When I was in the student program in Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, I used to go on the Saturday night orb tour in the Camp. It starts at 7:30 p.m. on the porch of the Bookstore. It was either that or a séance, both intriguing in their own way.
Orbs are said to be how Spirit travels. I love this notion. I’ll always be a skeptic. It’s healthy when dealing with type of phenomena. On one particular occasion, I was on the tour and the group walked by Blackhawk Park. A person next to me was looking at a photo she took. I looked, too. A Native-American in full headdress could be seen in the photograph. How cool is that? After a while, I saw orbs with my eyes, so I no longer went on the tour. It’s a great starting point. The first time I saw an orb with my eyes was at a friend’s house, which was a couple of miles from the Camp. I was sitting and chatting with her in the living room. I looked beyond her and saw an orb. She asked, ‘Do you see the face in the orb?’ First of all I was amazed she knew exactly what I was looking at, and as if on cue, a Spirit face with hair appeared in the orb. I was amazed. These days it’s not unusual for me to see orbs while driving down the road. It’s usually around 7:30 p.m. The other day I was driving away from the beach, hundreds of orbs danced about. My friend also saw them. I get so excited every time that happens. There’s more to this 3D world than meets eye. One of my Spiritual teachers is big into phenomena. I sat in a phenomena circle for 18 months. It met same time, same place with generally the same people once weekly. Lots of rapping and spirit lights going on there. The teacher channeled high spiritual beings that shared knowledge. Afterward, photos were taken around him. Yep, you guessed it – orbs galore. One teaching I got from him and will share here is about meditation. If you are growing your gifts, meditation is a must. I know I have preached this over and over again. Decide where you’re going to meditate and take a picture of that space. After eight weeks meditating daily in the same space at the same time, take a picture of that space. There should be orbs there. Here’s a fun little story. That teacher’s wife loves to blow bubbles. It’s great because it lightens the mood. One night she stood by Colby Memorial Temple with this large wand that made huge bubbles. After letting a few go, she and her husband heard people up the street screaming in excitement that they could see orbs coming of the street. LOL Seriously though, orbs are a way for Spirit to get around. More importantly it’s a starting point for nonbelievers. Here’s a great pic of a couple of orbs in plane daylight with myself and two others. www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1495063134047186&set=pob.100006305411571&type=3&theater. You cannot make this stuff up. Well, I guess some people do. But why? Blessings!
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AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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