My office is in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I love this place. It’s so peaceful and quiet. I’ve had the opportunity to reside in the Spiritualist Camp on many of occasions. I’ve waited for a long time for “things” to happen in this space. For the most part, it’s been my thought to just happily reside, coexist, with the Spirits. A couple of years ago I resided in a different space in the Spiritualist Camp when a friend of mine came to visit. I pointed out the kitchen floor between the bathroom and my bedroom, a heavily walked area. I asked, ‘Do you see those footprints that are like a size 15 shoe?’ She said she did. I said, ‘That’s one of the Spirits who resides here.’ She asked, ‘What’s his name?’ My response was ‘I have no idea. I just simply reside with them. I do not talk to them.’ That morning I went to the pastor’s breakfast. I left my friend behind. Upon my return, I saw she had mopped the kitchen floor. She said, ‘Joe was here and I asked him why? He said he was looking over you.’ I couldn’t believe she did that. ‘I told you I don’t talk to Spirits in this place.’ She laughed and so did I.
I waited patiently for someone to show themselves in my office, at times a place to sleep. One day I noticed my black heeled shoes were next to the bed, so I nudged them just under it. A few days later I went to get my shoes and one was gone. A fine time for Spirit to show up in my space. And ironic – my topic at church was to be “Overcoming Challenges.” I looked under that bed three times hoping that Spirit would bring back my shoe, to no avail. It’s not that big of a place. I looked frantically throughout it. I ended up wearing my black flip flops with bling. I made a short reference to this experience on my Facebook page Life in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – Mayberry It Is. I had one response that this happens everywhere. I believe it to be true, especially for those who meditate on a daily basis. We meditators build our own portal of energy, which allows us to ultimately astral travel. Our souls/spirits leave our bodies at night when we go to sleep, and they return when we awaken. If you have not started your daily meditation practice yet, please do. I’ve been mediating since 2004, and for the first three years, I meditated same time, same place every day. I’ve had some amazing experiences that will be shared in my next book, “The Playground.” Lie down in your bed while meditating. We must be comfortable. Rest your arms at your side with palms up in receiving position. I like to have music in the background; nothing upbeat, no lyrics, or reoccurring threads. When you start thinking about what you should be doing other than meditating, place your focus on the Third Eye, the space between your eyebrows (a tiny bit above them), and your breathing – in and out. This should bring you back into the meditative state. If you only can meditate for five minutes the first day, good for you. Build on it each day. No worries if you fall asleep because your guides are still working with you and eventually you’ll be able to maintain the meditative state. Hope to hear about your experiences. By the way, it’s been months and my shoe still has not returned. Peace and Love.
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AuthorLori Carter is a freelance writer and Spiritualist Medium -- truly a Spiritual Being, and aren't we all. Archives
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