leave with the name George and Harold. I’m like holy crap, that’s my dad’s name, George Harold, so I told a friend who was sitting nearby. The Medium now was moving toward my side of the room. She said a few things about this Spirit and four of us raised our hands. The Medium now said something about the name Jack. I could not believe it. I waited though because I wanted to see if someone else raised their hands. If a newcomer could get a message before me, it would be a nice experience. No one signaled, so I did. My dad always said, ‘That’s a fact Jack,’ or ‘You got that right Jack.’ I often wondered, as a kid growing up, ‘Who is Jack?’ LOL. I was happy to know dad was around, although I do spy him myself occasionally. She continued on with other information and several names – one was Elsie, an aunt who owned a steakhouse restaurant in my hometown. At one point, the Medium noted I was a writer and that I could paint. Not sure about the latter. Perhaps, I should try. She also said that I hold a lot back. One camp Medium practically rolled off his chair. I said to him, ‘You should hear what I don’t say.’ The place rolled again. LOL. It’s best to participate as much as possible in the reading. It keeps the link between Medium and Recipient. I told my sisters of the visit. They were impressed. I’m sure they have told friends too. Mediumship proves the continuity of life. Better yet, Spiritualism proves the continuity of life and has been doing so for more than 170 years. Spiritualism was called something else before that time. I have to admit it was nice to receive. It’s something I should work on – receiving more. I challenge all of you givers out there to receive more. Blessings of Peace and Love! Happy Anniversary! I wrote my first blog on Nov. 18 of 2018. It’s hard to believe a year has gone by. I’m feeling like going random. Imagine that. LOL
I’ve come to the conclusion on many occasions that someone is watching me, and yes, you too. Facebook is great to connect with family and friends. One time my daughter private messaged me and complained she had a canker sore. I wrote back that the best remedy is Alum, a white powder sold in the spice aisle at the grocery store. Hours later I saw an ad for it on Facebook. LOL So, something a little creepier happened with my iPhone 11 (and you know I looked that up to be sure I wrote it correctly – always the editor). Now mind you I am a little clueless when it comes to phones. However, I do have the basics down. The other night I was hanging out watching Netflix and got to wondering what time I should wake up. I said to myself 4 or 4:30? I gotta have a cup of tea before I head out to the gym. It’s a must. I decided 4:30. As I picked up my phone, a message popped up wanting to know if I would like to set an alarm for 4:30. That’s crazy, right? I mean really, does my phone have ESP abilities? Now that I think about it, stranger things have happened in my space at Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. At the time, it was little freaky. Hasn’t happened since. Love that Spirit has a sense of humor, or was it the phone? LOL Speaking of Cassadaga – just before Halloween a friend and I were out for a Sunday Drive (really, it was like a Tuesday night). We were coming up to Lake Helen, a small town next to Cassadaga. We took the usual right hand turn onto High Street, which leads to the Spiritualist Camp. About halfway down the road it turned dark. Almost in unison we blurted, ‘Where are we?’ We stopped to look at a street sign. It read Pennsylvania Avenue. We were way across town, down near the water. We were freaking out because we never turned a corner. We were lost for a few minutes. We agreed that we turned down the correct street because we both saw the street sign as we made the turn. Creepy, yes? It took me a minute to fall asleep that night. LOL It’s been said strange things happen in Cassadaga. I get it when it comes to my office. I’ve been doing readings in this space for probably two years. And now strange things happen out on the roads in the area. I’ve heard stories in the past. I can now attest to it. I wonder if this happens elsewhere. It must. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I’m a psychic medium. Blessings of Peace, Love and Light! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard the saying, ‘The teacher will appear when the student is ready.’ Now that I’m a teacher of mediumship I see it from another angle. ‘The students will appear when it is time to start a class.’
