Are a bitch! Well, maybe not all of them.
I’m in a mood. Can you tell? I love writing, always have, always will; well, except maybe that one time I had to turn in an article that I could not figure out how to approach. Finally, with an hour or so left, I prayed to the universe for assistance. It helped. I made the deadline. As of late, I’ve noticed that my weeks turn into weeks in regard to getting my social media done – weekly YouTube videos for the past couple of years and this blog going on seven, eight years. If you have been following, you know I have probably written about some topics on more than one occasion. It’s really difficult to remember what I have covered and how I have covered it from year to year. And of course, here’s my favorite: Time (what is time?), which is needed for deadlines. My mood really depends on the weather – the warmer the better. I’m not sure when it got so cold in Florida. Perhaps, it is about losing weight and gaining in age. That’ll keep you chillier than normal. Of course, I’m still residing in an apartment built in 1896 or 1897. There’s zero insulation. I have not made it to the gym in more than a month. It’s too cold. To be fair, I did have a knee injury for two weeks, so there was that. Then there’s the silver linings in my windows. They block the sunlight. Hibernation anyone? If I could just get 50 degrees on particular mornings, I would go. That 10 pounds of insulation will take a minute to take off. Interestingly enough, the term deadline came about during the American Civil War when prisoners were not to cross a certain line in a prison. Many years later journalists aligned the term with time. When I need a topic for my blog, I’ll call certain creative people or I’ll head up to the bookstore, chat with a couple of other creatives and hopefully come up with an idea, hence deadlines. I have toyed with the idea of stopping my blog and my YouTube Channel posts for several months, but then I think of you, my followers, because all I really want to do is help others. Maybe sometimes I’m not supposed to. I can’t imagine. I know – give me an idea. What do you want to read or learn about? I’ll be happy to research it, put a spin on it and hope that it will help. There’s no deadline for that request. I love that! Blessings of Peace and Love
I love that I get to change my mind on a specific topic. When you have experiences that show you knew ways or ideas, wake up and realize that your way or thought process could use an upgrade.
I’ve resided in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp for seven or eight years this time around. I love the place, obviously, I’m still here. Development now surrounds us. At times, I can feel it closing in. Oh, to hear the stories of dirt roads and openness that rarely exists today. To the point, I went down South, where it’s at least 10 degrees warmer as to where I am. And so, in South Florida I shared energies with two fabulous people I met in Cassadaga. The moment we met was destined. I just know it. The three days and two nights were wonderful and so relaxing. We did readings for one another. I also received healings with the assist of various types of tools – crystals bowls and tuning forks. Being a conduit of the healing energies is a special gift. Time really didn’t exist. There were no expectations. On the last day, I asked the question: ‘How far away are we from Miami?’ Ready for this – ‘19 miles.’ Wild I never even knew it. So, the concept or idea of the more people, the more you feel draining energies of the collective, may not be as I thought. Made me really think about energy and the oneness that we are with all living things seen and unseen. The more the merrier. It also has to do with the sanctuary you build for self and others. I had a déjà vu moment when I saw large instruments – a rain stick, a 36-inch wind gong and symphonic chimes. I saw it in a dream, or if you will, an alternate reality. I visit places before I physically arrive. On that last day, we went to the beach. They went in the water. Had some fun chats there. And the sky danced with clouds and beautiful colors, which were captured in photographs. I finally left around 6 p.m. The 3 ½ hour drive seemed very short. Days later, we chatted. We all agreed that we were still abuzz with energy. I went back inside my place to build up my energy so as to keep others’ energies at bay. My life has been peaceful since. I cannot wait to see my friends again. So, in the end, perhaps I did not change my mind so much. It truly is what you build in your own sanctuary. Something I needed reminding of. So grateful and thankful to find true friends, my tribe. They are only a thought away. Blessings of Peace and Love Are they a thing of the past?
That question really got put to the test over the holidays. Like most grandmas, I bought gifts for my grandchildren, 3 and 1. I asked my daughter one day if I could come over to get the gifts so I could wrap them. My daughter, so busy as she is, never gave it a thought. She said the kids were going to open the boxes that had their gift bags inside. I thought about it because my gifts were in boxes too. She pointed out the extra added garbage that would end up first in her garbage and then in the landfill. Think of all that paper from how many people just in the U.S. I did agree with that. Backstory: I’ve said it for years – holidays are a way to pump the machine. Think about that. Maybe all this hoopla we call traditions really are not worth it. I tried to go with it. In the end, tradition did win out. I sat on a pillow while I wrapped the gifts on my wooden floor and picked out two bows for each gift. It took me a few minutes to get off the floor. LOL One of those gifts was a doctor set to include a white lab coat and hat, stethoscope, thermometer, bandages, scissors, etc. My grandson, Royce, loves it. The other night a flash of white zipped through the room with a needle ready to give his father a shot. From the other room: ‘Where’s my nurse?’ Persephone giggled as she ran their way. Priceless. Make-believe will always be. Is the dinner table a thing of the past? People are so in touch with one another these days – phones, tablets, laptops – that gathering for dinner is a once in a while happening. On occasion and at my daughter’s we do sit around the dinner table. Good times! The good news is that even if some traditions are a thing of the past, then maybe new traditions can be started. Be open to letting go of what once was and opening to something new. Blessings of Peace and Love We all live in one – a place that we created either in our minds or in physicality.
