Super excited that my sister and her grown son, and also my nephew are coming to visit. You know the jitters or anxiety you get before family arrives – I’ve had them for the past few days. Do I have enough food? Will the sleeping arrangements work out?
Incidentally, this will be the first time they will be visiting me in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. It should be quite interesting. Look for that blog in couple of weeks. Yes, they all know who I am – knowing and witnessing it firsthand are two different things. The shenanigans have already started. The other day I was rechecking plans and noticed that I have an appointment scheduled on the same day and at the same time my nephew would be leaving for the airport. The name of the client, Sue, which happens to be my sister’s name. To top that, I was leaving my grandson’s birthday party and the vehicle in front of me had a plate that started with SUE. Love the synchronicity of it. At this point, I plan to share my queen size bed with my sister. No worries. I slept with her when I visited. The second night she slept in her chair. Yes, this will be for many more nights. Backstory: The last time I shared a bed was with my friend, Lori. She was snoring in the middle of the night, so I woke her by saying my former husband’s name. LOL We both laughed in our sleep and roared the next day. I’m betting that Spirit will have some fun while my sister and nephew are here. In fact, I was told that my nephew has decided to sleep at my daughter’s home. Why? Because he doesn’t want to sleep alone in my daughter’s office, which is next to mine in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. LOL And really who can blame him. This building has been around since 1896. Lots is going on here. At first my sister was to visit alone. A month or so before she bought her tickets, I learned that there would be two for the visit. I really have to wonder if my sister will be staying with me. Perhaps, she was the one who got the heebie-jeebies in the first place. Regardless, I’m sure we will have a blast. My sister, who became a grandmother before me, gets to meet my grandchildren. I’m so excited. We might go to Disney and for sure the beach. Might even have to find a bingo game somewhere. I am hoping to take her to a message service and maybe church service. I would love it if phenomenon happened while she’s here – you know, a story or two she can carry home. Did you hear that, Spirit? Blessings of Peace and Love P.S. Spirit heard. Be careful what you ask for. My umbrella has gone missing and so has my orange marker to sign in on the whiteboard. I said bring those back, Spirit. And my last reading on Friday, I brought a Spirit through by the name of Sue.
I was at a talk not too long ago. The person shared his thoughts on natural laws. He talked about cause and effect and how everything that a person does, cause, has a consequence.
Everyday daily life situations that happen and you don’t like the result will continue until you choose another way of looking at it, or another path that will lead to a different result. I shared that it seemed to me that what was being discussed included the healing spiral. As you think you have learned or healed, it will come back around later to be sure that you have. The discussion seemed stagnated in that most there only thought to talk about how the less than good actions have consequences. I pointed out why does the cause have to be less than good? Why can’t the cause be good and therefore bring the effect of goodness? And then to expound on the negativity, a person suggested karma plays into cause and effect, and it does, but again insinuated as less than good. Is there such thing as good karma? Of course, there is. The law of vibration plays into this as well. There are hundreds of natural laws to include law of vibration, law of one, law of attraction, law of thought, law of abundance, law of choice, law of continuity, law of forgiveness and list goes on. Many of the natural laws intertwine. Backstory: One of my master teachers, now on the higher side of life, said he took a series of natural law classes with yet another master teacher. He said he asked if something came up that didn’t fit into a natural law, what should be done? He said he was told to create one for the situation. Some may say this is ludicrous. But why not? Natural laws are defined in several ways, but all seem to have the thought of morality behind them. “In science, natural law is the physical laws of nature. In legal philosophy, natural law is a set of universal truths, principles, and rules that properly govern moral human conduct,” according to the website of Cornell Law School. “In contrast to positive law, natural law is preexisting and discovered through human reason and rational analysis.” Natural laws are not a new concept. Aristotle is said to be the father of natural law. However, Sophocles, who wrote a play called Antigone, which is based on “superiority of natural law over man-made law,” came before Aristotle; hence natural laws first noted there. My go-to book on Natural Laws is The River of Life How to Live in The Flow by Marilyn J. Awtry. When contemplating your next move, perhaps think about natural laws and how they can assist. Blessings of Peace and Love My readings have become just a bit more religious in a sense.