I finished teaching my advanced mediumship classes recently and had taught two beginner classes before that. Each class meets once weekly for eight weeks. Slowly, students have been appearing to me. I have four who are willing to commit, and possibly another one. The most recent one came to me through a longtime friend. She and I shared a couple of texts back and forth and finally I got the phone call from a woman named Mary. Love it! My master teacher, friend, business partner is/was Mary Rose. Quick backstory here: When I first started taking mediumship class with Mary Rose in 2004, I totally believed in her teachings because if I could realize I was a medium and grow my gifts and grow spiritually in her class, anyone could. It seemed after a while I started gathering people for her classes. I did it for years. So this woman Mary starts telling me her story. And we get talking woo woo. She said she was at a Reiki healing day and something told her to blurt information out for a person who sat next to her. She said everyone told her that she was a natural medium. I said it’s awesome that she got that information, but we should not be giving information/messages unless people ask. She went on to say how she felt so much from others to the point of distraction in everyday life, so I told her about the I AM Decrees, which I learned from my master teacher. In short, it’s putting white light and blue flame around you and purple flame within for protection. She said she hadn’t heard of them. I told her to look up the Saint Germain Foundation and that she could find them there. ‘You’re not going to believe this,’ she said. ‘My middle name is Germain.’ I love it! She also said that when her grandmother left this plane, she found the Saint Germain Series of Books in the attic. I’ve read several. And finally to top that off, she had planned on coming to Cassadaga one night and I was scheduled to take the money at the door. There’s your sign. She ended up having to back out from the visiting mediums class, but I still thought it to be no coincidence. She will appear in my life again. I don’t plan on starting up a new class until after the first of the year. But I kind of feel like my master teacher is orchestrating the whole thing from the other side of life. She’s finding and bringing students to me. Now that’s a blessing! Peace, Joy, Love and Light With Halloween activities coming to an end at the Hotel Cassadaga, Spirit gave me the idea to write about Vampires! Don’t you love that? LOL
I’ve seen several costumes about the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp’s Bookstore and Hotel over that past several days. I spent a couple of nights/mornings, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., patrolling the streets with another member of the Spiritualist Camp. Nothing too scary although one night a couple of kids decided to put a kayak in Spirit Pond, which is behind Colby Memorial Temple. They were promptly found and asked to leave. I do enjoy sharing posts on my Facebook Page – Life in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – Mayberry It Is. The other day I found a good one that I had seen previously. It reads: “The dead are not scary. It’s the living you have to watch out for.” Isn’t that the truth? One time many years ago in a class at the Spiritualist Camp a teacher said he was going to teach a class to a covenant and that this group had Vampires in it. We’re like really – sucking blood to live? The students in class laughed. He reminded us that anything is possible, and it is true, anything is possible. And then he decided to tell us about real life Vampires, those who drain/suck your energy. It’s the first time I really ever gave it a thought. I guess I was naïve, and still am sometimes. An acquaintance of mine is a true Vampire. She has medical issues and is continuously talking about them. In fact, she tells others that she has a disease that is going to eventually take her life. I do have to add that this scenario has been talked about by this individual for nearly 10 years. It could be longer. Every time there’s a post about it on Facebook she gets hundreds of responses, likes, sad faces and wow faces. People feed into this behavior; hence the sucking of energy – Vampiring. Look I made up a word. LOL. On some levels, I have to wonder if she knows she’s doing it – sucking other’s energy. People have to allow others to suck their energy is the truth of it. And the cycle continues. The bottom line of this whole scenario is that we are all going to “die,” leave this earth plane. I use this as an example, so that you can understand what is happening with your energy when you are around certain people. It’s our job to be aware and not allow our energy to be stolen, or given away, unless we intend to. I know it’s hard sometimes – be strong. The way to be rid of people like this in your life is to cut the etheric cords. See the cord between you and that person and cut it. Ask for their energy to be removed from you and to send it back to them and ask for your cleansed energy back from them. As far as real life Vampires? Who knows? They could exist. Why not? We live on planet in a solar system. Think about that. Blessings of Peace and Love! |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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