What is our existence about? It’s a lifelong question, perhaps. It’s what we create for ourselves. I am choosing to live in a higher vibrational state of being. When I do, I will attract more of that into my life. It’s interesting to me as to why others have judgments on other’s beliefs. Why? Who is correct and who is not? Does it really matter? Allow others to have their beliefs. Let it be. We are born into one religion, or religious belief. We have experiences and grow. We are now able to choose what we believe. I believe there to be a higher being, God. Is there one God? I believe there is. I also believe anything is possible. Everyone’s God is something to them. Is it from written words, handed down from generation to generation? Is it something we see? Or something we feel? A spark of God is in each of us. It makes sense. In fact, we all have a gift or more than one gift. In 1 Corinthians 12, the gifts include ‘the word of wisdom’ and ‘word of knowledge,’ along with ‘faith,’ ‘healing,’ ‘miracles,’ ‘prophecy,’ ‘discerning between spirits,’ ‘speaking in tongues,’ and ‘the interpretation of tongues.’ According to an AI overview: The gifts are given by Holy Spirit, which is the third person of the Trinity, ‘along with God the Father and Jesus the Son, in Christianity. The Holy Spirit is fully God, co-equal and co-eternal with the other two persons of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is often described as a comforter, counselor, and guide who empowers believers, gives spiritual gifts, and instructs in wisdom.’ Every single culture has its own belief in how its world began. There’s always a thought process as to how it all started. See the AI overviews of a few below: Big Bang Theory – ‘states that the universe began as a hot, dense point, called a singularity, that violently exploded about 13.8 billion years ago. This explosion created all matter, energy, space, and time.’ Darwin’s Theory of Evolutionary Selection “. . . holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organism's ability to adapt to its environment.’ Steady State Theory: ‘This theory proposes that the universe has no beginning or end, with new matter continuously created to fill the space as the universe expands.’ My point is there are thousands of creation stories. Who is correct? Everyone! The reason I wrote this blog is because I got a little perturbed about a friend’s Facebook comment in regard to white and dark magic and insinuating that even the white magic is less than good and not seen as good in God’s eyes – ignorant statement from someone I feel is educated. We all have a shadow side – each and every one of us. That is until this earth plane ascends to the fifth dimension. Is that possible? I pray it to be. Again, it makes me wonder about humanity – the reason for our existence. You know if people would just let people be who they are. That would be fabulous – coexist. There’s a fantasyland. What is true and what is not? Our own individual life experiences are true. But always remember, we make up the one to include plants, animals, birds, insects, minerals, anything alive and breathing on this earth plane. We are truly one. It’s time to start coming together. It is also okay to live in your little world. People know you there. For the Highest and Best of All Most days. There are upsides and downsides.
The other night I was sitting on my porch in my pajamas – sweatpants and a T-shirt. Two people were stalking me for a reading. Finally, I said if they hurried, they could get a name from the whiteboard in the Welcome Center. Minutes later my phone rang. It turned out to be the two people. Someone had recommended me. I said they could come down for a visit. We sat on my porch for 30 minutes. I am so glad they were persistent – spirit led, whatever you want to call it. I know that young man went back into life confident, more aware of what was going on his life. Did you know psychic attacks are real? When your intention is to do good, just know that less than good is lurking, looking for a way to slow you down or divert you from your intended path. The other night, like any other night for the past seven, eight years, I left my office area in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I was in the breezeway and headed toward my vehicle. What happens? I felt nothingness under my feet and was slammed to my knees. Excruciating pain. It took me a minute to gather myself. In my office, I checked to see if my knees were bleeding. They were not. Ice packs ensued. Backstory: Earlier that day I said to myself that I should put so and so’s name into the freezer. I thought it odd to say and then think it. I now gathered myself enough to scribble that person’s name on a tiny piece of paper, folded it as small as I could, and added it to the back corner of my freezer to freeze that person out of my life. Plus, I sent that energy back to the person who intended harm to me. Back Backstory: About 15 years ago, I walked with a friend and a dog she was pet sitting. We were nearing Colby Memorial Temple. I twisted my ankle and fell and nearly scraped the side of my face on the sidewalk. Oh sure, it’s easy to try and give other reasons as to why things happen. When you are who I am, a knower, and my friend, also a psychic medium in the second instance, you know. Also, I happen to be and have been athletic my entire life. I’m just not going to fall. And now to try and flip this to the positive side in which I do, that happening ultimately helped me to slow down, not to be in such a hurry. I took time off from the gym and am still in that process. I did buy a large black obsidian tower to protect myself from psychic attacks. Sometimes we, the people who intend to do good, raise the vibration of this existence, have to remember not to put our guard down. Don’t forget that. You don’t have to believe in less than good energies, but you must be aware that they do exist. It’s on you. Guess what? I’m on vacation this weekend. I have not been out of town since my springtime excursion to the Big Bend in Florida, only to return to a rat in my house. That was a hoot. Hope you read that blog. Here’s a little humor for you: I said to one of my friends if I died today, my daughter would know instantly and chuckle at the pile of tiny pieces of paper in the back corner of my freezer. We howled with laughter. Later, I thought I hope she reads the names on the tiny pieces paper just so she is aware! Blessings of Peace and Love |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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