It shows up through clients attracted to my energy (Law of Attraction). Ultimately my vibration at the time they connect with me either through the Camp’s website, the whiteboard in the bookstore or my website (Law of Vibration). I had two readings on separate days that I just knew each of the gentleman were highly evolved individuals who go out in their own way to assist humanity. The first, a very gentle soul, felt like a prophet and spoke of the Bible, of the angels who brought magic to mankind. The second felt as if he was an ordained minister. He finally did confess that he had been ordained. He said he was retired and investigating his experiences and beliefs. Part of both of their messages included continuing to go out in the world with teachings, their knowledge, and share it with others. Talk about good vibes, no judgement, healing energy swirling about the office. Think about what you can share to assist mankind and do more of that. One never knows when a profound meeting will happen. Backstory: My master teacher now on the higher side of life, Mary Rose Gray, succumbed to cancer after a 10-year fight. In the last week of her life, we spent time together at her home. One afternoon we decided to take a nap. We were down for about 15 minutes when the doorbell rang. Through the blinds, I saw an old used car. I answered the door. There stood an elderly couple – the man had a turban on his head. They felt like old souls. They were looking for Mary Rose and the Soul-ution Center, a metaphysical shop she once co-owned in Mount Dora. I let them know that she wasn’t doing well. Mary Rose heard them and hollered for me to get her. I excused myself. We got her in the wheelchair and made it to the front door. We greeted them. This time the woman pulled out a magazine article I had written on Mary Rose and the Soul-ution Center more than 10 years previous. My jaw dropped. They wanted help in finding a spiritual center, so we sent them to Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. When I closed the door, Mary Rose commented that Jesus visits in unassuming ways. Wow! One never knows who any of us will meet at any given time. I meet some pretty awesome souls in the online classes I teach. I have three starting in the fall – two beginner and one intermediate/advanced on Tuesday night and Saturday morning and Thursday night, respectively, both in September and October. What a lot of people really forget to think about is that as you grow your gifts, you grow spiritually. You may be inclined to heal past situations or even let go of those who no longer resonate. It happens when you grow. Growing your gifts and ultimately growing spiritually is not easy, nothing worthwhile is. Sometimes it’s difficult to overcome the energies that no longer work for you. If you dip back into those energies, it’s OK. Pull yourself back up. I have used the following story at least twice in previous blogs and I do feel it’s warranted here. A man was walking the beach and saw another man fishing. As he neared the fisherman, he saw the bait bucket with no lid. A bit closer now he looked inside to find it filled with sea crabs crawling on top of one another. The man wondered again about the lid and asked the fisherman, ‘Why isn’t your bait bucket covered so the crabs won’t escape?’ The fisherman replied: ‘If there is a single crab in the bucket, yes, it could escape. However, since there are so many, if one tries to crawl out, the others grab onto it, making sure it can’t escape so it will meet the same fate as the rest of them.’ Maybe, just maybe, you will be the person to pull everyone out of that bucket. Reminder: We all have the gifts. We all have the opportunity to grow. We all have a spark of the Creator within us. If you feel so inclined, send me an email at [email protected] and I will send you information about the upcoming classes. Blessings of Peace and Love I’ve been writing my blog once weekly for six years. Before that, I wrote for newspapers and magazines for 30 years. I wrote human interest stories on people, events in high schools and communities and the list goes on.
