Grammy loves her Dante, my new 14-year-old Corgi housemate. There have been tough times though. Times of tears. I’ve had a dog before, so I thought this would be a breeze. He knows me. He’s known me for seven years. However, he did not know my home. The transition made him a little stressed, well a little more than a little. He bit his back leg, so much that I had to finally get a cone. Poor thing. After using different types of remedies, it started to heal. As you can imagine, the cone was not something he liked. Who would?
Since a youngster, Dante had been kettle trained. When I left for more than two hours, he went inside. And of course, he likes the ones with very little holes because it makes him feel safe. He’s a rescue. He and his cone head barely fit into his ‘house.’ Somehow, he bit the sides of his cone and finally completely wrecked his house. It was on its last legs. I went out to buy a pillow cone. He seemed much happier with it. When I left and came back, he chewed his leg raw. I cried like a baby, probably worse. I wondered why my healing abilities weren’t coming into play. Later, in a better state of mind, I reminded myself that healing only occurs when it is supposed to, so my agenda was a moot point. If it is to be, it will be. Thank goodness the old cone was still usable. It wasn’t long and his larger house and new cone arrived. Everything is going well again. His leg is mending and he’s finally getting used to his larger house with holes to see everything. He still wears his cone. I’m hoping it won’t be long and I’ll be able to keep it off for good. On another note but related, I took my crystals off my dresser top to dust and put them back the way I thought they should be. Spirit always makes changes. A small, clear, glass ball moved across the dresser. I thought nothing of it and put it back. The next day as I walked by the dresser my sodalite fell off or was pushed off onto the ground. Cool, right? I noticed the small ball had moved again. This time I left it. I went to my daughter’s house to pick up Dante’s new bed. I told her the sodalite story. She asked, ‘Did Dante eat it?’ Yikes! The thought never crossed my mind that he would. I said, ‘Are you kidding me? I would be crying my eyes out and he would be here right now.’ We laughed. I brought home his new bed. He had a field day in it. Made my heart warm and brought joy, so I videoed it and sent it to my daughter. Good times! Blessing of Peace and Love!
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AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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