I’ve spoken about mediumship quite a bit so far. It’s time to switch gears just a bit. Healing is the highest form of the spiritual gifts. I am a certified medium in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I am not a certified healer in the Camp. I choose not to be at the time I went into student program, which generally takes four to six years to complete. It does not mean that I’m not a healer. First, a medium is a healer in the sense that we help people. Plus, I am a Reiki Level II Practitioner and Arcing Light Teacher. A hands on healer is a conduit of the healing energy, allowing it to flow through to the recipient for body, mind, spirit healing.
Early in my journey I went to a medium for a reading. During that reading, I was told that I had healing hands and there must’ve been a time when someone had said so. Backstory: When I was about 7 years old, I would go upstairs and rub my aunt’s feet. She used to say, ‘You have healing hands.’ I knew it was a good thing because she loved it. I didn’t mind doing it, and most of the time she gave me a quarter afterward. So when my dad died, I made myself sick. After about a year, I went to a Reiki Master and received my first attunement. It was the most amazing experience. The whole world opened up. It was surreal, larger than life. I healed myself. I stopped at Reiki II because I found Arcing Light. One day a month for five or six years, I was the healer at a Spiritualist church in Orange City. One never knows how those who receive healings are healed unless they tell you about it later. I do recall several times when recipients shed tears during healings. Profound experiences. The frog animal totem is about healing and cleansing. In the “Medicine Cards, The Discovery of Power through the Ways of Animals” by Jamie Sams and David Carson, it states: “Frog teaches us to honor our tears, for they cleanse the soul.” Speaking of animal totems, last week I recall saying that my unfinished book was calling. I do get busy volunteering in various capacities in the Spiritual Camp. And so yesterday I set about mopping the floors. Of course, I was working with socks on. As I went to sweep the bathroom floor, a SPIDER came out and played dead. I’m like really. I stood there and had a quick conversation with spirit. The bleach filled spray bottle became my savior for the moment. The spider ran. I ran. When I got back with my shoe, I saw it and killed it. Questions come to mind – Did I manifest that? Did I see it days before it happened? Or was it just there (for my left brainers reading this)? I still ponder this. On the way to the gym this morning, a group of vultures, or a committee of vultures, were in the roadway, pecking at the latest kill. I thought about the time I saw just one vulture in the middle of a road. That was in Orlando. Surely, an oddity. About a mile down the road from the committee I saw one vulture on the side of the road. Did I manifest that or did I know it would be there because I saw it? And then there was the time I was driving down the road and thought of peacock walking down the side of it. Moments later there it was. No matter our beliefs helping others is why each and every one of us are here on this earth plane. Keep that in mind when you walk through life. Help others. It helps the collective consciousness to rate at a higher vibration. Blessings!
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AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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