Oh, I have covered local elections a time or two and a couple of times reported election results for the Associated Press. I preferred telling people’s personal stories, though. One of my favorite mantras is ‘Everybody has a Story.’ It’s true. I love writing my blogs, which are basically ‘informal and conversational,’ which are two aspects most agreed upon when I looked up the definition of blog on the Internet. It takes a while to develop your voice when writing those types of ways. Backstory: I joked with people at times about how everyone wants to be a writer, but not everyone is. Oh, and trust me when I look back at several of my first stories to include college newspapers and ultimately daily, weekly and freelance work in publications, where I got paid, I wondered who wrote that. Me, it was me. My first ‘big’ mistake was at a daily. Let’s not forget I was 35 years old straight out of college. I wrote that a government building was only going to cost an obscure amount under $250,000. Hahaha. I was off by like a couple of million. I am thankful someone, more than likely an editor, saw something in me. So, when an organization in the area asked for writers, I thought I’d volunteer some of my blogs. Talk about hoops to jump through – first it was this, then it was that and finally a contradiction. The organization wanted blogs in ‘third person with no personal experiences.’ There’s an oxymoron for you. I laughed loudly through my apartment. BTW: I wrote my blogs in third person for maybe a month, boring. Did I mention my major is in Journalism and minor is in English Writing to include creative writing in which my professor said it’s OK to break grammar rules? I learned to write in all kinds of ways. I’m a junky. It’s fun. Backstory: I was told in a reading once that in my most recent previous life I was a writer. It’s so disheartening when others cannot or will not celebrate other people’s gifts. This is not just about the above. I posted blurbs on my Facebook pages about a possible rant for this blog. I learned that people are really going through it right now. Everything in life seems extremely emotionally heightened. I’ve written about this previously: We are a microcosm of what is going on globally. The chaos, either real or fabricated, trickles down to neighborhoods, communities and ultimately individuals. There’s lots going on and I try to give people a break, so that one day someone else might give me a break. It takes time to become a writer, to find your voice, to make something interesting enough, so that people will read it. I hope you, the reader, have read this far. Keep going. There’s more. I can be a little winded at times. Sometimes people just don’t know what they’re talking about and cannot or will not listen to others. Writing has been a huge part of my life. Has your career – office manager, CEO of a multi-million-dollar company, school bus driver, family manager. . . – been a huge part of your life? I’m sure this happens to a lot of you in your workplace, or it could happen within a family dynamic – when you know something, and no one listens. Everyone has his or her lesson(s) to learn in this thing called life. As I have said, I’ve made some mistakes in print. Here’s another good one. I wrote about part of high school being torn down, checked with three sources for the year it was built and still got it wrong. Thankfully, it could be changed online but sadly, not in the already printed version. And there were more. Each time I kicked myself for those errors more than my editor. I’ve learned to give myself a break. We’re all human and not perfect beings. Love me some quotes: ‘Everyone makes mistakes. It's what you do after the mistake that matters’ by Kristan Higgins. And by Stephen King: ‘If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.’ Hope you made it this far. Smile Blessings of Peace and Love P.S. If you want to improve your writing, start doing it more, and keep at it. I cannot believe that I have never written about the bats that reside somewhere atop the Hotel Cassadaga and/or in the trees surrounding it. Perhaps, I have already written it or dreamed I wrote it or wrote it in dream.
I’d like to say there are hundreds of bats, give or take a few. They come out at 4 p.m. every single day. They make fluttering noises with their wings and use them as hands to crawl. The chirping and squeaking noises are very loud at times. They fly in groups of sometimes 10 or 12. I am in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and the back corner of the hotel is catty-corner from the building I reside in. Backstory: Long ago when my daughter was a teen, a friend of hers called to come over and remove a baby bat, which had fallen from inside the chimney. It was the cutest little thing. When looking at a bat as an animal totem, the Native-Americans claim that it is a sign of rebirth and regeneration. It signifies a death of something that no longer serves your higher calling. If this is true, I must be morphing into something new every single day since residing in my space, which has been six or seven years. Wow, my head is spinning just thinking about that. Bats always seem to be around when darkness prevails. Scary movie anyone? Of course, the bat symbolizes much more. According to Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speaks, bats are about transition and initiation. He noted that bats are a ‘symbol of promise amidst the sometimes-chaotic energies of change.’ Pay attention to the animals, insects, birds that you see and look them up as animal totems. What are you thinking about when you see that animal, insect or bird? The answer to your question is right in front of you. Some say each of us has nine animal totems. Think about the animals, insects and birds you see more often. Make a list and look them up. We also have helpers who come in from time to time when something else is needed. Animals, plants and minerals are alive with us. It makes sense that the universe would conspire to assist us when we are looking for answers. Leaving you with this quote, which makes me think of bat medicine: “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional” – John C. Maxwell. Blessings of Peace and Love P.S. Bats cannot take off from the ground, which really makes it relatable to change for me. They probably change midair. I have to wonder if bats are ever grounded in their thought processes. |
AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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